Om slægterne Brændgaard & Heilesen



Match 56,451 til 56,500 fra 58,040

 #   Notater   Knyttet til 
56451 Weiner skriver 1692, Falk 1737.
Begravet i Ottensen grav 2937. 
Emden, Moses (I1714)
56452 Weiner skriver 19 Adar 1751.
Goldschmidt, Röschen (I1732)
56453 Wennberga Gård (S. 220): Sophus Herman Cark von Rosen, Arrendator, 1861, 27/5 Als Ulkebøl, v. 27/5 1891. Med ægtefælle Agnes Volsgaard (8/9 1863 Saxkjöbing), og børnene Over Herman Carl von Rosn (19/3 1892 Skjørringe), Gerda Marie von Rosen (28/6 1893 Skjørringe), Herman von Rosen (24/7 1894 Skjørringe), Ebba Von Rosen (9/1 1896 Ôstra Strö), Erik Sophus von Rosen (11/5 1898 Ôstra Strö), Agnes Louise von Rosen (13/3 1901 Ôstra Strö). von Rosen, Sofus Hermann Carl (I2244)
56454 Werkman / hotelbediende. de Vos, Maurits (I16478)
56455 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I14619)
56456 Wesley Hospital. Pul. Tuberculoses (duration 1 year). Dødsattest gengivet i FindAGrave. Jorgensen, Esbern (I11274)
56457 Western Union, Grain Exchange, Boys Town. Jensen, Norma Jean (I18490)
56458 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I8799)
56459 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21151)
56460 When Uffe Blok-Andersen graduated from UNB in 1945, his colleagues confidently predicted that he would "be as successful in his future profession as in his days 'Up the Hill." Today, forty-five years later, we know him as a successful chemist, businessman, and staunch supporter of his university.
Born in Denmark, he came to Canada as a child and he grew up in northern New Brunswick where he learned to ski and skate, hunt and fish, and acquired his love of the out-of-doors. He went to school in Edmundston, won a Beaverbrook Scholarship for his outstanding record, and in 1941 entered UNB to study science. His years here were the war years, but the tiny student body of which he was part maintained a vigorous campus life and no one was busier than Uffe Blok-Andersen. He worked on the Brunswickan, played interclass hockey, swam with the Swimming Club, and in his final year played varsity football, served as president of the Chemical Society, and edited the yearbook.
He excelled moreover in his chosen field, Chemistry, and thus it was that, after his graduation, Dow Chemical offered him his first job in Sarnia Ontario. He stayed with Dow for ten years and then lived for three more in Michigan before returning to Canada to do what he had always wanted to do, establish his own chemical company. He built and for ten years successfully operated Uba Chemical Limited in Toronto. Since selling his chemical company, he has involved himself in other ventures including environmental technology, plastics, and land and building projects in Ontario and in California where he now lives part of every year. Still as active in the out-of-doors as he was in his youth, his passion now is golf and, if the reports are correct, he is a formidable player.
Most of Uffe Blok-Andersen’s success in life must be traced to his own considerable abilities, his inner drive and self-discipline, and his powerful sense that if you want something, you can achieve it. But it is a measure of his generosity that he also acknowledges the role played by UNB and the Beaverbrook Scholarship which permitted him to come here. As a result, he spearheaded a drive to locate former Beaverbrook scholars like himself and to organize with them a new scholarship fund to carry on and extend the tradition of helping gifted young New Brunswickers acquire a higher education. To him more than to anyone else goes the credit for establishing the Beaverbrook Scholars' Award, now in its tenth year. (U. N. B)

Aircraftsman 1st Class Andersen, Uffe Blok (U.190496). Born in Bjergby Sogn, Denmark on 12 April 1924. Arrives in Halifax, NS, on 22 September 1928. Enlists on 19 October 1942 in Moncton, and is posted to the University Air Training Corps, University of New Brunswick. Discharged on 25 September 1944. (Danish WW2 Pilots). 
