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 #   Notater   Knyttet til 
8551 A A 01 15-18 Konstantin-Hansen, Einar (I14793)
8552 A A 01 15-18, Egen gravsten, afbildet Schjørring, Helga (I14719)
8553 A A 01 15-18, sammen med ægtefællen. Jørgensen, Else Sjørup (I14794)
8554 A A 01 22-25 med forældrene og fl., familiegravsted. Gravsten afbildet. Schrøder, Julie (I14716)
8555 A A 01 29-32, Samme gravsted som ægtefællen, egen gravsten (Afbildet).
Mindesten for ægteparret i Skibelund Krat (Afbildet) 
Schrøder, Ingeborg (I14711)
8556 A A 01 29-32, Samme gravsted som ægtefællen, egen gravsten, afbildet (2011)
Mindesten for ægteparret i Skibelund Krat (Afbildet) 
Appel, Jacob Christian Lindberg K1, DM (I15133)
8557 A A 0129-0130 +2, Gravsted afbildet. Chr. P scholdann og Karen M. Scholdann. Skjoldan, Christian Peter (I12462)
8558 A A 0129-0130 +2, Gravsted afbildet. Chr. P. Scholdann og Karen M. Scholdann. Christensen, Karen Margrethe (I12452)
8559 A B 0453-0454 +6. Sammen med ægtefællen i Østergaard-familiegravsted. Pedersen, Ebbe (I20510)
8560 A B 0453-0454 +6. Sammen med ægtefællen i Østergaard-familiegravsted. Østergaard, Inger (I7590)
8561 A B 693, sammen med ægtefællen. Olesen, Peter Sabroe (I17092)
8562 A B 693, sammen med ægtefællen. Nielsen, Elin (I17091)
8563 A celebration of life service will be held for Victor Harnack at 2:00pm, Friday April 20, 2018 at the. irst United Methodist Church, 219 E 4th St, Bloomington. All who knew or were touched by him are invited.
Victor was born July 29, 1927 in Milan, Italy where his mother, Joy, was studying music with her then-husband. When he was three, he and his mother moved back to Manly, Iowa where she was from and where Victor grew up. Joy taught voice and piano most of her life and Victor followed in her footsteps. Joy remarried H. “Bob” Harnack who adopted Victor.
In 1946 Victor served in the Navy and sung in the Blue Jacket Choir. He met his wife, Martha, at a USO in Waukegan, Illinois where the choir was performing. They married in 1948 and were together for the next 62 years until Martha’s death in 2010. They led a rich and exceptional life together, filled with music, theater, teaching, community service, travel, and family. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother Spencer Harnack.
Victor taught communication at the Universities of Colorado at Boulder (10 years), and Illinois at Chicago (31 years). In 1996, Victor and Martha retired to Bloomington building their dream home tucked into the hardwood forest. The combination of a college town, IU’s world class performing arts, and the beautiful surroundings were a perfect fit for them.
Surviving Victor are his sons and daughters-in-law, Doug and Patricia, and Hal and Gaylee Harnack, sister and her husband, Merry and Larry Hulse, granddaughters Alexandra, Lindsey, and Morgan (Webb), as well as many other extended family members. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother, Spenser Harnack.
In lieu of flowers, please consider contributions to Shalom Center or other charitable organization of your choice. 
