Om slægterne Brændgaard & Heilesen



Match 951 til 1,000 fra 58,040

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951 "Burial Details Unknown". Mindehøjtidelighed i Tawas, Iosco, Michigan. Juhl, Libby Joanna (I12716)
952 "But to return to my grandfather, Reb Nathan Meldrich. when he was driven out of Detmold and came to Altona, he went to the house of Reb Leib Hidesheim, the son-in-law of Nathan Spanier, and took with him all his riches. Reb Leib's wife Esther told me incredible tales of his great wealth: he had boxes full of golden chains and jewels and bags full of pearls so that for more than a hundred miles around there was noone as rich as he. But, unfortunately, this did not last long. A plague - God preserve us - broke out, and my grandfather and several children died of it. My grandmoter was left bare and destitude with two unmarried daughters" (Glückel von Hameln, s.17). Detmold, Nathan Ellrich (I1848)
953 "Bv viet 5/1 - 40 i Oslo. Kirkelig viet 7/1 1940 i mos Trossamf, Oslo" (KB ved sønnen Jans f.).
Yderligere barn i ægteskabet: (Dødfødt). 
Familie: Erik Metz / Selma Mary Jaschzik (F3694)
954 "By the time he was in his fifties, his behavior became increasingly harsh and arrogant, leading to a falling out with King Christian IV. In 1597, he left Denmark. He eventually settled in Prague where in 1599 he was appointed Imperial Mathematician to the Holy Roman Emperor, Rudolph II." (FindaGrave) Brahe, Tycho (I3560)
955 "Byens Købmand". Jensen, Johan Henrik (I17310)
956 "Byggede lægehuset Hejls Landevej 12, han var meget adræt, stod på ski lige til det sidste. Han havde sommerhus ved Elkær strand, hvilket en af sønnerne, Troels, viderefører. Han holdt op som læge 1. januar 1949. Døde i 1986, 92 år gammel." (

