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3851 "PRICE, UTAH- Ann Prosence passed peacefully into the arms of her loving Heavenly Father and her eternal parents Frederick Hilton Blackham and Harriet Christina Nielsen on May 11, 2019.
Ann was born March 25, 1925 in Huntington, Utah. Ann gained her lifelong love of the outdoors and gardening while working and playing at her grandparent’s (Peter and Delecty Nielsen) farm outside of Huntington.
Ann graduated from Emery High School in 1943 and married Richard Anthony Prosence on Dec 25, 1947 in Huntington, Utah. After graduating from college, they traveled around the country from Utah to Virginia in a 26 foot travel trailer while Richard worked for the BLM. They moved to Grand Junction, Colorado in 1956 where she raised her three children, Cassandra, Paul and Matthew.
After her divorce from Richard in 1983, Ann served an honorable mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Canada, Winnipeg Mission. She later moved to Castledale, Utah where she started a whole new life with many friends and new adventures. She served as an ordinance worker in the Manti, Utah Temple from 2003 until she was released in 2016. She often said that those were her happiest and most fulfilling years.
Ann enjoyed crafts, decorating, painting with various media on interesting surfaces (like wood and rocks) and collecting and displaying everything she collected. She often went hiking and fishing and was an avid excavator of antique bottles found in Colorado ghost towns and early 1800’s cabin sites. She was a great dirt biker and drove her own motorcycle." (Gengivet i 
Caldwell, Ann (I17565)
3852 "PRICE- Funeral services will be Saturday at 1 p.m., Mitchell Funeral Home, Price, for Joseph E. Forrester, 72, Price, who died in a truck-train accident here Nov. 21.
Born Dec. 16, 1900, Meeker, Colo., to John C. and Maggie Curtis Forrester. Married Mary Evelyn Caldwell June 21, 1924, Price; she died July 18, 1965. Owner-operator, ACME Cleaners, Price.
Survivors: son, Raymond E., Price; J.R. Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada; 6 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Vina Shelton, Los Angeles.
Friends call Mitchell Funeral Home Saturday prior to service. Burial, Price City Cemetery."
(The Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 23, 1973; gengivet i 
Forrester, Joseph Eli (I17570)
3853 "Private funeral services were held at Fairmont chapel in Denver, Colo. for Inger Marie Dam who died at Wheatland Wyo. on Sept 21, 1956 after an extended illness. Her final resting place will be in the Gordon, Nebr. cemetery.
Inger Marie Cathrine Jorgensen was born in Aaby, Denmark, Sept. 12, 1878. She ws the only child of Peter and Anna Jorgensen. At the age of 15 she came with her parents and settled at Gordon, Nebr. On Dec 12, 1901 she was united in marriage to Jorgen Christiansen Dam. To this union was born five children, Anna Sorensen of Gering, Nebr. George H. Dam of Santa Rosa, Calif., Emma Grey of Seattle, Wash., Eleanor Garrett of Whatland, Wyo. and Raymond J. Dam of Baltimore Md. She is survived by her five children and three grandschildren. Her husband Preceded her in death in 1927. She was a member of the Luthran church and the Order of the Eastern Star" (Gengivet i, hvor der også er følgende tilføjelse:
"Daughter of Gregers Peter Jorgensen and Anna Christine (Schroeder) Jorgensen. Immigrated when Inger was 15 and joined the Danish community east of Gordon in the 1890s. Inger married John Dam in Rushville, NE on December 12, 1901. They raised five children (Anna Christine (b. 9/28/1902), George Henry (b. 3/16/1904), Emma Margrethe (b. 4/23/1906), Eleanor Catherine (b. 9/18/1909), and Raymond John (b. 9/28/1913)."). 
Jørgensen, Inger Marie Katrine (I12430)
3854 "Professor Henrik Hertz, Jomfru Louise Josephine v. Halle, 33 Nørregade ...efter Bevilling af 7de Juni".