Harnack, Victor Robert (I8404)
8564 A classical violinist turned abstract painter, Donald Olsen is considered the most significant of the "second generation" of the Utah modernists. Donald Olsen was born in Provo, Utah, on the 3rd of December, 1910. He did his undergraduate work at Brigham Young University and then continued his education at the University of Utah. After graduation, Olsen taught at Provo, Lincoln, and Jordan High Schools, and later at the College of Southern Utah, where he taught music and art. He also was an art instructor at the Art Barn in Salt Lake City. Olsen has been called one of the most persuasive figures of non-objective art in Utah from the 1950s to the 1980s. Because of his dedication to modernism, the development of his painting style has paralleled contemporary art's evolution. He has experimented with almost every contemporary style of painting from the "brushed-action painting" of Abstract Expressionism, to the "hard-edge" of Minimalism. In 1955, he had a solo show at the Salt Lake Art Center, where he became known for "thickly painted-with-muscle brushwork." Later on in his career, Olsen's work moved towards a type of Geometric Purism that had its beginnings with artists such as Piet Mondrian. According to James Haseltine, "Following his marriage to Betty in 1962, Don Olsen did some of his more lively work, a series of canvases dominated by white used as positive shape, negative passage or ground, dripped line, or textural splatter. His colors are most often used unmixed, directly from the tube, alla prima, with reds most prominent and blues, greens and yellows playing a secondary role." Donald Olsen studied with Hans Hofmann at Provincetown, Massachusetts, in 1954. Later, his frequent trips to New York gave him access to the important twentieth-century abstract painters. He was profoundly influenced by the New York School and always returned from his trips full of vigor. He was Utah's conduit to the cutting edge of the American avant-garde. The painting Chelsea VI belongs to the New York School of Minimalist, Hard-Edge art, popular from the late 1960s to the early 1980s. An unpretentious, sensitive, and intellectual man, Donald Olsen was the leading exponent in Utah of nonobjective and experimental art. In his own words, his philosophy of painting is simply stated, "Painting is not an illusion. A painting can only be itself; it does not simulate, borrow from, or pretend to be anything outside itself. It is a real thing and its reality lies in being itself. A painting reveals the internal expression of the artist and has nothing to do with observation of visual facts."  Olsen, Donald Penrod (I17467)
8565 A F 01 09-12 Rasmussen, Jørgen Hvidtfeldt (I15017)
8566 A G 0050, Sammen med ægtefællen.
ID 425.Gravsten afbildet (Dansk Kirkegårdsindex). 
Jepsen, Regnar (I13082)
8567 A G 0050, Sammen med ægtefællen.
ID 425.Gravsten afbildet (Dansk Kirkegårdsindex). 
Bruun, Marie (I13079)
8568 A G 0127, alene.
ID 870. Gravsten afbildet. Alene. "Gemt i vore hjerter" 
Bruun, Grethe (I13084)
8569 A G F-074-169, sammen med moderen Mette Simonsen (f. Madsen) 30-07-1917 - 25-07-2006.
Simonsen, Svend Aage Guldager (I14164)
8570 A H 02 20-21, alene johannesen, Per (I14249)
8571 A J 08 147, alene.
ID 3622 (Dansk Kirkegårsindex). Gravsten afbildet. Alene. "Uddeler / Leif Borup ... Tak for alt". 
Borup, Børge Leif (I13085)
8572 A K 02A 020U, tilsyneladende alene (2021). Jensen, Knud Børge (I13118)
8573 A NY 193, Gravsted afbildet. Sammen med ægtefællen. Christoffersen, Ester (I18355)
8574 A NY 193, Gravsted afbildet. Sammen med ægtefællen. Nielsen, Ole Graverholt (I18354)
8575 A NY 201. Gravsten afbildet. Alene. I samme gravsted som forældrene og søsteren Lis. Sørensen, Knud Peter (I7515)
8576 A P 01 27, sammen med ægtefællen. Christiansen, Edel (I15218)
8577 A P 01 27, sammen med ægtefællen. Christiansen, Axel Appel (I15214)
