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42001 R UV 00 0145, sammen med ægtefællen. Hartoft, Lise (I16461)
42002 R UV 00 0145, sammen med ægtefællen. Grünbaum, Svend Per Marcus (I3772)
42003 R' Chaim (Hayyim) Loew (LOEB). Born: 1506 or 1510 or 1515 in Worms? Died: 1588 in Friedberg, Germany.
"Rabbi Chaim Loeb" one of four brothers about whom the great commentator and posek R' Shlomo Luria "Maharshal" wrote: "I have heard about the wise brothers, the lofty, wise and pious one R' Chaim; the lion of Torah R' Laib; and the 2 shining stars R' Sinai and R' Shimshon. "R' Chaim was a leading sage of his generation, though his legacy is overshadowed by that of his younger brother R' Laib, better known as the Maharal of Prague. When he is quoted, it is usually by the name "R' Chaim, the brother of Maharal". As a young man R' Chaim traveled to study under R' Shalom Shakna of Lublin, one of the leading sages of Poland and the leader of the pilpul school of Torah studies. However, like his fellow student (cousin of Maharshal) R' Moshe Isserles "Rema", R' Chaim apparently rejected the pilpul method. R' Chaim's next teacher was Maharshal, and it was his method of studying halachah that R' Chaim adopted as his own. R' Chaim was reluctant to leave any written works. He encouraged his students to memorize material and study by heart, thus developing their memories and their analytical abilities. That R' Chaim wrote any books is a testimony to the persistent demands of his students, and even so, he postponed his writing until an epidemic forced him to be quarantined and separated from anyone with whom he could "talk in learning." (This happened in 1569 and again in 1579.)"
His works: "Sefer ha-Ḥayyim," Cracow, 1593; "Mayim Ḥayyim," Amsterdam, "Iggeret ha-Tiyyul," Scriptural comments in alphabetical order, Prague, 1605,; "'Eẓ ha-Ḥayyim"; "Be'er Mayim Ḥayyim," supercommentary to Rashi's commentary on the Pentateuch.
Löw, Chaim (I1996)
42004 R. Yishayahu ben Moshe Asher Ha-Levi Horowitz is the founder of Horowitz family name.
He lived in Horovice and later in Prague at the beginning of the 16th century (he died in 1514).
R. Yishayahu was a prominent, rich and respected member of Prague Jewish community. He had 7 sons, of whom Aharon Meshulam and Shabtai Sheftel were the best known.
According to family tradition (first recorded in the late 19th century), the name Horowitz is associated with Horovice, a small town near Prague in the Czech Republic, where Jews who fled from Spain were allowed to settle. The founders of the dynasty were Levites but later non-Levites also entered the family through marriage.
Family tradition (first recorded in the late 19th century) has it, that according to scripts from previous centuries, the Halevi family originated in the region of Cataluña, Spain. From among the many family members, most famous is Rabbi Zarchiya Halevi from Gerona, known as "Baal Hamaor", and we have knowledge of 11 generations of this family in Spain. (Burstein) 
Horowitz, Yeshaya Zalman Halevi (I1978)
42005 R.P. Entreprise APS, Maribovej 75
Entreprenør Roland Piszcek, foto af virksomheden (1995) i 
Piszczek, Roland Joszef (I13985)
42006 RABBI & ABD (President Rabbibinical Court) in Kremnitz, Germany. Löw, Shimshon (I1999)
42007 Rabbi and ABD of Friedberg, Chief Rabbi of Worms, RABI. Löw, Chaim (I1996)
42008 Rabbi and Av Beit Din in Worms. Ben-Yitzhak, Yehuda (I2004)
42009 Rabbi in Kew Gardens, NY. Blumenfeld, Moshe Zvi (I16333)
42010 Rabbi Meshulam Salman I MIRELS was Rabbi of Hamburg and av beit din. He had twenty-five children, was father-in-law of the Gaon Haham Tzvi, and lived to see 400 descendants (Loeb).