Andersen, Uffe Blok (I519)
56461 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I18485)
56462 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I1460)
56463 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I9746)
56464 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I18484)
56465 Whittier Rehabilitation Hospital in Westborough. Bopæl i Framingham, Mass. Weaver, Harold Petraus Jr. (I21700)
56466 Wiberg, Albert Christian, S. af Præst Andreas Frederik W. og Anna Kirstine Jensen. F. 19 Sept. 1807 i Odense, d. 6 Febr. 1882 i Glostrup. Stdt. 23 laud. Odense, kir. Eksam. E.28 I.Kompagnikirurg i Kbhvn. 2 April 29 , med. Eksam. E. 29 laud. Epidemilæge i Præstø 31, Bataillonskirurg i Slesvig 27 Jan. 35, Distriktslæge i Lemvig 23 Juli 39, Krigsraad 15 Sept. 39, 20 Okt. 51 i Jena, Distriktslæge i Glostrup 2 Jan. 58 — 11 Febr. 75, Læge ved Vridsløselille Fængsel 60 - 75, privat, i Glostrup. Gift 26 Aug. 1840 Marie Margrethe Dorothea Emilie Darre, f.6 Jan. 1815, d. 26 Marts 1900 i Kbhvn., D .af Major Hans Christian D. og Emilie Charlotte Juncker. Wiberg, Albert Christian (I13599)
56467 Wiberg: "1. 1536 [Munk i Børglum Kloster] Peder Laursen; Halvbrdr. t. Biskop Peder Thomsen i Vendelbo Stift „i sit Mødrene“, see Haverslev-B.; ~ . . . ; 1 S., der blev Byfoged i Hjørring; [var her endnu 1553, døde ved at falde af Gangtræet over Rakkeby Aa; vel belæst og forfaren; hans Bibliothek, optalt af Biskop Ole Chrysostomus, udgjorde 13 "

Om halvbroderen: "Peder Thomesen, f. i Vendsyssel; (Halvbdr. t. P. Laursen i Harridslev-S.-R.); St. Wittenberg 23; først Munk i Børglum Kloster; men forlod Klosteret og reiste til Wittenberg; St. der 23; efter sin Hjemkomst blev han 1530 evang. Præd. i Torum i Salling; 37 Biskop over Børglums Stift, o. 2/9 s. A.; tog sin Afsked 1548 formedelst Munkenes Fortrædeligheder; ~ Anne Lauritsdtr., som overlevede ham; see Etm.; [her betjente han selv Embedet og var her endnu 1556. Boede som Biskop først i Børglum Kloster, fra 1542 i Thisted (efter at han 12/6 s. A. fik kgl. Livsbrev paa en Gd. s. St.); levede endnu 57, men † før 1561; hans Bibliothek, optalt af Biskop Chrysostomus, udgjorde det anselige Antal af 18 Bøger; See hist. Aarbøger 3/145]." 
Lauridsen, Peder (I5506)
56468 Wiberg: "Der Sognepræsten i Faxe, Hr. Hans Rostrup, lod sin Hustrues Lig begrave, kom der, formedelst deres Uagtsomhed, som i Kjøkkenet brasede op til Begravelsen, Ild udi Præstegaarden, saa at den, tilligemed mange flere Gaarde der i Byen, paa faa Timers Tid afbrændte«. (Bkrd. Dgbg.)" Jensdatter, Anna (I2328)
56469 Wiberg: "Før 19". Klitgaard hhv. c. 1620 og c. 1622.
Efterfølgeren som sognepræst tiltrådte 17 Nov 1616. 
