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![Eleanor Catherine Dam](img/female.jpg)
Eleanor Catherine Dam
Navn Eleanor Catherine Dam Fødsel 18 sep. 1909 Nebraska, USA Beskæftigelse 1930 Sheridan, Nebraska, USA [1]
Lærer Adresse:
Gordon, Sheridan NE- US Census 1930, Gordon Precint, Sheridan, Nebraska: Dam, Ingrid M., Head H, 51, Wd, Denmark (begge forældre Denmark), Farm Manager, Farm. Med børnene Dam, Henry G. (son, 26, S, Nebraska, Farm Laborer, Farm), Dam, Eleanor C. (Daughter, 20, S, Nebraska, Teacher, Public School), Dam, Raymond J. (Son, 16, S, Nebraska), samt en landarbejder.
Beskæftigelse 1940 [2] Husbestyrerinde - US Census 1940, Wheatland, Platte, Wyoming: Elliot, Joe, Head, 53, Wd, (School) C4 Iowa, (t/u) 48, carpenter, Contractor. Med Garrett, Harold W ( Lodger, 32, (School) C4, Colorado), og Garrett, Eleanor (Housekeeper, (School) C3, Nebraska).
Beskæftigelse 1950 Platte,, Wyoming, USA [3]
Bogholder Adresse:
Wheatland, Platte WY- US Census 1950, 1403 [u gadenavn], Wheatland, Platte, Wyoming: Garrett, Harold W, Lodger, 42 Colorado, (t/u) 96, Operator, Retail grocery store. Med ægtefælle Garrett, Eleanor C (Wife, 40, Nebraska, (t/u) 30, Clerking, Bookkeeping, Ratail grocery store), og børnene Garrett, John C. (Son, 6, Wyoming), Garrett, Joann (Daughter 3,Wyoming).
Person-ID I22035 Simon Sidst ændret 4 jun. 2024
Far Jørgen Christiansen Dam, f. 27 feb. 1859, Sønder Galten, Framlev, Århus d. 21 jan. 1927, Sheridan, Nebraska, USA
(Alder 67 år)
Mor Inger Marie Katrine Jørgensen, f. 12 sep. 1878, Åby, Hasle, Århus d. 21 sep. 1956, Platte,, Wyoming, USA
(Alder 78 år)
Ægteskab 12 dec. 1901 Sheridan, Nebraska, USA [4, 5]
Rushville, Sheridan NE- Yderligere barn i ægteskabet: Clara K. Dam (f. 1910; d. som spæd).
Familie-ID F8772 Gruppeskema | Familietavle
Familie Harold William Garret, f. 8 jan. 1908, Denver, Colorado, USA d. 31 jan. 1996 (Alder 88 år)
Ægteskab 20 aug. 1935 Larimer, Colorado, USA [6]
Windsor, Larimer CO- Børn i ægteskabet (ilf. USCensus 1950; ej søgt yderligere information):
(Anonym) Garrett (f. c. 1944),
(Anonym) Garrett (f. c. 1947).
Familie-ID F8775 Gruppeskema | Familietavle Sidst ændret 4 jun. 2024
Kilder - [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (, 4 jun. 2024,
"United States Census, 1930", , FamilySearch ( : Sat Mar 09 09:28:03 UTC 2024), Entry for Inger M Dam and Henry G Dam, 1930. - [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (,
"United States Census, 1940", , FamilySearch ( : Sun Mar 10 08:32:29 UTC 2024), Entry for Joe Elliott and Harold W Garrett, 1940. - [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (, 4 jun. 2024,
"United States Census, 1950", , FamilySearch ( : Fri Mar 15 22:30:30 UTC 2024), Entry for Harold W Garrett and Eleanor C Garrett, 10 April 1950. - [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (,
"Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", , FamilySearch ( : 8 June 2021), John C Dam, 1901. - [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (, 4 jun. 2024,
- [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (, 4 jun. 2024, .
"Colorado Statewide Marriage Index, 1853-2006", , FamilySearch ( : Fri Mar 15 02:22:47 UTC 2024), Entry for Harold W Garrett and Eleanor Dam, 20 Aug 1935.
- [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (, 4 jun. 2024,