"MIRELS, MESHULLAM ZALMAN BEN DAVID (NEUMARK). By: Gotthard Deutsch, S. Mannheimer
German rabbi; born about 1620 at Vienna; died Nov. 28, 1706, at Altona. When, in 1670, the Jews were expelled from Vienna, he and his son Zeeb Wolf and other members of the Mirels family emigrated to Berlin. A few years later (1678) Mirels was elected chief rabbi ("ab bet din") of the communities Altona, Hamburg, and Wandsbeck, which position he held until his death. He was the father of a large family, ramified through Poland and Lithuania, and lived to see the fifth generation. His daughter Sarah was the wife of Ẓebi Ashkenazi (Ḥakam Ẓebi) and the mother of Jacob Emden.
One responsum written by Mirels is found in the collection "Eben ha-Shoham." See also Jew. Encyc. i. 474, s. v. Altona.
Bibliography: Jacob Emden, Megillat Sefer, ed. Kahana, pp. 10, 13, Warsaw, 1888; Dembitzer, Kelilat Yofi, i., 8a, 91b, 92a, Cracow, 1888; Fuenn, Keneset Yisrael, p. 328. (Jewish encyclopedia). 
Mirels, Meshulam Salman (I1873)
42011 Rabbi Moshe Heller was ABD of Wallerstein, father of Rabbi Aaron HaLevi Heller of Wallerstein and grandfather of Yaakov Koppel HaLevi, ABD of Neumark. (Hebrew Books) Heller, Moshe Halevi (I1947)
42012 Rabbi of Nikolsburg. Löw, Sinai Ben-Betzalel (I1997)
42013 Rabbi of the Dukedom of Cleves and the county of Mark, Landesrabbiner (Chief Rabbi) Of Cleve Und Der Mark. Emmerich-Gomperz, Mordechai Marcus Gumpel (I1390)
42014 Rabbi of Worms, Germany, Rov and Av Beis Din of Worms. Löw, Haim Ben-Bezalel (I2000)
42015 Rabbi Sinai LOEB/LOEW (b. ca 1508 Worms, Germany/Posen, Poland; d. 1607 Kolin), Rabbi of Nikolsburg, was the son of Bezalel ben Haim Loeb. Rabbi Sinai LOEB married Chana Enokh WESSELS (Khana Enokh WESSELS). Rabbi Sinai was an elder brother of the Maharal of Prague.
"Rabbi Sinai Loeb" one of four brothers about whom the great commentator and posek R' Shlomo Luria "Maharshal" wrote: "I have heard about the wise brothers, the lofty, wise and pious one R' Chaim; the lion of Torah R' Laib; and the 2 shining stars R' Sinai and R' Shimshon (Burstein). 
Löw, Sinai Ben-Betzalel (I1997)
42016 Rabbi Yitzhak Saggi Nehor also known as Isaac the Blind (c. 1160–1235 in Provence, France), has the Aramaic epithet "Saggi Nehor" meaning "of Much Light" in the sense of having excellent eyesight, an ironic euphemism for being blind. He was a famous writer on Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism). Some historians suspect him to be the author of the Book of the Bahir, an important early text of Kabbalah. Others (especially Gershom Scholem, see his Origins of the Kabbalah, p. 253) characterize this view as an "erroneous and totally unfounded hypothesis".

He was the son of a famous talmudist Abraham ben David of Posquières (Raavad).

The Bahir first appeared in the Middle Ages, around 1200 CE in France. It discusses a number of ideas that became important for Kabbalah, and even though the origins of the anonymous work are obscure, there were important Kabbalists who were writing at the same time in France. The most influential of these was Isaac the Blind. (Wikipedia) 
Nehor, Yitzhak Saggi (I1902)
42017 Rabbi, Dayan (in Frankfurt, Rosh Yeshivas Kol Torah (in Israel) Schlesinger, Michel (I16300)
42018 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I16319)
42019 Rabbi. from Vermiza, Rabbi, RABI, Rov and Av Beis Din of Prague, Czecheslovakia Löw, Betzalel (I1992)
42020 Rabbi. Parness U'Manhig Horowitz, Aaron Avraham Meshulam Zalman (I1977)
42021 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I9077)
42022 Rachel Adler. Enke efter købmand Isaac David Adler, 63 Aar, død af apoplexi. Hertz, Rachel (I8157)
42023 Rachel Dessauer, enke efter handelsmand Dessauer, i Ribe. Dessauer, Rechle (I2147)
42024 Racher i Utah til 1972, derefter Ranch manager i Colorado, Idaho og Iowa med hjemmebase i Ferron, Utah. Olsen, Travus Boyd (I17950)
42025 Radartekniker under Geminiprojektet (1961-1966) Flynn, Jack Christian (I17469)
42026 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I15020)