Børn i ægteskabet:
Andrea Sara Isabella Hertz (29 Dec 1853 - 14 Feb 1936; musiklærerinde i Århus),
Poul Valdemar Hertz (1 Mar 1855 - 12 Dec 1936; Docent, Kredslæge; Gift med Gudrun Hauch, 1868 - 1951),
Julie Marie Hertz (21 Sep 1858 - 17 Jul 1912; assistent i Meteorologisk Institut; ugift). 
Familie: Henrik Hertz, R. DM. / Louise Josephine von Halle (F8434)
3855 "Professor, overlæge, Henrik Lykke Ewald, Århus, er død, 45 år. Henrik Lykke Ewald, der var apotekersøn, blev fra Aarhus Universitet i 1987, og i sin korte karriere nåede han at markere sig som forsker på internationalt niveau specielt inden for genetisk psykiatri. Efter turnus på forskellige jyske hospitaler var han i nogle år reservelæge på Psykiatrisk Hospital i Risskov. I denne periode arbejdede han tillige med sin doktorafhandling, og i 1997 var Henrik Lykke Ewald To år senere blev han overlæge ved Institut for Psykiatrisk Grundforskning på Universitetshospitalet i Århus, og fra 2002 var han professor i psykiatrisk molekylærgenetik på Aarhus Universitet. Henrik Lykke Ewald var medlem af Dansk Psykiatrisk Selskab og Dansk Selskab for Biologisk Psykiatri." Ewald, Henrik Lykke (I7398)
3856 "Proselytdaab 1855 den 8 Martz
David Arnold Frederik Jacobsen, Kornmægler i Kiel. Søn af Konsul M.D. Jacobsen og Hustru Rikke Jacobsen født Wagner i Assens ... Født i Assens 9 august 1827 .. Han har tidligere bekjendt sig til den mosaiske Troe... Han tog i Daaben Navnet Frederik i forbindelse med sine 2de andre Fornavne" 
Jacobsen, David Arnold Frederik (I8416)
3857 "Præliminær eksamen 1895, privatlærerinde 1895-1900 bl.a. på Ørting præstegård, for grosserer M. Lauritzens svage søn i Frederikshavn 1900 til 1904, lærerindeeksamen i Ribe 1907, kommunelærerinde i Frederikshavn 1900-1923 (Bestyrelsesmedlem af Dansk Kvindesamfund og Danmarks Lærerforening, faglærer i naturhistorie ved Zahles og Ingrid Jespersens skoler 1923-1927). Havde Montessori-børnehave på Frederiksberg på Andebakkestien 1927-1934. Husbestyrerinde for grosserer Lauritzen (1934-37) til hans død.
Adskillige af den yngre slægt har boet hos hende i hjemmet på Sdr. Fasanvej 33 ... eller gæstet hende i sommerhuset "Enghuset" i Bisserup.
Tante Caro døde den 21/10 1958 på Diakonissestiftelsen på Frederiksberg og blev begravet på Holsteinsborg kirkegård. ( november 2007, Jens Dinsen, cit. i Schrøder) 
Schrøder, Caroline Christiane (I14638)
3858 "Rabbi Samuel BRANDEIS (d. 1628 Prague) (son of Rabbi Simon BRANDEIS and Gitele LOEW, daughter of Maharal), President of Prague Gemelnde, married his cousin the daughter of R. Chaim WAHL (Prague) and Realina (daughter of Maharal). Both are grandchildren of the Maharal of Prague." (Burstein) Brandeis, Shmuel HaLevi (I8935)
3859 "Rachael Weel fød Glúckstad, Enke efter Silke og Klædehandler E. Weel, Compagnistræde 12, 83 aar, Alderdomssvaghed" Glückstadt, Rachel (I8819)
3860 "Rachel Baith. Handelsmand Baiths Enke Østergade 5. 67. Phtstis" Adler, Rachel Simone (I1654)
3861 "Rachel Goldschmidt. Kiøbmand Jacob Jonas Goldschmidts Enke, Løvstrædet N. 128. 77 Aar. Død af Alderdom"
[Nuværende Løvstræde 7] 
Hirsch, Rachel (I1666)
3862 "Rachel Louise Salomonsen f. Simonsen. Enke efter Grosserer Eskild Salomonsen, s. Bopæl Dødsstedet ... 66 Aar, Arteriosclersis Myocordis, Gangrene pulm." Simonsen, Louise Rachel (I9001)
3863 "Rachel Magnus fød Valentin. Fabrikør Jacob Magnus Enke Snaregaden No. 8. 79 Aar. Død af alderdom". Valentin, Rachel (I21289)
3864 "Ralph Glen Nelson, 77, died January 7, 2016 in Springville, Utah. Parents, Horace Jacob Nelson and Etta Lavern Goates welcomed him to their household on November 29, 1938 joining his brother, Horace David and sister, Etta Mae. He was born at the family home in LaGrande, Oregon. Ralph attended schools in LaGrande and graduated from LaGrande High School in 1956. He attended Utah State University and Eastern Oregon University prior to his LDS British Mission.