"Dolmer, Anders Peter Frede, f 3 jan 1894 i Ulfborg (F: dyrlæge Peter Petersen D. og Hanne Marie Andersen). v. 14 sept 27 i Lyngby Inge Johanne Louise Krohn, f 3 sept 07 i Viborg (F: sognepr Gusta,v Cæsius Konrad K. og Marie Sophie Wendel). — St 13 Ordrup, cand V 21 haud I. — Kand Odense Amtssgh med afd febr 21, sst kir afd aug 21, Spangsbjerg San febr 22, Aim Hosp aug 22, vikar juni 23, surnum kand RH fødeafd B dec 23, rsl Amtssgh Grenå jan 24, aman og vikar jan 25, prakt Lyng ." (Lægestanden)'
d "Dolmer, Anders Peter Frede, f 3 jan 1894 i Ulfborg, d. 19 febr 86 (F: dyrlæge Peter Petersen D. og Hanne Marie Andersen). v. 14 sept 27 i Lyngby Inge Johanne Louise Krohn, f 3 sept 07 i Viborg, f 17 juli 63 (F: sognepræst Gustav Cæsius Konrad K. og Marie Sophie Wendel). - St 13 Ordrup, cand V 21. - Febr 21 kand Odense Amts og Bys Sgh med afd, aug 21 sst kir afd, febr 22 Spangsbjerg San, aug 22 Aim Hosp, juni 23 vikar, dec 23 surnum kand Rigshosp fødeafd B, jan 24 rsl Grenå Sgh, jan 25 aman og vikar, april 26 prakt Lyngby, sept 31 Hejis, april 49-juli 62 Thisted, vikariater Set Hans Hosp og Statshosp Nykøbing Sj, fra dec 70 privat Hejis.
" (Lægestanden 1993; med portrætfoto) 
Dolmer, Anders Peter Frede (I12361)
957 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I18403)
958 "Bølle, Mads Eriksen, –1539, Rigsraad, Broder til ovennævnte Eiler Eriksen B., arvede Orebygaard efter sin Moder og blev 1505 af sin Slægtning Biskop Johan Jepsen (Ravensberg) i Roskilde for sin, sin Hustrus og sin Søn Eriks
Livstid forlenet med Tureby, Spanager og Egby, der hørte til Bispegodset, samt fra 1507-15 tillige med St. Agnetes Kloster i Roskilde. Allerede i Kong Hans’ Tid optagen i Rigsraadet blev han kort efter Christian II’s Tronbestigelse Ridder. 1523 deltog han i Kjøbenhavns Belejring paa Frederik I’s Side. Da Christian II 1531 ventedes, var han blandt de Rigsraader, der førte Befalingen i Kjøbenhavn, og udvirkede tillige med flere andre Rigsraader paa samme Tid, at Frue Kirke atter gaves tilbage til Katholikerne. Han maa saaledes anses for at høre til Rigsraadets katholsksindede Flertal, om han end paa Herredagen 1533 efter Frederik I’s Død ikke synes at have deltaget i de mest yderliggaaende katholske Skridt. Under Grevefejden maatte han ligesom de øvrige østdanske Raader slutte sig til Grev Christoffer, men blev alligevel i Jan. 1535 tillige med sin Søn Erik og en Del andre Adelsmænd ført som Fange til Kjøbenhavn. Senere stævnede han Saxkjøbing Borgere, fordi de havde røvet hans Gods, formodentlig paa Orebygaard. I Kjøbenhavn holdtes han i Varetægt, indtil han i Begyndelsen af 1536 tillige med de øvrige Adelsmænd sendtes som Fange til Meklenborg. Først efter Kjøbenhavns Overgivelse løslodes han her fra, men overleveredes til Christian III’s Varetægt, hvis Naade han først gjenvandt ved en Revers af 28. Okt. s. A. Af sær kongelig Naade beholdt han sine Forleninger, men gjenoptoges ikke i Rigsraadet. Han døde 1539. Gift med Birgitte Clausdatter Daa fra Ravnstrup; Fader til Ovenstaaende Rigsraad Erik B. og en Datter, Dorthe, gift med Rigsraad Knud Rud til Vedby. (Danske Herregaarde V: Orebygaard. Hist. Tidsskr. 4. R. III. ; Annaler f. nord. Oldk. og Hist. 1853, S. 86 ff. ; (A. Heise)." (DBL, 1. Udg.)