42027 Rådgiver for den jødiske menighed. Mæcen for kunst og litteratur.
Stiftede 25. Ijar 1689 Chewra Schomer Leboker.
Svoger til Glücel von Hameln og nævnt adskillige steder som rådgiver og hjælper for hende.
"While Gluckel mentions his sister Elkele only twice briefly, she expresses great admiration for Jozef Stadthagen, her brother-in-law, whom she depended on for business affairs and other advice after the death of her husband Chaim Segal-Hamelen in 1689. Jozef, a prosperous merchant, is described in many documents of the Hamburg community as a founder and leader of devout institutions and many charitable deeds. He donated large sums to the synagogue building and was one of the supporters of the printing of the “Yayin Ja’kov” edition in Amsterdam in 1684. In 1689 he donated 100 Reichsthalers for the foundation of the “shomrim laboker” company (dawn watchers)[xi].
He made business trips to the annual Leipzig fair[xii] and probably to Amsterdam as well, and may have taken Mozes with him for educational purposes. In 1697 or 1698 he arranged the marriage between Mozes and Judith-Gutele, in writing or during of a visit to Amsterdam." (Bennet) 
Goldschmidt, Joseph (I1727)
42028 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I14843)
42029 Radiotelegrafist i sine unge år Hoffmann, Lars (I8311)
42030 Rådmand 1816-1638.
Fændrik i Væbningen før han blev rådmand. 
Carlsen, Peder (I2349)
42031 Rådmand mm. i Kenosha, se nekrolog. Fitchett, George Ryland (I21922)
42032 Railway policeman Monsen, Frank S. (I17906)
42033 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I12697)
42034 Ramsø Herredsting. Paris, Aage af Sørup (I3227)
42035 Ramt af flugtbilist mens hans stod ved sit køretoj. Døde efter 11 dages koma. Fjeldsted, Alfred Lars (I17644)
42036 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I18019)
42037 Randboel_209a. Gravsten afbildet (2008). Sammen med ægtefællen og sønnen Willy. Andersen, Leonhard Leopold August (I20520)
42038 Randboel_209a. Gravsten afbildet (2008). Sammen med ægtefællen og sønnen Willy. Mouritsen, Olivia Charlotte (I7630)
42039 Randboel_209b. Gravsten afbildet (2008). Alene. Samme gravsted som forældrene. Andersen, Willy Christian (I20522)
42040 Randers 1-12. Gravsten afbildet. Alder ved død angivet på stenen til 102 år. Julius, Krese (I2138)
42041 Randers 10-29. Gravsten ej fundet. Simon, Herman (I9785)
42042 Randers 10-36. Gravsten afbildet. Ulæselig. Jacoby, Sophie (I9788)
42043 Randers 10-46. Gravsten afbildet, Forvitret. Nathansen, Gunhilda (I9440)
42044 Randers 11-10. Gravsten afbildet. Wulff, Regine (I9465)
42045 Randers 11-11. Gravsten afbildet. Nathansen, Abraham R. (I2155)
42046 Randers 11-17. Gravsten afbildet. Haurowitz, Clara (I9485)
42047 Randers 11-19. Gravsten afbildet. Haurowitz, Flora Vilhelmine (I9601)
42048 Randers 11-36. Sammen med ægtefællen. Gravsten afbildet. Nathansen, Hirsch (I2163)
42049 Randers 11-40 L. Gravsten afbildet. Sammen med ægtefællen. Nathansen, Hanne Betti (I2100)
42050 Randers 11-40 L. Gravsten afbildet. Sammen med ægtefællen. Hartogsohn, Jonas Philip (I2099)

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