Mørk, Jens Jensen (I16072)
56470 Wiberg: ... blev 28/12 25 Sp. t. Skudenæs (Falnæs) v. Stavanger, Christiansands Stift; siden Provst samme sted. Schrøder, Peder (I2325)
56471 Wiberg: 1629 eller 1630 Randulf, Niels Enevoldsen (I16590)
56472 Wiberg: Anna Jensdatter, f. i Roskilde. Jensdatter, Anna (I2328)
56473 Wiberg: Jan 1732. Nygaards Sedler 25 Feb 1732. [KB Vejerslev først fra 1744] Nissen, Balthasar (I16655)
56474 widow/enke Enger, Johanna Kristine (I2291)
56475 Widowed Homemaker 403 N Oak Park. Thorn, Mary Emma Loretta (I13489)
56476 Wife of composer Felix Mendelssohn. Born Cécile Sophie Charlotte Jeanrenaud, she was the daughter of a French Protestant minister who settled in Frankfurt, Germany. She sang with Frankfurt's St. Cecilia Choir and was also a talented amateur artist. Mendelssohn met her in May 1836 during a short visit to that city, and was soon writing to his family of a young woman with "most bewitching deep blue eyes" with whom he was "dreadfully in love". He confided his feelings in one of his "Songs Without Words" for solo piano, "Duet" (op. 38, no. 6). They were engaged in September of that year and married on March 28, 1837. On meeting Cécile for the first time, Mendelssohn's sister Fanny enthused, "She is amiable, simple, fresh, happy and even-tempered, and I consider Felix most fortunate. For though loving him inexpressibly, she does not spoil him, but when he is moody, meets him with a self-restraint which in due course of time will cure him of his moodiness altogether. The effect of her presence is like that of a fresh breeze, she is so light and bright and natural". The couple had five children, Carl, Marie, Paul, Lilli, and Felix. By all accounts they had a happy, contented marriage - at least until a series of health issues beset the family in the mid-1840s. Five births in six years weakened Cécile's already delicate condition, their youngest child was debilitated by measels (he would die at age seven), and a combination of high blood pressure and overwork was driving Mendelssohn into an early grave. After Mendelssohn's death in 1847, Cécile returned to Frankfurt with her two daughters to live with her mother, while her three sons were raised by in-laws in Berlin. She died of tuberculosis at 35 and was buried in the Jeanrenaud family plot in Frankfurt's Main Cemetery. Cécile was in part responsible for a crucial addition to her husband's repertory. Mendelssohn was a self-critical tinkerer, loath to publish his music until he believed it was perfect; Fanny Mendelssohn lamented that he never knew when to leave well enough alone. In 1833 he had successfully premiered his "Italian" Symphony in London, but he felt it was flawed and made substantial revisions between 1834 and 1837. Still unsatisfied, he shelved both versions and it did not see print in his lifetime. When a publisher asked for the symphony in 1851, Cécile - through accident or design - handed over the original 1833 manuscript Mendelssohn had rejected, and it was issued as his Symphony No. 4. The "Italian" Symphony became one of Mendelssohn's most popular works and a permanent concert hall staple. The revised version was unearthed in the 1990s and recorded in 1999. It is generally agreed to be inferior to the original, and one can only speculate how posterity would have treated the "Italian" Symphony in that guise. (Bio by: Bobb Edwards, findagrave) Jeanrenaud, Cécile Charlotte Sophie (I1376)
56477 Wiggo Leonhard Meyer. Omskåret 5 Jul 1873. Meyer, Viggo Leonhard (I9258)
56478 Wikipedia angiver som fader: Karl Karlsson (Ulv) ( f. btw 1220-1219, søn af jarl Karl Döve). Karlsson, Ulf (I2852)
56479 Wikipedia citerer Avraham Hacohen Ovadia (Gotsdiner) (2001). Ha'ari Shebechachmai Prague (in Hebrew). Jerusalem, Israel: Mosad Harav Kook. p. 138. OCLC 145439809 for fødested Poznań, Polen. Löw, Yehuda Maharal (I1878)
56480 Wikipedia: Søn af Nathan Veitel Ephraim (1658 - 1748) og (Ukendt, fra Wien).
Falk: Søn af Chajim Heine Ephraim (d. 1748) og Hannele Veitel (d. 1746). 
Ephraim, Veitel Heine (I8892)
56481 Wilhelm Heinrich August Kranold (12. januar 1818 i Itzehoe – 25. juli 1850 ved Øvre Stolk) var en dansk officer, bror til Rudolph Kranold.
Han var søn af institutbestyrer, cand. theol. Wilhelm Heinrich Otto Immanuel Kranold (1780-1838) og Louise Wilhelmine født Dreesen (1794-1855). Hans lyst fra barndommen af var at blive soldat, og da der ikke kunne blive råd til at holde ham på Landkadetakademiet, lod han sig, 15 år gammel (1833), hverve ved Livregiment lette Dragoner, hvor han hurtig avancerede til korporal. I 1836 fik han tilladelse til at forberede sig til Den kongelige militære Højskole i København. Han fik i 1838 en fortræffelig adgangsprøve, og han blev, efter at have underkastet sig generalstabseksamen, udnævnt til premierløjtnant à la suite i artilleriet med anciennitet fra 1844. Ved krigens udbrud i 1848 blev han straks ansat som adjudant, først ved avantgarden og senere ved 3. Brigade under Olaf Rye. Olaf Rye kunne fremhæve såvel hans administrative dygtighed som glimrende mod. Kranold forfremmedes samme år til kaptajn og blev adjoint i Generalstaben. I felttoget 1849 beklædte han med fortrinlig duelighed stabschefsposten ved forskellige brigader af korpset i Sundeved og på Als, og i 1850 drog han ligeledes i felten som brigadestabschef, da ansat ved 2. Brigade under August Baggesen. Slagdagen ved Isted (25. juli) satte dog hurtig en grænse for den fremragende unge krigers livsbane. Han blev truffet af en kugle i brystet, da han under brigadens march mod Langsø sprængte tilbage til undersøgelse af forholdene ved Øvre Stolk, hvorfra en heftig skydning fra fjendens nu begyndende overfald lod sig høre. 1848 var han blevet Ridder af Dannebrog.