"til Tersløse (Merløse H.), Orebygaard og Fuglesang (Musse H.), som han købte fra fru Sidsel Neb, var til 1495 bispelig lensmand på Haraldsborg, 1495-1501 på Hjortholm, fik 1505 af sin hustrus frænde, bispen i Roskilde livsbrev for sig, sin hustru og søn på Tureby, Spanager og Egby, som han forøvrigt alt 1500 havde i forlening, 1507-08 forstander for Sct. Agnete Kloster i Roskilde, 1513 rigsråd og besegler som sådan kong Christiern II' håndfæstning, 1514 ridder, var 1523 en af de sjællandske adelsmænd, som påny svor kong Christiern troskab, gik dog samme år over til kong Frederiks parti, beseglede denne konges håndfæstning, deltog i forhandlingerne om København og Malmøs overgivelse. Forlenedes 1524 med Navelsti Birk, kaldes fra 1530 ofte hr. Mads "Bølle", hørte 1533 til det katolske parti, men forlod det snart, blev 1536 med sin søn af grev Christoffer sendt hjem som gidsel i tysk fangenskab og måtte efter hjemkomsten udstede et troskabsrevers, 1537 sendebud til mødet i Halmstad." (Holbek & Brun)
Bølle, Hr. Mads Eriksen til Tersløse, Orebygaard og Fuglesang (I4613)
959 "Børge Frost, Samsøgade 26, Aalborg, fylder på onsdag 60 år.
Han er født i Lønstrup, men kom til Aalborg, hvor han i 22 år arbejdede på Nordisk Tobakskompagni til firmaet blev nedlagt. Siden har han været ved Jagt- og fisketi engtos firmaet Lünell og Co." 
Frost, Børge (I19361)
960 "Børge Lindbjerg Christensen af Carolinelunds Mølle, Skannerup. (Forældre) Gaardejer og Møller Jens Christensen og Laura Lindberg af Skannerup" Christensen, Børge Lindberg (I22171)
961 "Børge var gift med Lis. Der blev lavet en avis til deres guldbryllup den 21. april 1990 på Kongensbro kro."
Børn i ægteskabet (ej søgt systematisk; ej søgt yderligere information): (Anonym) Lindberg Christensen (f. 1941) 
Familie: Børge Lindberg Christensen / Lis Lindberg (F8874)
962 "Børnene vil blive opdraget i Folkekirkens Lære".
Ej søgt systematisk efter børn i ægteskabet. 
Familie: Kjell Gunnar Meyer / Grethe Krause Helboe (F3510)
963 "California Death Index, 1905-1939," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 November 2017), John C Seier, 06 Apr 1914; citing 11747, Department of Health Services, Vital Statistics Department, Sacramento; FHL microfilm 1,686,047 Sejer, Johan Christian (I11022)
964 "Canaan, N.H. — Mae M. North (“Mother Mae”), 93, died Saturday, Feb. 11, 2017 at Hanover Terrace Health Care in Hanover, N.H.
Mae was born Sept. 24, 1923 at the family farm in Seekonk, Mass., the 8th and youngest child of Charles and Atena (Berberian) Mararian. Mae grew up in Seekonk and graduated from East Providence High School class of 1941. After high school she worked in the Providence area, primarily hand painting glassware at Fylvia Studio in Pawtucket. She joined the Women’s Army Corps in 1951 and served in Fort Lee, N.J., Okinawa, and in Fort Leavenworth, Kan. where she met her future husband Earl North. Upon separating from the WAC she attended the Columbus Art Institute in Columbus, Ohio. Mae and Earl were married on July 7, 1956 in Columbus. They made their home there for a time, later moving to Indianapolis, Ind. for Earl’s graduate studies. The family, which now included daughter Bonnie, moved to Jacksonville, FL, then to Weirs Beach, N.H. Son Chris was born in Laconia in 1962 and in 1963, they settled in Canaan.

