Om slægterne Brændgaard & Heilesen

Peter Miller Hortness[1, 2, 3]

Navn Peter Miller Hortness Kaldenavn Pete Fødsel 10 jun. 1916 Roberts, South Dakota, USA Adresse:
SissetonBeskæftigelse Roberts, South Dakota, USA [4]
Gårdejer Adresse:
Wilmot- samt Peever
Bopæl 1940 Roberts, South Dakota, USA [5]
Lawrence- US Census 1940, Apr 2 1940. Lawrence Township, Roberts, South Dakota: Hortness, Holger, Head, 52, (school) 8, Denmark, Farmer, Farm. Med ægtefælle Hortness, Efra (Wife, 48, (school) h3, South Dakota), og børnene Hortness, Melvin (Son, 25 S, (school) h4, South Dakota, Attendant, Gasstation, (løn) 450), Hortness, Miller (Son, 23, S, (school) h4, South Dakota, Farmer, Farm), Hortness, Norman (Daughter, 19, S, (school) h4, South Dakota, Waiter, Restarant) (Løn) 44), Hortness, Delbert (Son, 14, S, (school) 7, South Dakota, Hortness, Stanley (Son, 10, S, (school) 7, South Dakota), Hortness, Wallace (Son, 4, South Dakota).
Begravelse feb. 1979 Roberts, South Dakota, USA [6]
Peever Cemetery- Gravsten afbildet. Sammen med ægtefællen.
Død 8 feb. 1979 Roberts, South Dakota, USA Adresse:
Peever- Heyden anfører Sisseton, som også ligger i Robets county.
Person-ID I655 Simon Sidst ændret 1 nov. 2022
Far Holger Hortness, f. 2 jan. 1888, Vrensted, Børglum, Hjørring d. 5 apr. 1986, Long Prairie, Minnesota, USA
(Alder 98 år)
Mor Efra Peterson, f. 21 aug. 1892, Brookings, South Dakota, USA d. 30 jul. 1980, Long Prairie, Minnesota, USA
(Alder 87 år)
Ægteskab 9 sep. 1911 Brookings, South Dakota, USA [7]
White- Muligt yderliger barn: Donald Hortness (f. og d. 1930), [begr Peever Cemetery i nærheden af andre Hortness-familiemedlemmer]
Familie-ID F224 Gruppeskema | Familietavle
Familie Delores E. Chilson, f. 30 jul. 1916, Roberts, South Dakota, USA d. 9 nov. 2011, Minnehaha, South Dakota, USA
(Alder 95 år)
Ægteskab 5 jul. 1940 Lyon, Iowa, USA Adresse:
Rock Rapids- Dato anført på fælles gravsten.
Børn 1. Nulevende 2. Nulevende Familie-ID F2320 Gruppeskema | Familietavle Sidst ændret 1 nov. 2022
Kilder - [S14] Heiden, Evelyn & Allan - Meddelelse.
- [S173] Tipton, Jim, m.fl. (red.), Find a Grave, (, 25 apr. 2019,
- [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (, 24 okt. 2021,
- [S173] Tipton, Jim, m.fl. (red.), Find a Grave, (, 25 apr. 2019,
ID 8100625 - [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (,
24 Oct 2021
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 25 May 2021), Melvin Hortness in household of Holgar Hortness, Lawrence Township, Roberts, South Dakota, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) , sheet , line , family , Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll . - [S403] BillionGraves, (, 1 nov. 2022,
- [S403] BillionGraves, (, 1 nov. 2022,
- [S14] Heiden, Evelyn & Allan - Meddelelse.