After the mission, Ralph continued his education graduating from Brigham Young University with the class of 1963. He graduated from Pacific Coast Banking School, University of Washington class of 1979. In 1963 Ralph began his thirty-five year commercial banking career working in Oregon and Utah. On December 16, 1961 he married Sharon Roberta Larsen in the LDS Manti temple. Derek Ralph, Kathleen Sharon, Phyllis Lavern and Barbara Rae completed the family. There are 16 grandchildren and 5 1/2 great grandchildren. Sharon’s Multiple Sclerosis took its toll and she passed away after 42 years of marriage. Ralph married Mary Lois Conrad in 2004, which added her four children, 21 grandchildren and 37 great grandchildren to the family.
During his working years, Ralph was involved in civic activities including Lions Club, Rotary Club, Exchange Club, Chamber of Commerces, United Way and Banking Associations. Ralph always had a project he was working on that included boats, woodshop, home and auto maintenance, garden and yard. Outdoor activities included backpacking, cycling and fishing. Ralph was a lifetime member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: He served in many priesthood and auxiliary positions.
Survived by wife Mary Lois Nelson, children Kathleen Hutchison (Delbert) Milton Freewater, OR; Phyllis Anderson (Orman) Coppell, TX; Barbara Spencer (Eric) Lindon, Utah. Preceded in death by his parents, siblings, wife, and son.
Funeral Services will be Monday, January 11, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., at the Spring Creek 21st Ward, 878 West Center, Springville, UT. There will be a viewing from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. prior to services at the church. Interment will be at the Lindon City Cemetery. ..." 
Nelson, Ralph Glen (I17780)
3865 "Rantzau, Cai, o.1490-1560, til Klethkamp og Hanerau, Søn af Henrik (Breidesen) R. og Øllegaard (Ditlevsdatter) Buchwald og altsaa Broder til Feltherren Johan R., var 1512 Hof junker paa Gottorp, 1516 Amtmand i Oldenburg og 1518 paa Pløen. Senest fra 1520 af havde han Trittau Amt i Pant, men da Lybekkerne under Grevefejden bemægtigede sig dette Amt, ved hvilken Lejlighed han selv blev saaret, fik han 1534 i Steden Eutin Stad og Slot i Pant, og Aaret efter fik han end videre Byen Oldenburg i Pant som Vederlag for den Skade, Afsavnet af Trittau Amt havde voldet ham. Da havde han for øvrigt faaet Trittau tilbage, som først blev indløst 1557, men han beholdt dog Pantet i Eutin til 1547. Desuden havde han Koldinghus Slot og Len i Pant fra 1536-42 og Rensborg fra 1542-44 (eller 1547). Alt 1531 havde han været Medlem af Statholderskabet i Hertugdømmerne, og 1540 deltog han i Forhandlingerne med Ditmarskerne. Kongen vilde 1546 have udnævnt ham til sin Raad, men heraf blev der, som det synes, intet, thi endnu 1549 og senere betegnes han som Hertug Adolfs Raad. Sine Godser, Klethkamp, Gereby og Holtenklinken, havde han alle selv tilkjøbt sig. Desuden fik han 1557 overdraget det hertugelige Lensgods Hanerau, som hans Svigersøn dement v. d. Wisch havde afstaaet til hans Søn Poul R., der siden var død. C. R., der alt ved Aar 1511 havde ægtet Ide. (Hansdatter) Blome af Seedorf, siges at være død 1560, 70 Aar gammel, «i Krigen ». (Danske Mag. 4. R. III, 19.Thiset.; DBL 1 udg).