Mae had a lifelong love of music and art and had great talent in both. In her youth she played clarinet and trombone in local jazz bands. Her job during her military service was as an illustrator/cartographer. She graduated with distinction from the Columbus Art Institute and won first place in a prestigious student exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago. After she moved to Canaan, she began learning the banjo and the autoharp. Her passion for bluegrass and folk music led to the birth of “The Mother’s Bluegrass, Gospel, and Country Band” in 1969. The group performed all over the Upper Valley for the next decade.

A celebration of Mae’s life will be held at a later date in Canaan and will include food, music, and laughter; three things she loved. Mae leaves her husband of 60 years, Earl North of Canaan, daughter Bonnie North of Milwaukee, Wis., and son Chris North of Rota, Spain. She also leaves behind the many friends she “adopted” over the years. For such a small-statured person, she leaves a very large void.

Knight Funeral Home in White River Junction assisted with arrangements. Condolences may be expressed to Mae’s family in an online guestbook at Memorial contributions in her name may be made to The Canaan Town Library.
Family Members

Earl C North

1928–2018 (m. 1956)


Plant Memorial Trees

Left by SCVet on 19 Feb 2017
See more North or Mararian memorials in:

Find a Grave North or Mararian

Mararian, Mae M. (I20461)
965 "Carl Anthon Poulsen. Enkemand, forhenværende gårdejer, Attup ... Afdøde ægtefælle Maren Kirstine Pedersen Bach sidste fælles bopæl: Attrup." Poulsen, Carl Anthon (I20111)
966 "Carl Bjørn Hansen, ugift musiker"
Født: 14-12-1910, København
Død: 03-06-1929
Civilstand: Ugift
Erhverv: Musiker
Adresse : Angelgade 13
Dødsårsager: Tub.pulm.
Døds-/findested: Øresundshospitalet
Fra (kapel) : Nordre Kapel 16 - Vestre
Sogn: Enghave
Til (kirkegård): Vestre Kirkegård  
Hansen, Carl Bjørn (I21902)
967 "Carl Bjørn Jørgensen. Guldsmed, Vesterbro 89 ... Gift med efterlevende Else marie Pedersen f. Jensen. S.f.Bopæl: Vesterbro 89".
Dødsårsag: Arteriosclerosis cordis 
Jørgensen, Carl Bjørn (I20382)
968 "Carl Boisen Thøgersen. Enkemand, Grosserer Brannersvej 12, Ordrup ... enkemand efter Andrea Johanne f. Zinck". Thøgersen, Carl Boisen (I20280)
969 "Carl Christian Hedegaard.Fhv. Husmand i Hemdrup, Salling sogn ... Gift med afdøde Ane Cathrine Hedegaard f. Nielsen. Sidste fælles bopæl: Hemdrup, Salling sogn" Hedegaard, Carl Christian (I19623)
970 "Carl Christian Rævskjær. Politifuldmægtig, cand. jur. Nibe. Gift med Ellen Jørgensen, sammested. ..." Rævskjær, Carl Christian (I18522)
971 "Carl Ejvind Melgaard, Urmager, Møllevangen 60. Født i Hjørring. Efterlevende ægtefælle Gudrun Avril Andersen. Sidste fælles bopæl: Møllevangen 60." Melgaard, Carl Ejvind (I7104)
972 "Carl Hansen jordet paa den Synder Side Kirken og ringet med alle Klokkerne gl 82 Aar"