14 dage før sin død havde Kranold 10. juli 1850 i Holbæk ægtet Albertine Julie Darre (1. maj 1821 i København - 24. august 1892 sammesteds), datter af major Hans Michael Christian Darre (1787-1846) og Emilie Charlotte født Juncker (1792-1827).
Han er begravet på Ulkebøl Kirkegård.
Der findes et portrætmaleri af Kranold i familieeje. Han er også portrætteret på tegning af Fr. Bauditz 1848 (Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg Slot). Litografi af I.W. Tegner & Kittendorff 1851 efter daguerreotypi og på gruppebillede fra Hoffensbergs Atelier. (Wikipedia) 
Von KRANOLD, Wilhelm Heinrich August R. (I13672)
56482 Wilhemine Blümche Loria, 52 aar. Loria, Vilhemine (I8858)
56483 Wilhemine Salomonsen. Dom ang. kundskaber og opførsel: Udm. Godt. Salomon, Mine Blümche (I8951)
56484 Willem Frederik Lion was born in Steenbergen in 1880. During the war he was in The Netherlands. Willem Frederik was murdered in the Shoah. Lion, Willem Frederik (I9370)
56485 William Alexander O'Neill
f. 4 Dec 1894, Utopia, Kansas
Present occupation: manager, Shipping Dep
Signalement: Medium af højde og bygning, Blå øjne Mørkebrunt hår 
O'Neill, William Alexander (I7710)
56486 William B Kyne
State: District of Columbia
Last Place of Residence:Erie, New york
Birth Date: 23 Jul 1915
Death Date: 30 Nov 2008 
Kyne, William Boysen (I12005)
56487 William Eggert Bendt
Previous Residence : Tucson, Pima, Arizona, United States
Death Date: 18 Feb 2005
Birth Date: 7 Nov 1920
Father's Name: Chris P Bendt
Mother's Name: Lillian Eggert
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, United States 
Bendt, William Eggert (I20427)
56488 William Emil Rusch
Fødselsdato: 8 May 1914
Fødested: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Fars navn: William Fred Rusch
Fars alder: 27
Fars fødested: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mors navn: Astrid Elisabeth Jensen
Mors alder: 22
Mors fødested: Aarhus, Denmark 
Rusch, William Fred Jr. (I21753)
56489 William Fred Rusch, Jr
Fødselsdato: 8 May 1914
Fødested: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Dødsdato: 6 May 2002
Fars navn: William F Rusch
Mors navn: Astrid Jansen 
Rusch, William Fred Jr. (I21753)
56490 William Gerald Beckway, 65
Address: 6745 Longmeadow
Birth: 11 Jul 1912, Canada
Marital Status:Married
Occupation: Vice-President
Father's Name: George Beckway
Mother's Name: Frances Johnston
Spouse's Name:Alice Madsen
Informant's Name: Lee Hunt
Death:15 Sep 1977, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States
Cemetery : Mt Emblem
Funeral Home: Smith-Corcoran Funeral Home 
Beckway, William Gerald (I20665)
56491 William John "Bill" Laursen, age 87 of Bad Axe and formerly of Unionville, passed away Saturday, April 29, 2017 at the Huron Medical Care Facility in Bad Axe. Born in Detroit on April 10, 1930, he was the son of John C. and Alice L. (Brady) Laursen. Bill worked at his father's gas station in Sebewaing and in Caseville. He was an avid Detroit Tiger fan, he enjoyed playing bingo, and visiting with his friends. Bill always had a smile. He was a member of the Unionville Moravian Church. Bill is survived by his brother James Laursen of Ballwin, Missouri; niece and nephews, Kendall Laursen of Portland, Oregon, Karen (Rob) Kessler of Wildwood, Missouri, and Kevin Laursen of North Bergen, New Jersey; and grand-nephews Tommy and Trevor. He was preceded in death by his parents; sister-in-law Frances Laursen; and nephew Kurt. The funeral service will be 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at the Unionville Moravian Church, with Pastor Jane Gehler officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive visitors at the church beginning at 10:00 a.m. Memorials may be made to Huron Medical Care Facility, Unionville Moravian Church, or charity of donor's choice. Laursen, William John (I12687)
