Om slægterne Brændgaard & Heilesen

Hans Ebbe Brandstrup

Mand 1898 - 1996  (97 år)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Hans Ebbe Brandstrup blev født den 23 okt. 1898 i Vor Frue, Sokkelund, København; blev døbt den 24 jun. 1899 i Vor Frue, Sokkelund, København; døde den 7 jul. 1996; blev begravet i 1996 i København, Vestre Kirkegård.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: 1925; Læge
    • Titel: 1930;
    • Beskæftigelse: 1941, Rigshospitalet, Sokkelund, København; Professor
    • Bopæl: 1943, Rigshospitalet, Sokkelund, København; Adresse:
      Juliane Mariesvej 8


    Søn af billedhugger Ludvig Brandstrup and Berta Nancy Hirschsprung.

    BRANDSTRUP Ebbe professor, dr. med., Ri., M.TKha.p.p.; f. 23/10 1898 i Kbh; søn af billedhugger Ludvig Brandstrup (død 1935) og hustru Bertha Nancy f. Hirschsprung; gift 11/5 1926 m. Inger B., f. 13/12 i Kbh, datter af grosserer Louis Nathan og hustru Ingeborg f. Seligman (død 1949).
    Student (Frdbg. gymn.) 1916; med. eks. 1925; hospitalsuddannelse i Kbh og provinsen 1925-30; dr. med. (Om nogle Stoffers Overgang fra Moder til Foster) 1930; 2. reservelæge ved rigshospitalets fødeafd. A 1930; 2. reservekirurg ved Kbhs amtssygehus i Gentofte 1931-32; studierejser i Europa i 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934; specialistanerk. (gynækologi og obstetrik) 1934; 1. reservelæge ved amtssygehuset i Sønderborg 1934; 1. reservelæge ved statshospitalet smstds 1934-35; deltog i konkurrencen om professoratet i obstetrik ved Kbhs univ. 1935; underaccouchør ved rigshospitalets fødeafd. A 1935; assist. og indlæggende læge ved Skt. Lukas Stiftelse 1938; overaccouchør ved rigshospialet og professor ved jordemoderskolen 1941-68: ved Karolinska Sjukhuset i Stockholm 1943-44; lektor ved Bristols universitet og leder af Southmead Hospitals gynækologisk-obstetriske afd. 1944-45. Formand for indenrigsministeriets udvalg vedr. fødselshjælp m. v. 1948-56, for Foreningen for Gynækologi og Obstetrik
    1949-51, for Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik og Gynækologi 1960 og for jordemodereksaminationskommissionen 1941-68; præsident for XII nordiske gynækologkongres 1962; medl. af retslægerådet 1945-69, af bestyrelsen for mødrehjælpen og af
    bestyrelsen for Støtteforeningen for Mødre og Børn 1941-69; medl. af Svenske Låkaresallskapet 1945; æresmedlem af Glasgow University medicochirurgical Society 1948; korresp. medl. af Société Francaise de Gynecologie 1949, æresmedlem af samme 1954; æresmedlem af Royal Society of Medicine, obstetrical section, London 1951 og af South Western Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, England 1964. Talrige arbejder over obstetriske emner 1927-68. Udenl. orden: Stb.M.S.F.
    Adresse: Sølvg. 22,1307 Kbh K. (Blå Bog)

    Embedseksamen 1925, Københavns Universitet.

    Afhandling: Om nogle Stoffers Overgang fra Moder til Foster.

    1943: Professor i kvindesygsomme og forløsning, Rigshospitalet.
    Professor ved Jordemoderskolen 1941-1968.

    Ved reg. som flygtning i Sverige 3 Oct 1943.

    Familiegravsted. Afbildet (2004).

    Hans blev gift med Inger Frida Nathan den 11 maj 1926 i København, Københavns Rådhus. Inger (datter af Louis Nicolay Marcus Nathan og Ingeborg Seligmann) blev født den 13 dec. 1902 i Sankt Jacob, Sokkelund, København; døde den 8 aug. 1994; blev begravet i 1994 i København, Vestre Kirkegård. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

    1. 2. Niels Ebbe Brandstrup  Efterkommere til dette punkt blev født den 23 feb. 1929 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; blev døbt den 2 dec. 1938 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; døde den 16 apr. 2016 i Santa Clara, Californien, USA; blev begravet den 16 aug. 2016 i København, Vestre Kirkegård.
    2. 3. Torkil Brandstrup  Efterkommere til dette punkt blev født den 9 okt. 1932 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; blev døbt den 2 dec. 1938 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; døde den 7 okt. 1999 i Helleruplund, Sokkelund, København; blev begravet i 1999 i København, Vestre Kirkegård.
    3. 4. Gregers Mikael Brandstrup  Efterkommere til dette punkt blev født den 24 okt. 1938 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; blev døbt den 2 dec. 1938 i Sankt Jacob, Sokkelund, København; døde den 3 feb. 1961 i København, Sokkelund, København; blev begravet i 1961 i København, Vestre Kirkegård.