Af skiftet:
360 Christian Carl Hansen i Kerteminde. 8.3.1783, fol.172, 185, 194B.
E: Mette Hansdatter Wederkinch. LV: Hans Vendelbo, købmand.
Første ægteskab med Anne Dorthe Henriksdatter Borg. B:
1) Hans Henrik Carlsen på Fejø, død. 1B:
a Dorthe Hansdatter g.m. Hans Mathiassen, skipper i Kerteminde
2) Ellen Cathrine Christiansdatter g.m. Albert Eriksen, sejlmager på Marstal
3) Anne Marie Christiansdatter g.m. Hagen Jensen, skipper i Kerteminde.
Ingen børn af andet ægteskab.
Tredje ægteskab med Birgitte Christine Brylle. B:
4) Anne Kirstine Christiansdatter på Mejlgård [i Glesborg sogn på Djursland].  
Hansen, Christian Carl (I5891)
973 "Carl Julius Nielsen. Cand. pharm. paa Bispebjerg Hospitals Apotek, København"

Født: 18-08-1899, Stege
Død. 19-11-1929
Civilstand: Ugift
Erhverv: Cand.pharm.
Adresse: Gunløgsgade 54
Dødsårsager: Nephritis chron.
Døds-/findested: Bispebjerg Hospital (Bb Hosp - BBH) (1913-)
Sogn: Islands Brygge
Til (kirkegård): Stege 
Nielsen, Carl Julius (I9845)
974 "Carl L. Crom, 76, of Belleville, Illinois, born February 19, 1934, in Tekamah, Nebraska, died February, 15, 2011, at his home in Belleville, Illinios.
Mr. Crom served in the USAF from 1956 to 1960 with 18 months in Japan. He worked for 26 years with New Era Oil Company, Belleville, and retired from E.M. Wiegmann & Co., Inc., Freeburg, Illinois. Carl enjoyed camping, woodworking, watching wrestling, as well as sparing with his many friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Harold and Elsie, nee Payne, Crom; his infant son, Kevin Lee Crom; and his infant brother, Lowell Crom.
He is survived by his loving wife of 35 years, Marion nee, Smith, Crom; his three daughters, Kimberly (Fred) Wesley, of Blair, Nebraska, Tanis (Scott) Tucker, of Springfield, Missouri, and Merri (Harry, Sr.) Beatty, of Navarre, Florida; his grandchildren, April Crom, Amy Wesley, Ané Wesley, Harry Beatty, Jr., Kevin Beatty, and Austin Tucker; his great grandchildren, Noah, Carson, and Christian; his brothers, Edwin (Brenda) Crom, of El Dorado, Kansas, Paul (Karen) Crom, of Marshfield, Missouri, Allen (Geri) Crom, of Casselberry, Florida, and Terry (Fern) Crom, El Dorado, Kansas; and many nieces, nephews, other relatives, and friends.
Memorials are appreciated to Family Hospice of Belleville, Illinois. Condolences may also be expressed online at
Visitation: Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m., Thursday, February 17, 2011, at Lake View Funeral Home, Fairview Heights, Illinois
Funeral: Services will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, February, 18, 2011, at the funeral home, with Rev. Mark Smith officiating. Interment will be held in Lake View Memorial Gardens, Fairview Heights, Illinois." (gengivet i 
Crom, Carl L. (I18471)
975 "Carl marinus Christensen. Arbejdsmand af Brønderslev, Vestergade 46 ... gift med efterlevende Anna Kathrine Jakobsen. Sidste fælles Bo: Brønderlev"
Dødsårsag: Cancer ventriculi 
Christensen, Carl Marinus (I20695)
976 "Carl MøllerJacobsen. Gift, Urmager, Jyllandsgade 15, Skørping. g.m. Nicoline Thøgersen." Jacobsen, Carl Møller (I20335)
977 "Carl North, 80, retired machinist helper and Spanish-American War veteran died at the home of his son, Howard T. North of 38 Whitwell avenue, Newport, R.I., Friday Sept 23, 1955, after a long illness. He is survived by three other sons, Robert L also of Newport, George B of RD 4, Penn Yan, who is a foreman of Comstock Foods, Inc. and Earl C. of Wickford; also a sister, Mrs Christian Anderson of Brooklyn, Conn., nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Mr North who made his home at 16 Whitwell avenue in Newport was the husband of the late Othelia Sorensen North, He was born in Copenhagen, Oct 29, 1874, and had lived in Newport about 60 years, retiring as a machinist helper at the Newport torpedo station about 20 years ago. He was a member of the Red Men, the Odd Fellows and the Charles M.Thomas Camp of the Spanish-American War Veterans.
Funeral services were conducted Sept. 25 in Newport with Rev. Allan Maynard, curate of Trinity Church, officiating. Burial as in Braman cemetery." 
North, Carl (I7564)
978 "Carl Sophus Emil Petersen. Enkemand, praktiserende læge og forhenværende læge ved Vridsløselille Straffeanstalt, ved døden boende Hausers Plads 28, København ... Enkemand efter Hansine Christiane Albertha Elisabeth født Wiberg, død 1926 den 12 April paa Blegdamshospitalet, København. Ægtefællernes sidste fælles bolig var i Humlebækgade nr. 7".