56492 William Maurice Fridericia, 11.2.1842-11.10.1907, jernbaneingeniør. Født i Kbh. (Mos.), død på Frbg., begravet sst. (Solbjerg). F. tog polyteknisk adgangseksamen 1858 og blev polyteknisk kandidat i ingeniørfaget 1864. N.å. aftjente han sin værnepligt og gennemgik uddannelse som officersaspirant. Efter at have aftjent værnepligten fik han ansættelse ved forskellige jernbanearbejder og var derefter 1866- 68 lærer ved det tekniske institut i Kbh. 1868-70 var han beskæftiget først med forarbejder til og senere ved anlægget af den sjællandske sydbane. Fra 1871 var han ingeniør ved de sjællandske jernbaner og indførte som sådan bloksignalsystemet på Klampenborgbanen. 1885 blev han overbaneingeniør for statsbanerne i Jylland-Fyn, en stilling der fra 1887 benævntes banechef. Ved driftens omorganisation 1892 ophævedes denne stilling til stor sorg for den arbejdsomme og pligtopfyldende mand, og F. blev nu midlertidig chef for statsbanedriftens III. afd. 1. ekspeditionskontor indtil han 1893 blev chef for det tekniske kontor under generaldirektoratet for statsbanedriften. Ved omordningen 1904 ophævedes også denne stilling, og F. var derefter knyttet til statsbanedriften som kontrollør ved skinneleverancerne. F., der foruden at være en dygtighed var almindelig afholdt på grund af sine indtagende menneskelige egenskaber blev 1892 medlem af Dansk ingeniørforenings første bestyrelse. 1866 fik F. eneret på en metode til fremstilling af papirmasse af rapshalm, 1882 på en sporskifteaflæsningsviser som distancesignal, 1902 på svellepropper til befæstelse af skinnesøm og 1907 på søm med linseformet tværsnit. Etatsråd 1904. R. 1888.
Bibliografi: Politiken 12.10.1907. L. Wolfhagen i Ingeniøren 19.10.1907. Samme i Jernbanebl., 1907 nr. 20. Frits Casse: En gammel ingeniørs erindr., 1913. Levnedsberetning i ordenskapitlet.
Omtalt i Emil Hannovers erindringer. 
Fridericia, William Maurice R. (I1806)
56493 William Phyll "Phil" Johnson, age 91, of Tooele, Utah passed away on Friday, November 15, 1996 in the Tooele Valley Hospital.
Phil was born May 22, 1905 in Scipio, Utah son of William Thomas and Elizabeth Hilma Hanseen Johnson. He married Melva Fjeldsted on August 23, 1937 in Centerfield, Utah. Phil worked with his father on their farm in Scipio before he moved to Tooele in 1937. He worked at the Resin Plant in Bauer as a welder until he retired. In his early years in Tooele, he enjoyed playing baseball as a pitcher. He enjoyed hunting for deer, elk and pheasant. Gardening was his hobby and Phil always had a large garden at his home. He loved his wife, children and grandchildren. He was a member of the LDS Church.He is survived by his wife, Melva; two daughters, Phyllis Johnson of Los Angeles, and Cheryl Evenson (Chris) of Taylorsville; Grandchildren, Christy E. Whiting (Todd), Marci E. Whitworth (David), Kimberly Evenson, and a great-grandson, David Matthew Whiting. He was preceded in death by a sister, Helen Smith and brother, Melvin Johnson.
Graveside services will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 1996 at 11 a.m. in the Tooele City Cemetery. Friends may call at Tate Mortuary one hour prior."