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  Niels Ebbe BrandstrupNiels Ebbe Brandstrup Efterkommere til dette punkt (1.Hans1) blev født den 23 feb. 1929 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; blev døbt den 2 dec. 1938 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; døde den 16 apr. 2016 i Santa Clara, Californien, USA; blev begravet den 16 aug. 2016 i København, Vestre Kirkegård.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: 1955; Læge
    • Udvandring: 1974
    • Nekrolog: 26 apr. 2016


    Navngivet af faderen 22 Feb 1930.
    Forældrenes bopæl: Hjortøgade 33. Samme dato som brrødrene Torkil og Gregers.

    Hjemmedøbt, Tuborgvej 85.

    Niels E. Brandstrup, MD, Resident of Los Altos
    Niels E. Brandstrup, MD, a pediatrician who practiced in Mountain View, California for over 30 years, died peacefully at his home in Los Altos on April 16, 2016 after a long illness. Born in Copenhagen, Denmark on February 23, 1929, he was one of three sons of Ebbe Brandstrup MD and Inger Brandstrup (nee Nathan). He was predeceased by his younger brothers Torkil and Mikael. His father was a prominent obstetrician and professor of midwifery in Copenhagen. During the Nazi occupation in World War II, the family's Jewish background forced them to flee Denmark under cover of night to Sweden where they lived for several years until after the war in 1945.
    Brandstrup received his MD from the University of Copenhagen Faculty of Medicine in 1955. He pursued his pediatric training in Copenhagen, Boston, and Toronto, followed by a year of laboratory research in St. Louis. In 1961 he was recruited as a post-doctoral research fellow at Children's Hospital at Stanford, remaining there through 1963. Afterward, he studied childhood infectious diseases in Gothenburg, Sweden and then practiced general pediatrics near Copenhagen for several years.
    Returning to California in 1974, he joined the office practice of pediatricians Donald Lathrop MD and George Kirn MD. Anita R. Juvvadi MD joined his practice in 2001, assuming care of his many grateful patients and families after he retired in 2006.
    While in practice, he held staff appointments at both El Camino Hospital in Mountain View and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford. In recognition of his many years of volunteer service and teaching activities in the Endocrine and Rheumatology Clinics he received the title of Adjunct Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine. Even after retiring from office practice, he continued to serve in the clinic and attended Pediatric Grand Rounds until just recently when his Parkinson's Disease and dementia made it very difficult to get around.
    Niels Brandstrup will be remembered as a warm, compassionate and very gracious gentleman of 'the old school'. He wrote letters and cards by hand, until just a few months ago. He loved being with friends and meeting new people, not just in the Bay Area and his homeland but wherever he traveled across North America and abroad. His kindness, sense of humor and infectious laugh endeared him to people of all ages. Until the past year, he enjoyed swimming at Stanford, going to the movies and theater, listening to music, and attending concerts, the opera and the ballet. He was an avid reader of both the classics and modern literature. He collected art in its many forms, including sculpture, ceramics, pottery, and paintings.
    Friends and colleagues who have been welcomed into his Danish-designed home in Los Altos are well aware of how much he loved being there, bathed in the California light and surrounded by his cherished art, music, books and family heirlooms. This was a major factor in the decision of a few close friends to help him remain there as long as possible. Thanks to home health aide Laly Martinez, caregivers Christian Gogo, Africa Morales and their supervisor Melanie from Home Care Assistance, and to hospice care staff at Pathways, he was able to enjoy the peace and comfort of his home until the very end.
    A celebration of life will be held at 3 pm on Sun. May 15th at El Camino Hospital, 2500 Grant Rd, Mountain View, in the Ground floor conference rooms next to the cafeteria.
    Published in San Jose Mercury News/San Mateo County Times from Apr. 26 to Apr. 30, 2016