Data om personen
Født: 26-04-1845, Hillerød
Død: 21-04-1929
Civilstand : Enkestand
Erhverv: Læge
Adresse: Hauser Plads 28
Dødsårsager: Senilitas, Diabetes mellitus
Fra (kapel): Krematoriet - Bispebjerg
Sogn: Trinitatis
Til (kirkegård): Krematoriet 
Petersen, Carl Sofus Emil R. (I13604)
979 "Carol Jean "Jeanne" Hall Monsen, age 70, of Altamont, passed away July 29, 2008, at the University Medical Center after a battle with cancer.
She was born May 27, 1938, in Roosevelt, to Vernie Carl and Reva Marie Hartle Hall. She married Paul Ross Monsen on April 6, 1963, in Elko, Nev.
Jeanne worked for 29 years as a school lunch lady for the Duchesne County School District. Her hobbies included crocheting and reading the scriptures. She was an active member of the LDS Church and served faithfully in various callings. She was an ordinance worker at the Vernal Temple since the time that it opened. She was such a sweet lady who quietly took care of everyone, and loved having her family around her. On one of her las days with us, her family enjoyed her spunky personality, her quick wit and her teasing. Through her life she had a quiet strength and determination that saw her through the many ups and downs. She cared deeply for the people she loved and always had cookies ready to share. Her chocolate chip cookies were famous with her family and friends. Her great faith in the Lord was an example to each of us. She will be greatly missed by all of us who knew and loved her.
She is survived by her husband of 45 years, Paul, Altamont; two daughters, April (Scott) Baird, Caldwell, Idaho; Vicci (Philip) Betts, Roosevelt; 10 grandchildren, brother and sisters, Dona Rae (Dale) Nelson, Roosevelt; Gary (Gladys) Hall, Littlefield, Ariz., Catherine (Bob) Grant, Vernal; and RaVae (LaMar) Olsen, Bountiful.
She was preceded in death by son, Ross Paul Monsen; daughters, Ethel Tracy Goodrich and Jean Marie Goodrich; brothers, Darrel and DeRay Hall.
Funeral services were held Aug. 4, at the Altamont LDS Stake Center.
Burial was in the Bluebell Cemetery ..." (Gengivet i 
Hall, Carol Jean (I17999)
980 "Carole Thompson, 69, of Middletown, NJ, passed away on Tuesday, October 16 at Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank, NJ. She was born in Astoria, NY. Carole devoted her life to raising her family. She was a communicant of St. Mary's Parish.
Surviving are her two daughters, Debbie Thompson and Christine and husband Evan Melluzzo; and her two grandchildren, John and Megan. Carole was preceded in death by her husband John V. Thompson in 2004, and her parents, Andrew and Evelyn Tesseyman.
Visitation will be held on Friday, October 19 from 2 to 4 pm and from 7 to 9 pm at the John F. Pfleger Funeral Home, 115 Tindall Road, Middletown. Funeral services are scheduled for Saturday, October 20 at 8:15 am at the funeral home. A Funeral Liturgy will be offered Saturday, October 20 at 9:15 am at St. Mary's Chapel, 26 Leonardville Rd., Middletown. Burial will follow at Fair View Cemetery, Middletown." (gengivet i 
Tesseyman, Carole (I21846)
981 "Caroline Albertsdatter. Skipper Claus Rasmussens [med blyant tilføjet "Friis"]Hustru i Marstal, 59 Aar". (Med blyant tilføjet:] "g 1 Gothart Hansen Hermansen + 1805". Albertsdatter, Caroline (I2275)
982 "Caroline Gotthardt, Styrmand Hans Christian Kromanns hustru, 23". Gotthardt, Caroline (I2271)
983 "Caroline Margrethe Ejstrup f. Thirup. Aldersrentenyder, boende Klokagervej 55, Hjørring ... Enke efter Kreaturhandler Niels Christian Ejstrup, sidste fælles Bopæl: Bispensgade 38, Hjørring". Thirup, Caroline Margrethe (I18810)
984 "Caroline Michaelsen. Husmoder, Margrethevej 14, Hellerup Sogn. Gift med Direktør Hugo Michaelsen. Født i Köln/rh, 1886, 15. Januar" Kappel, Carrie (I8450)
985 "Caroline Thomsen, Gårdmand Frederik Christensens hustru af Skoven. ..." Thomsen, Karoline (I7045)
986 "Caroline Wilhelmine Marie Ravnkilde. Enke efter krigsassessor Ravnkilde, Gammel Mynt No, 252 1ste Sal, død og begr., 56, Præst fra Hjem" Behrend, Johanne Marie Caroline (I21466)
987 "Caspara Marie Schrøder. Gift med Herredsfoged Frands Emil Langkilde i Brædstrup ... Død på Sygehuset i Odense, Albanigade 26." Schrøder, Caspara Maria (I12341)
988 "Casper Josva Pretzmann, forhen ejer af Oddersbøl, 75 1/2 aar". Pretzmann, Caspar Josva Zachariasen (I8048)
989 "Celebration of Life: 16 Sep 2017.
Gravsten afbildet (2 Jul 2018). 
Maynard, Mae Laurel (I12791)
990 "Centralsygehuset, Med. afd. ... Anna Elisabeth Krohn, Ugift. Husbestyrerinde. S.f.bop. Rolighedsvej 4, Hillerød ..." Krohn, Anna Elisabeth (I12349)
991 "Charles Dickens Alexander, Jr. age 62, died December 31, 2000 in Salt Lake City.
He was born April 20, 1938 in Salt Lake City to Charles Dickens and Ellen Marie Nichols Alexander. He married Marva Jean Burnett in Aug 1962, they were later divorced.
He married Mary Jo Jackson June 1, 1979 in Salt Lake City. He was raised and educated in Salt Lake City. He graduated from South High School in 1956 and the University of Utah in 1968. He served in the U.S. Army from 1961-1967. He was a Sgt. with the Salt Lake City Police Dept for several years. He enjoyed gardening, reading, keeping up with scientific discovery, and painting.
He is survived by his wife, Mary Jo, three daughters; Theresa Kay (Mark) Johnson of Taylorsville, Sharon (Richard) Dorrans of Salt Lake City, and Mary Ellen (Joshua) Wharton of Logan, UT, six grandchildren, Amber, Krista, Patsy Jean, Eliza, Richard and Marty, a sister, Helen Abdul-Hamid, Santa Clara, CA. two nephews, Barry Winter and John Fairbaugh, and niece Penny Fairbaugh.