"til Kletkamp (1533, købt af Schack Rantzau), Gereby (1539, købt af Slesvig Bispestol) og Hanerau (1547, arvet af Sønnen) -, var 1512 Hofjkr. paa Gottorp, 1516 Amtmand i Oldenburg, 1518 i Plön, havde 1521-57 Trittau i Pant, 1525 Amtmand i Rendsborg, 1531 Medlem af Statholderskabet, medbeseglede 1533 Unionen, 1534 saaret ved Lübeck, fik s. A. Eutin Amt i Pant, og 1535 tillige Byen Oldesloe med Tolden samt Reinbek Kloster, 1535-41 forlenet med Koldinghus Len, havde 1542-47 Rendsborg Amt i Pant, erklærede sig 1540 paa Landdagen i Rendsborg for den gamle Lære. 1549-53 Hertug Adolfs Raad, betalte 1558 Romertog af Kletkamp og Hanerau, under Hertugens Fraværelse 1560 Medlem af Statholderskabet, død s. A." (Holbek & Brun) 
von Rantzau, Cai (I3392)
3866 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I12367)
3867 "Rasmus Axelsen. Husmand og Almisselem paa Strynø, 87 3/4" Axelsen, Rasmus (I5832)
3868 "Rasmus Christensen. O 83 Aar" Christensen, Rasmus (I5997)
3869 "Rasmus Pedersen Ruberg etterfulgte faren i vervet og forpaktet Kanestraum fra 1665 til 1685." Ruberg, Rasmus Pedersen (I2741)
3870 "Rasmus Rasmussen Stærke. Forhen Skipper i Marstal. 71" Rasmussen, Rasmus (I18994)
3871 "Rasmussen, Rasmus Nielsen, f. 26. Febr. 1875 i Søby Sogn; S. af Gaardejer Søren R. og Hustru Karen Marie Lassen; g. 22. Aug. 1908 m. Valborg Amalie Petersen, f. 6. Aug. 1885 i Kbhvn.; D. af Overkontrolør Rasmus P. og Hustru Signe Møller. — 1891 Forberedelseseksamen, Hammel. Paa Frijsenborg-Favrskov Birks Kontor til Okt. 1894. Sagførerkontorist i Kbhvn. 1907 exam. jur. Fuldm. hos O.sagf. Aage Lassen, derefter hos O.sagf. P. Jonsson. 20. Jan. 1910 Sagfører, Kbhvn.; praktiseret der siden. — Medl. af Bestyr, for A/S M. J. Bech, A/S Foss-gaarden og andre Selskaber." (Danske Sagførere)
"Rasmussen, Rasmus Nielsen, 12. Jan. 1899 exam. jur. (ej ubekv., 26. Jan. 1900 ej ubekv., 18. Jan. 1907 I), se: Danske Sagførere, S. 330. — Tilføjelse: Vielsen fandt Sted i Kbh. (Holmens); død 5. Jan. 1943 paa Frbg." (candati ...) 
Rasmussen, Rasmus Nielsen (I21584)
3872 "RASMUSSEN, Richard "Razz" Of Norwood died on Nov. 21, 2014 at the age of 84. Former husband of Patricia R. Brady. Devoted father of Charlene Farren and her husband John of Baldwinville, Sheryll Rasmussen of Norwood, Richard Rasmussen and his wife Janine of CT, Cindy Butts and her husband John of Baldwinville, Charles Rasmussen and his wife Michelle of Lunenburg and Patricia May and her late Husband Richard of Plainville. Also survived by 23 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Longtime companion of the late Judith Baris. Razz enjoyed deep sea fishing, winters in FL, Lighthouses, summers in ME and long drives with his family. He was a longtime and dedicated friend of Bill. CTS. A funeral home service will be held on Monday Nov. 24, 2014 12noon at the Kraw-Kornack Funeral Home 1248 Washington St. Norwood, MA. Visiting hours will be held on Monday morning only from 10am-12noon. Burial will be at Highland Cemetery Norwood. US Air Force Korean Conflict Veteran. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in his name to the Baldwinville Nursing Home Activities Fund 51 Hospital Rd. P.O. Box 24 Baldwinville, MA 01436-0024."