8578 A service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. 20, 2007 at Willamette National Cemetery for Theodore "Paul" Lassen who died of renal failure on Aug. 14th at age 58. Paul was born May 11, 1949 in Portland and attended Cleveland High School. Paul served in the Navy and then worked for the Post Office for 38 years before taking early retirement. Paul enjoyed singing and was a member of the Local Gentry Men's Choir. Survivors include his wife Gay, sons Martin and Spencer and sister Martha Lassen. His brother Alan preceded him in death. In lieu of flowers the family asks that remembrances be made to OHSU Rental Transplant CB569, 3505 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd, Portland, OR 97239 in memory of Paul Lassen. (Rose City bedemand, gengivet i FindAGrave). Lassen, Theodore Paul (I11889)
8579 A titre purement spéculatif, Pascal Faustini fait l'hypothèse d'un mariage de Mordechaï Gumpel avec une fille de Gerson ZAY pour expliquer la transmission du prénom Gerson dans la famille EMMERICH. Zay, (Ukendt) Gerson (I1775)
8580 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I15751)
8581 A-10-10-3. (Gravsten i dag ulæselig). Fischer S. 10: "»Her ligger begravet en Mand, der handlede redeligt, talte uden Svig, vandrede bramfri sin Vej og delte sit Brød med den trængende, den velbyrdige Mordechaj, Søn af afdøde Moses Levy. Hans Sjæl fandt Hvile i Himmelens Rige. Han døde og begravedes Søndag den 22. Kislev 5504 (8. December 1744). Hans Sjæl maatte blive optaget i de levendes Kreds!« Levy, Marcus Moses (I2033)
8582 A-17-2/1. Gravsten afbildet. Brækket, noget forvitret. Abraham, Meyer (I9243)
8583 A-18-10-2. Gravsten afbildet. Levy, Bendix (I2042)
8584 A-3-3-1. Dobbeltgrav med ægtefællen. Afbildet. "Herunder hviler den fornemme Kvinde, beskeden og from, som var sin Mands Krone, den højtbedagede Fru Reize, Datter af den lærde Samuel, Enke efter den afdøde Herre Chajim af Levis Stamme. Hun
døde og begravedes Mandag den 21. Tamus 5519. (16. Juli 1759). H. S. m. b. o. i d. 1. K." (Fischer S. 10) 
Samuel, Reize (I2040)
8585 A-3-31. Gravsten afbildet Wagner, Hartvig Philip (I1623)
8586 A-3-4/1. Dobbeltsten med ægtefælle, afbildet. "Herunder hviler den højtbedagede fromme Mand, som ikke forsømte noget af Herrens Bud. Endnu 82 Aar gammel gav han Pagtens Tegn til Drengebørn. Sin behagelige Stemme brugte han til at dyrke Gud ved Bønnen. Det er den dyrebare Herre Chajim, Søn af afdøde Moses Joseph. Hans Sjæl svæver i Himmelens Rige. Han døde Aftenen til Onsdag og begravedes næste Dag, Onsdag den 23. Sivan 5514. (13. Juni 1754). Hans Sjæl maatte blive optaget i de levendes Kreds!" (Fischer S. 10 f.) Levy, Heyman Moses (I2035)
8587 A-4-11/3. "Herunder hviler han, som vandrede Herrens Vej, hvis Lære han granskede Dag og Nat. De frafaldne hadede han, men elskede at lyde Herrens Bud. Sine Veje valgte han efter Herrens Ord. Det var den vellærde Herre Joseph, Søn af den vellærde Leb fra Rendsburg, 9 MARCUS MOSES LEVY d. 1744 som alle sine Dage kun handlede efter Ret og Retfærdighed og ofrede daglig af sin Tid til Granskning og Røn. Han døde og begravedes efterladende et godt Navn Tirsdag den 24. Kislew 5552.
Hans Sjæl maatte blive optaget i de levendes Kreds!" (Fischer s. 9 f.)
Rendsborg, Joseph Levin (I2022)
8588 A-5-11 Legat. Gravsten afbildet: "Henriette Wagner/ Født 30 December 1806 / Død 15 Februar 1883" Wagner, Henriette P. (I1630)
8589 A-6-15 L. Gravsten afbildet. Adler, Gitte (I1622)
8590 A-6-16 L. Gravsten afbildet Michaelsen, Sigfred (I1636)
8591 A-7-8 Legat. Gravsten afbildet. Salomon, Sara (I6810)
8592 A-8-1. Gravsten afbildet, anfører: 13 Apr 1870. Adler, Doris (I1655)
8593 A-8-3 L. Gravsten afbildet, fælles med ægtefælle Wagner, Emilie Frederikke (I1625)
8594 A-8-39. Gravsten afbildet. Meyer, Wilhelmine (I1660)
8595 A-8-40, Gravsten afbildet, ulæselig. Adler, David Simon (I1448)
8596 A. Herman Bay, Købmand Kjbhvn. 50 Chicago, Litra 5274GG, 03-09-1889

Ankomst 14 Sep 1889 fra Hamburg ombord på SS Augusta Victoria: Herman Bay, 50, Farmer, (udrejst fra) Kopenhagen, Anna Bay, 48, wife, Anton Bay, 17, Children, Anna, 7, Children.
Bay, Herman Albert August Frederik Hass Christiansen (I11103)
8597 A.k.a. Baruch, Bendit, Benedict. Lippstadt, Benedikt Elias Gomperz (I1392)
8598 A.k.a. Juda, Lima, Lehmann Gomperz, Juda Leiman (I1383)
8599 a.ka. Judith, Jutta, Tama Taubchen (I18956)
8600 A/S L Jacobsen; formand for bestyrelsen fra 1943. Jacobsen, Mogens Juel (I9037)

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