    Niels E. Brandstrup, MD, Resident of Los Altos
    Niels E. Brandstrup, MD, a pediatrician who practiced in Mountain View, California for over 30 years, died peacefully at his home in Los Altos on April 16, 2016 after a long illness. Born in Copenhagen, Denmark on February 23, 1929, he was one of three sons of Ebbe Brandstrup MD and Inger Brandstrup (nee Nathan). He was predeceased by his younger brothers Torkil and Mikael. His father was a prominent obstetrician and professor of midwifery in Copenhagen. During the Nazi occupation in World War II, the family's Jewish background forced them to flee Denmark under cover of night to Sweden where they lived for several years until after the war in 1945.
    Brandstrup received his MD from the University of Copenhagen Faculty of Medicine in 1955. He pursued his pediatric training in Copenhagen, Boston, and Toronto, followed by a year of laboratory research in St. Louis. In 1961 he was recruited as a post-doctoral research fellow at Children's Hospital at Stanford, remaining there through 1963. Afterward, he studied childhood infectious diseases in Gothenburg, Sweden and then practiced general pediatrics near Copenhagen for several years.
    Returning to California in 1974, he joined the office practice of pediatricians Donald Lathrop MD and George Kirn MD. Anita R. Juvvadi MD joined his practice in 2001, assuming care of his many grateful patients and families after he retired in 2006.
    While in practice, he held staff appointments at both El Camino Hospital in Mountain View and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford. In recognition of his many years of volunteer service and teaching activities in the Endocrine and Rheumatology Clinics he received the title of Adjunct Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine. Even after retiring from office practice, he continued to serve in the clinic and attended Pediatric Grand Rounds until just recently when his Parkinson's Disease and dementia made it very difficult to get around.
    Niels Brandstrup will be remembered as a warm, compassionate and very gracious gentleman of 'the old school'. He wrote letters and cards by hand, until just a few months ago. He loved being with friends and meeting new people, not just in the Bay Area and his homeland but wherever he traveled across North America and abroad. His kindness, sense of humor and infectious laugh endeared him to people of all ages. Until the past year, he enjoyed swimming at Stanford, going to the movies and theater, listening to music, and attending concerts, the opera and the ballet. He was an avid reader of both the classics and modern literature. He collected art in its many forms, including sculpture, ceramics, pottery, and paintings.
    Friends and colleagues who have been welcomed into his Danish-designed home in Los Altos are well aware of how much he loved being there, bathed in the California light and surrounded by his cherished art, music, books and family heirlooms. This was a major factor in the decision of a few close friends to help him remain there as long as possible. Thanks to home health aide Laly Martinez, caregivers Christian Gogo, Africa Morales and their supervisor Melanie from Home Care Assistance, and to hospice care staff at Pathways, he was able to enjoy the peace and comfort of his home until the very end.
    A celebration of life will be held at 3 pm on Sun. May 15th at El Camino Hospital, 2500 Grant Rd, Mountain View, in the Ground floor conference rooms next to the cafeteria.
    Published in San Jose Mercury News/San Mateo County Times from Apr. 26 to Apr. 30, 2016
    samme nekrolog i Los Altos Town Crier, 4 May 2016.

  2. 3.  Torkil Brandstrup Efterkommere til dette punkt (1.Hans1) blev født den 9 okt. 1932 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; blev døbt den 2 dec. 1938 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; døde den 7 okt. 1999 i Helleruplund, Sokkelund, København; blev begravet i 1999 i København, Vestre Kirkegård.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: Eksportchef


    i Hjemmet, Tuborgvej 85. Samme dato som brødrene Niels Ebbe og Gregers.

    Torkil Brandstrup, Jægersborg Allé 247, 2. th., 2820 Gentofte.

    Familiegravsted. Afbildet (2004).

  3. 4.  Gregers Mikael Brandstrup Efterkommere til dette punkt (1.Hans1) blev født den 24 okt. 1938 i Hellerup, Sokkelund, København; blev døbt den 2 dec. 1938 i Sankt Jacob, Sokkelund, København; døde den 3 feb. 1961 i København, Sokkelund, København; blev begravet i 1961 i København, Vestre Kirkegård.


    Forældrenes adresse: Tuborgvej 85, faderen reservekirurg.

    Samme dato som brødrene Niels Ebbe og Torkil.

    Sidste bopæl samt d. i København.

    Familiegravsted. Afbildet (2004).