(Published in The Boston Globe on Nov. 23, 2014; gengivet i, med portrætfoto) 
Rasmussen, Richard C. (I10668)
3873 "Ravensberg, Christoffer Jepsen, –1543, Humanist, var en Søn af Hr. Jep Jepsen R. og Brodersøn af ndfr. nævnte Biskop Johan Jepsen R., ved hvis Indflydelse han vel er bleven Kannik i Roskilde efter at have studeret hjemme og udenlands og efter at have taget Magistergraden. Han var en af Humanismens tidligste Tilhængere her til Lands, og hans Kjærlighed til de klassiske Studier bidrog ogsaa til at gjøre ham velsindet mod Reformationen. 1518 valgtes han til Rektor for Kjøbenhavns Universitet, ved hvilket han i de nærmest følgende Aar ogsaa optraadte som Docent og Leder af Studenternes dramatiske Øvelser. Med Kong Christian II stod han paa en god Fod, hvorfor han 1523 ledsagede ham i Udlændigheden, men kom dog tilbage og udsonede sig med de nye Magthavere. 1525 var han igjen Universitetets Rektor;for øvrigt henlevede han sin Tid ved sit Præbende i Roskilde, vel anset af Videnskabsmænd, som han paa flere Maader støttede. Efter Reformationen giftede han sig med Elline, Datter af Sivert Grubbe til Lystrup. Christian III brugte ham i forskjellige Hverv. Efter Universitetets Gjenoprettelse blev han en af dets Konservatorer. Han døde 1543. (Rørdam, Kbhvns Universitets Hist. 1537-1621 I, 418 ff. ; H. F. Rørdam.)" (DBL 1. udg, Ravensberg, Christoffer Jepsen (I5164)
3874 "Ravensberg, Jep Jensen, –1460–. Om hans Forældre vides intet ud over det selvfølgelige, at Faderens Fornavn har været Jens. Selv forekommer J. J. som Lensmand paa Haraldsborg 1449-58 og paa Ravnsborg 1459-79; hans eget Slægtnavn er maaske opstaaet af Navnet paa den sidstnævnte Forlening. En sjælden Gang i 1470erne nævnes han som Rigsraad. Han skriver sig til Kyndby (i Horns Herred, Sjælland) og har sikkert faaet denne Ejendom, som i øvrigt netop i hans Tid begynder at benævnes Kindholm, med sin Hustru Elne; hendes Fader, Albrecht Hemmingsen af den sjællandske Slægt Krag, havde nemlig ligeledes skrevet sig af Kyndby. Derimod er det næppe paalideligt, naar der andensteds tillægges J. J. en Hustru ved Navn Sidsel Bølle. Naar han er død, vides ikke med Sikkerhed, men efter al Sandsynlighed har det været 1479 eller 1480. Han maa ikke forvexles med en samtidig J. J. (Barritsen), der førte en Klokke i sit Vaaben og nævnes som Forstander for Roskilde Clara Kloster 1454-66 og som Foged paa Abrahamstrup 1468-73. (Danske Mag. 3. R. III, 225 f. ; (William Christensen)." (DBL, 1. Udg.)