Graveside services will be held on Friday January 5, 2001 at 1:30 p.m. at the Tooele City Cemetery. Friends may call at Tate Mortuary 110 S. Main St. Tooele at 12:30. ..."
(Salt Lake Tribune, 4 jan 2001; gengivet i 
Alexander, Charles Dickens (I17835)
992 "Charlotte Margrethe Munch født Nørgaard. Enke efter Indsidder Chr. Munch. Opholdt sig hos Kjøbmand Munch ved Sindahl Station. 64 Aar. Død af koldbrand". Nørgaard, Margrethe Charlotte Svendsdatter (I1195)
993 "Charlotte Moen, 92, died peacefully in Frisco, Texas on June 18, 2019 surrounded by family after a brief battle with cancer. Born in St. Paul to Edith and Leonard Halbohn on May 12, 1927, she was preceded in death by her husband, Dale and is survived by son and grandchildren. Charlotte and Dale ran the Forest Lake Golf and Country Club until Dales' passing. She owned and continued to operate what became "Charlotte's" clothing store in Forest Lake until her retirement. In addition to her business skills, she was an artist, world traveler, entrepreneur, and avid reader. She was dealrly loved by her family and will be missed." (Forest Lake Times) Halbohn, Charlotte Helen (I7849)
994 "Cheeks Forrester 1928 ~ 2006 PRICE- Raymond E. Forrester, age 78, passed away April 26, 2006 in Price after a long illness. He was born April 13, 1928 in Price, Utah to Joseph and Evelyn Caldwell Forrester. Married Joanne Riddell, they later divorced. "Cheeks" was known as a hard worker and a "Jack Of All Trades". He was always willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. His favorite times were spent at his cabin in Scofield, where his annual lamb barbeques were legendary. Survived by his son, Brent (Bonnie) Forrester, Bountiful; daughters, Debbie Stone, Tammy Vigor, both of Price; brother, Bob Forrester, Tucson, AZ; special friends, Vic Santi and Denette Young; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Honoring Cheeks wishes he will be cremated and a gathering for family and friends will be held at Mitchell Funeral Home in Price on Saturday, April 29, 2006, from 3:00-4:00 p.m."
(Published by The Salt Lake Tribune on Apr. 27, 2006.) 
Forrester, Raymond Edwin (I17573)
995 "Chef Darrell L. ANDERSON CEC, CCE, AAC, HOF Darrell Lester Anderson of Puyallup passed away on April 10, 2011 in Tacoma, Washington at age 81, just 2 weeks shy of his 82nd birthday after a 2 year illness. Born in Hood River, Oregon on April 27, 1929, the 2nd of three children to Jacob Peter and Ruth Hutson Anderson of Parkdale, Oregon. At his side was his longtime love and wife of 59 years, Catherine. Darrell grew up in a modest house built during the depression by his father on the family homestead in Parkdale. He attended Parkdale Grade and High Schools. He didn't really enjoy school, but he loved fishing and playing baseball, and was given the title 'Home Run King'. He always said he was lucky to have nothing because he appreciated everything. Darrell's passion became evident early in life. He was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean War in November 1950 where he received his first formal Culinary training. After graduation he became the youngest Culinary Instructor at Fort Lewis. Darrell met Catherine Dickinson, the love of his life, when they were just 14 years old. They were married on September 8, 1951. That winter he left his new bride and was transferred to Camp Coe, Yokohama, Japan where he served 2 years. After leaving the Army in January 1953, Darrell attended the Edison Technical School of Culinary Arts (now Seattle Central Community College). After graduation in 1955, he moved his family to Federal Way. He was chef at several clubs in Washington, as well as owner/operator of Roses Hi-Way Inn, a Washington State landmark at that time. During this period, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Way Chamber of Commerce and President of the Federal Way Boys Club. He also owned and operated King Catering for 25 years. In 1967 he was named Dept. Head of the Culinary Arts Program for the Sea-Tac Occupational Skills Center (OSC) in Seattle. To quote a former student who is a successful chef today, "Darrell's enthusiasm was infectious providing more and more opportunities to learn". He graduated over 2,000 students over the years and retired in 1991. Chef Anderson has been a member of the American Culinary Federation (ACF) Washington State Chefs Assoc. (WSCA) since 1955. He served on the Board of Directors for the ACF WSCA Chefs as well as numerous other positions including chapter president twice. He was also a member of the American Academy of Chefs (AAC) and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1996. He was the first chef in Washington state to receive this award. In 2003 he received the AACs Good Taste Award and, also that year, the Western Region's Hermann G. Rusch Chefs Achievement Award. In 2006 he received the Antonin Careme Medal. He was a longtime member of the Escoffier Society of Seattle as well. He also was a member of the Golden Toque. In 1979 he was named ACF WSCA 'Chef of the Year'. The WSCA has also established a scholarship in his name. His titles included Certified Executive Chef (CEC), Certified Culinary Educator (CCE), American Academy of Chefs (AAC), Hall of Fame (HOF), and Chair Emeritus ACF Senior Chefs Committee. He was well known as a caring advocate for senior chefs. He also served as the national ACFs historian for many years. His personal papers were donated to Renton Technical College where they have a library in his name. Darrell is survived by his wife, Catherine, and their 4 children: Deborah Johnson of Puyallup, Dana Anderson of Matlock, Darwin Anderson of Anacortes and David Anderson of Cle Elum; along with his 2 sisters: Denzel Green and Doris Hill, both of Parkdale, OR. He had 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. A Memorial Service will be held at 1:00 PM on Saturday, April 23, in the Valley Chapel at Mountain View Memorial Park, 4100 Steilacoom Blvd. SW, Lakewood, WA, 98499. Donations may be made to the National Kidney Foundation. Darrell was always the teacher and touched many lives. He will be greatly missed, but not forgotten."