(Deseret News Nov 17, 1996, gengivet i 
Johnson, William Phyll (I17665)
56494 William Staniullo
Birth Date: 24 May 1898
Previous Residence : San Mateo, San Mateo, California
Death Date: 22 Feb 1989
Father's Name: Carl Staniullo
Mother's Name: Amalia Hering 
Staniullo, Wilhelm (I21985)
56495 William W Juhl
Birth Date: 18 Jun 1908
Death Date: 24 Aug 1992 
Juhl, William Wallis (I12700)
56496 Wineland: Elisabetha Spohn. Barn: Barbara Ermantinger (f. 11 Oct 1646). Spür, Anna (I2756)
56497 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I8279)
56498 Winston A. Toft
July 10, 1933 - August 18, 2022
Sacramento, California -
Winston Anders Toft ("Papa"), 89, of Elk Grove, passed on August 18, 2022. Winston was born in Omaha, Nebraska on July 10, 1933 to Harvey and Lillian Toft. He graduated from the University of Omaha in 1956 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and he also earned a Master in Business Administration from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He served his country by enlisting in the U.S. Air Force from May 15, 1956 to June 30, 1968. While stationed in Seville, Spain, he met and married his wife of 60 years, Maria De Los Angeles Valverde Conradi in October, 1961. He also was stationed at Grissom AFB, Indiana. He retired from the U.S. Air Force as a Capitan in 1968. He later became a Major while serving in the Air Force Reserves. After retiring from active duty, he worked as an internal Air Force Auditor at Kelly AFB in San Antonio, Texas from 1968 to 1978 and at McClellan AFB from 1978 to his retirement in 1993.
Winston was a wonderful, caring and thoughtful son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend. He was very much involved in his children and grandchildren lives. He was extremely intelligent with many interests that included family, traveling, music, sports and politics. He loved all types of music as evidenced from his CD collection that included music from Country & Western to grand opera. He was a yearly visitor to the Sacramento Music Festival as he always looked forward to this event.
He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Maria Toft, children Paul Toft (Debra), Angela Gregoire (David), Larry Toft (Deana) & James Toft (Christina), sisters Laurine Sorenson and Janice Weeks, grandchildren, Steven Toft, Michael Toft, Nathan Gregoire, Jonathan Gregoire, Nicholas Gregoire, Cayley Toft, Lyndsey Toft, Joshua Toft, Tyler Toft, and Kayla Toft, and great grandchildren Makenna Toft and Rhett Gregoire.
Funeral services will be held at 11:00 am September 8th at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 5751 Locust Avenue, Carmichael, CA. Reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, contributions in memory of Winston may be made to the American Diabetes Association.

Published by The Sacramento Bee on Sep. 3, 2022. 
Toft, Winston Anders (I19223)
56499 Winther, Hans Aage Christian. Født 28. Oktober 1897 i Gramby, Nordslesvig. Forældre: Købmand Frands Winther og Marie Hansen. Gift 8. Maj 1929 med Margrethe Thomsen, Datter af Gaardejer Hans Thomsen, Pugholm, og Louise Berntsen. Forskellige Assistentstillinger 1924-1925. Praksis i Felsted fra 1926. Adresse: Felsted. (Danske Dyrlæger)

"Hans Aage Christian Winther er født 28. oktober 1897 i Gram by, død 24. Oktober 1950 på Statshospitalet i Sønderborg, begravet 28. oktober 1950 på Felsted kirkegård, søn af. købmand Frands Andresen Winther i Gram og hustru Ane Marie født Hansen.
Hans Aage Christian blev gift den 8. maj 1929 i Felsted kirke med Luise Margretha Cathrina Thomsen født 22. februar 1903 på Pugholm, Kværs sogn, datter af Hans Thomsen på Pugholm og Ida Luise Margrethe Rasmussen
1. Frands Aage f. 19.02.1933 i Felsted
2. Hans Olaf f. 24.11.1941
Deltog i 1. Verdenskrig og sad i engelsk fangelejr fra 9. september 1917.
Efter at have bestået sin dyrlægeeksamen nedsatte han sig i januar 1926 som praktiserende dyrlæge i Felsted, hvor han oparbejdede en god dyrlægepraksis. Familien opførte i 1934 en stor ny bungalow i 2 etager på Gråstenvej 39 i Felsted." (, med portrætfoto). 
Winther, Hans Aage Christian (I22000)
56500 With wife and daughter Wilda Jane, 4
United States Census 
Hendriksen, Louis Frederick (I388)