"Jep Jensen, var 1449-58 Dronning Dorotheas Høvedsmand på Haraldsborg, 1459-79 Høvedsmand på Ravnsborg, var 1471 Rigsråd, skrev sig 1476 til Kindby (Horns H., Sjæll.), levede 29 May 1480, men var vist død 17 Jan. 1481, da Hr. Johan Fikkesen var Høvedsmand på Ravnsborg." (Holbek & Brun) 
Ravensberg, Jep Jensen (I5165)
3875 "Ray Gutschow, January 5, 1941, to October 22, 2016. Ray passed away at his home in Blair on Saturday, October 22, 2016. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Nancy; his three children, Brian, Trisha (Joe) and Sheri; granddaughters, Madison and Sara; brothers, Bill and Jerry; and several nieces and nephews. Ray is preceded in death by his parents and brother, Jim.
Family will gather for a celebration of Ray's life at Jake's in the Blair Plaza October 28 from 1-4 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in Ray's name to the Visiting Nurses Association's Hospice department.
(Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 10/28/2016) 
Gutschow, Raymond Allan (I18717)
3876 "Raymond J. Laursen of Fairgrove, age 88, passed away on Friday, October 6, 2023 at Brian’s House in Hampton Twp. Ray was born December 20, 1934 in Detroit, the son of the late Ray and Gladys (Brady) Laursen. He graduated from Fairgrove High School with the class of 1953 and went on to serve in the U.S. Army as a tank mechanic during the Korean War. Upon returning home, Ray happened to meet the former, Sharon K. Ackerman in Caseville. It was love at first sight and were united in marriage on September 28, 1957. Their marriage was blessed with sixty-six years, four children, and countless memories. Ray worked on the family farm, sold DeKalb Corn, and was the Fairgrove Twp. Treasurer for over forty years. He was a dedicated member of the Caro First Baptist Church and a devout Christian, studying his bible diligently every day. Ray loved his faith and was an active prayer warrior. He enjoyed travelling all over the United States, camping, and time spent in Florida. Ray adored his grandchildren, making sure to never miss a sporting event and could always be caught sneaking his granddogs treats. Above all else, Ray loved being with his family, they were the lights of his life. His faith and love will be missed for generations to come.
Ray leaves to cherish his memory, his loving wife, Sharon; children, Debra (Rich) Haebler, Diane Coronado, Laura (Tim) Mowry, and Brent (Stacey) Laursen; grandchildren, Jensen (Tabitha), Matt (Talia), Jennifer (Jay), Kayla (Grant), Rachel (Steve), Brianne, Jacob, Nathan, Joel, Abbie, and Noah; many great-grandchildren; brother, Larry (Barbara) Laursen; brother-in-law, Scott (Beth) Ackerman; sister-in-law, Charlotte Ackerman; many nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, Ray was preceded in death by his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Dave and Emma Ackerman; son-in-law, David Coronado; brothers-in-law, David Ackerman and Ed Ackerma
A private family funeral will be held and burial will take place at Brookside Cemetery in Fairgrove. Those planning an expression of sympathy are asked to consider memorial contributions to the Caro First Baptist Church or Brian’s House." (med portrætfoto). 
Laursen, Raymond Juhl (I12690)
3877 "Raymond Woodrow Andersen, the son of Martin and Johanna (Jensen) Andersen, was born on January 8, 1924, in rural Harlan, Iowa. He attended country school through the eighth grade. On February 18, 1946, Raymond married Louisa Anna Kohl in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The couple farmed northeast of Harlan, where they raised 300-400 chickens a week. They worked together to butcher twice a week, dress, and deliver chickens in the Harlan area. Raymond and Louisa retired in 1987 and moved into Harlan.
Raymond was a former member of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Harlan. A lifelong farmer and Shelby County resident, he enjoyed playing cards and going to dances. Raymond liked to travel, especially with his good friends, Linda and Ken Bruck. He also liked to spend time running daily errands and going on casino trips. Raymond raised and tended a large vegetable garden and happily shared most of the produce with friends.
Raymond W. Andersen died on Thursday, September 27, 2018, at Little Flower Haven Nursing Home in Earling, Iowa. He had reached the age of 94 years, 8 months, and 19 days.
Raymond was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Louisa Anna Andersen, on September 30, 1996; and three brothers, Robert Andersen, Arnold Andersen, and Harold Andersen; He is survived by nieces and nephews, and other relatives and friends.