(Published by The Seattle Times on Apr. 17, 2011) 
Anderson, Darrell Lester (I7696)
996 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I15944)
997 "Cheryl Johnson Evenson, passed away on Saturday, April 10, 2021 with her husband and children, standing at her bedside. They held her hand and spoke words of love as she peacefully took her last breath. Cheryl was 72 years old.
Cheryl lived a fulfilling and happy life, though it ended too soon. She had a great love and devotion for her family. While lying in the hospital bed knowing her life was ending, Cheryl sipped on her usual Diet Cherry Coke and laughed and cried with her grandchildren and family via Facetime as Covid Protocols limited the number of in person visits. Her husband and children were with her every day and cherished every moment with her. She was happy and smiling and just as she did throughout her life, her thoughts were focused on the well being of others as she pleaded with so many to promise her that they would make sure her family and children would be taken care of.
Cheryl was born on April 13, 1948, in Tooele, Utah, to William Phyll Johnson and Melva Fjeldsted Johnson. Cheryl attended Brigham Young University, where she met her husband. She married her eternal sweetheart, Christopher Woolley Evenson on September 5, 1969 in the Salt Lake Temple, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They celebrated their 51stAnniversary last year. Cheryl was a devoted member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in many callings in the church. She had a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was faithful to the end.
From a young age Cheryl participated in 4-H and activities in her community. Cheryl enjoyed swimming and was on the Tooele Synchronized Swim Team. In her senior year of high school she was presented the Betty Crocker award for the most outstanding student in home economics, which included cooking and sewing. She has always been a great cook, and has often helped her family with canning and making strawberry preserves. There are very few things that Cheryl couldn't cook and cook well, but one of the most memorable is her talent for making the very best Aebleskivers and Thanksgiving stuffing.
Cheryl loved adventures and traveled to many places. One place she never made it to was Rome, Italy. She always wanted to go to Rome, and in a last minute request, promised to sneak out of heaven for one last adventure if her family would take a trip to Rome on her behalf. Cheryl was also an avid Utah Jazz fan and loved to watch Jazz games on TV.
Cheryl's greatest gift was her unconditional love and desire to be with her family and grandchildren. Whether they lived 10 miles away, 50miles away, or in a different state, Cheryl supported her grandchildren with a fierce devotion and managed to attend everything from school plays and programs, to dances and sporting events…you name it, if one of her grandchildren was there, Cheryl wasn't missing it. Cheryl made holidays and birthdays special for everyone and searched high and low to find the perfect gift.
She is survived by her husband (Chris), her four children Christy (Todd), Marci (Dave), Kim (Craig) and Nic; 14 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild on the way; and her sister, Phyllis Johnson. She was preceded in death by her parents.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 11 AM in the Canterbury Chapel, 6722 West 10400 North, Highland. A viewing will be held Friday from 6-8 PM at Anderson & Sons Lone Peak Chapel, 6141 West 11000 North, Highland and Saturday from 9:45-10:45 AM at the church prior to the services. Please see the SignUp Genius links below to schedule a time to attend the viewings. Please leave a memory on her tribute wall. Burial will be in the Highland Cemetery."
(Også gengivet i 
Johnson, Cheryl (I17666)
998 "Chicago Tribune Historical Archive (IL) (Published as Chicago Tribune (IL)) - May 09, 1973. Edition: Chicago Tribune
Christen J. Pedersen, of Schaumburg, and Lake Geneva, Wisc., formerly of Inverness, beloved husband of Eva C., nee Chaiser; dear father of Kenneth N. [Jane Anne] and Jane C. Pedersen; loving grandfather of Brian and Beth. Visitation Wednesday, from 3 to 9:30 p.m., at Lauterberg & Oehler Funeral Home, 2000 E. Northwest Hwy., Arlington Hts., where services will be held Thursday, 11 a.m. Interment Memory Gardens. 
Pedersen, Christen Justesen (I20320)
999 "Chicago Tribune Historical Archive (IL) (Published as Chicago Tribune (IL)) - November 25, 1977 Edition: Chicago Tribune:
Eva C. Pedersen nee Chaiser, of Fairfax Village. Rolling Meadows, beloved wife of the late Christen J.; dear mother of Kenneth N. (Jane A.) Pedersen and Jane C. Pedersen (A. Steven) Somora; loving grandmother of Brian and Beth Pedersen; fond sister of Robert (Rita) Chaiser. Visitation Friday 4 to 9 p.m. at Lauterburg & Oehler Funeral Home, 2000 E. Northwest Hwy., Arlington Heights, where services will be held Saturday at 12 noon. Interment Memory Gardens Cemetery." (Gengivet i 
Chaiser, Eva Constance (I20322)
1000 "Chief Warrant Officer Norman D Rasmussen (USN)" Rasmussen, Norman Dale (I17608)

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