Om slægterne Brændgaard & Heilesen
Kjeld Rasmussen
Navn Kjeld Rasmussen Fødsel 2 mar. 1910 Marstal Landsogn, Ærø, Svendborg [1]
Beskæftigelse 1930 Esbjerg, Skast, Ribe [2, 3]
Matros - FT 1930, M/S Esbjerg, Esbjerg
Rasmussen, Kjeld, 2/3 1910 Ommel, Letmatros.
Adskillige indrejser i USA, 1936-1948 som able seaman. Krigssejler, overleve torpedering:
Ved indrejse til USA med SS Sibone 5 Sep 1942 fra Gavrock Scotland:
Rasmussen, Kjeld, 32, Seaman, survivor SS Alcoa Ranger
"Alcoa Ranger, Steam merchant, 5,116 tons, Position 71° 38'N, 49° 35'E - Grid AT 4876
Complement 40 (0 dead and 40 survivors). Convoy PQ-17 (dispersed). Route Philadelphia - Archangel
Cargo 7200 tons of steel, armor plates, flour and 19 tanks as deck cargo
At 07.40 hours on 7 July 1942, U-255 fired a spread of two torpedoes at two freighters from convoy PQ-17 which had been dispersed on Admiralty orders in the Barents Sea on 4 July. The torpedoes missed due to the great distance of about 6000 meters, but another torpedo fired at 09.27 hours hit the Alcoa Ranger (Master Vernon Lancelot Jubb). The torpedo struck on the starboard side at the #2 hold, opening a large hole and causing the vessel to list heavily to starboard. The eight officers, 26 men and six British gunner (the ship was armed with two old AA guns and one .30cal Lewis MG) abandoned ship in three lifeboats 15 minutes after the attack.
The U-boat surfaced after the attack and headed towards the second freighter which had stopped, but he escaped so they returned to Alcoa Ranger and questioned the survivors. The Germans then began to shell the ship from a distance of about 100 meters and fired at least 60 shells (some survivors stated that they used as many as 150 shells) until she sank by the bow at 12.00 hours. Two of the lifeboats landed at Novaya Zemlya on the same day and one week later the last boat landed at Cape Kanin. They were all brought to Archangel by Soviet patrol boats. The crew was later repatriated from Scotland on the British troop transport Queen Mary and arrived Boston on 15 October." (
Pensioneret 1970, inden da ansat i Færgefarten på Long Island.
Udvandring 1935 - Afmønstrede fra skib, slog sig ned i NY som matros.
Begravelse 1989 Charlotte, Florida, USA [4]
Charlotte Memorial Gardens, Punta Gorda FL- Gravsten afbildet.
Død 13 feb. 1989 Florida, USA [5]
- Kjeld Rasmussen
Fødselsdato: 2 Mar 1910
Tidligere bopæl: Punta Gorda, Charlotte, Florida, United States
Dødsdato : 13 Feb 1989
1995 [6] Person-ID I11721 Simon Sidst ændret 25 apr. 2024
Far Peter Klausen Rasmussen, f. 2 nov. 1878, Marstal, Ærø, Svendborg d. 10 jun. 1935 (Alder 56 år)
Mor Johanne Nielsen, f. 21 apr. 1880, Lyø, Sallinge, Svendborg d. 19 dec. 1958, Marstal Landsogn, Ærø, Svendborg
(Alder 78 år)
Ægteskab 11 dec. 1903 Marstal, Ærø, Svendborg [7]
Familie-ID F4354 Gruppeskema | Familietavle
Familie Irene V., f. 18 maj 1911 d. 1985 (Alder 73 år) Ægteskab - Måske gift med Irene R. begr. samme kirkegård som Kjeld Rasmussen med gravplade i samme stil. Begge havde bopæl i Punta Gorda, FL.
Familie-ID F8728 Gruppeskema | Familietavle Sidst ændret 25 apr. 2024
- FT 1930, M/S Esbjerg, Esbjerg
Billeder SID11721.jpg
Marstal Søfartsmuseum 1995, s. 19
Kilder - [S1300] KB Marstal Landsogn, Svendborg, (, 1906-1933.f. Ops. 44 (S. 41).
- [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (, 28 okt. 2020.
"New York, New York Passenger and Crew Lists, 1909, 1925-1957," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 2 October 2015), 6653 - vol 14276-14277, Sep 11, 1942 > image 876 of 926; citing NARA microfilm publication T715 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.). - [S1414], (, 28 okt. 2020,
- [S173] Tipton, Jim, m.fl. (red.), Find a Grave, (,
ID 117473248 - [S463] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch, (,
"United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007", database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2023), Kjeld Rasmussen, . - [S1293] Museet for Søfart, (, 1995, The Merchant Mariner, Kjeld Rasmussen, S. 17 ff.
- [S1300] KB Marstal Landsogn, Svendborg, (, 1901-1937.v. Ops. 18 (S. 15).
- [S1300] KB Marstal Landsogn, Svendborg, (, 1906-1933.f. Ops. 44 (S. 41).