The funeral service was held on Monday, October 1, 2018, at Burmeister-Johannsen Funeral Home in Harlan, Iowa, with Pastor Phillip Nielsesn of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Harlan, Iowa, officiating. Serving as casket bearers were Allan Ickes, Art Andersen, Rick Andersen, Allan Andersen, Robert D. Andersen, and Lamont Christensen. Burial was in the Harlan Cemetery, Harlan, Iowa. The Burmeister-Johannsen Funeral Home in Harlan, Iowa, was in charge of the arrangements. 
Andersen, Raymond Woodrow (I6917)
3878 "Rds kremeret 19.12.58. Urnen nedsat på nordre kgd.: 8.1.59". Thøgersen, Augusta (I20286)
3879 "Realeks.(Hillerød) 1922, afgang tekn.skole, Kbhvn,1927, som tømrer i Svejts og Norditalien 1928 på kunstakademiets arkitektskole 1920-32, arkitekt i Kbhvn. 1932-43, medlem af dansk arkitektforening 1941, i Frederikssund fra 1943.
I de 7 år Sven boede i Fred.sund skabte han sig en stor og smuk virksomhed i by og opland (Lillerød og Stenløse m.v.) bl.a. ved kommunalt byggeri og andelsboligforeninger ("Nørreparken", aldersrenteboliger i Fred.sund, 32 rækkehuse i Lillerød) - Håndværkets mag. nov. 1948
Han var i lige grad afholdt af håndværkere og bygherrer, BM i byens kunstfor, og museumsfor.og et virksomt medlem i St. Georgsgildet.
Venner satte ham et smukt minde i Nordsj.Venstreblad 30/8, hvor det hedder: "Hans mange venner vil savne hans ærlige, ligefremme sind, vid og humor og store menneskelighed. Med ham kunne man ikke føre en tom samtale. Hans levende personlighed, vidtfavnende interesser og viden gav altid et samvær med ham værdi. Hans redelighed, hjælpsomhed og medfølelse var stor. Med usædvanlig flid og viljestyrke gik han frem mod sine mål."
Han omkom på vej til Jægerspris, idet han uden egen skyld blev kørt ned af en motorcyklist." (Schrøder) 
Schrøder, Sven Drewes (I15550)
3880 "Rebecca Valentin. Enke efter Grosserer M.Valentin Amagertorv 27." Weil, Rebekka (I21454)
3881 "Rebecka was the sister of the musician Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and Fanny Hensel. A few weeks after her birth, her parents moved from Hamburg to Berlin, where her father Abraham continued to run the family bank with his brother Joseph. Rebecka had a very good musical education and joined as a singer of the Berliner Sing-Akademie. She was probably the first to sing the Lieder composed by Felix and Fanny. On May 22, 1832, she married the mathematician Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, who had been introduced to her family by the naturalist Alexander von Humboldt. The couple had four children. The most famous romantic musicians of the time often met in the house of the Dirichlets. In 1851, after the death of their parents and older brothers, the Dirichlets moved from Berlin to Gottingen, where Rebecka continued the tradition of musical reunions carried on by her family. Famous artists and musicians such as Clara Schumann, Johannes Brahms and Joseph Joachim participated in these musical meetings. Rebecka died of a stroke on 1 December 1858 at the age of 47. Her husband died a few months later, on May 5 of the following year, of heart disease.
Contributor: Marina Caracciolo (50626472)" (

Bartholdy, Rebekka Henriette Mendelssohn (I1379)
3882 "Rector placiti generalis Feonie". Skinkel, Otto (I3177)
3883 "Redge Jay Hermansen passed away unexpectedly on Friday, Jan 27, 2012. He was born August 27, 1936 in Gunnison , Utah. He was the oldest child of Ray and Mary Fjeldsted Hermansen.
He graduated from Gunnison High School on May 28, 1954. He attended Brigham Young University for two years and then Utah State for two quarters and then he returned home to work in the family business with his grandfather Neils Hermansen and his father Ray Hermansen at the Hermansen Roller Mills.
He married Karalyn Christiansen in the Manti Temple on December 27, 1957. They were blessed with four wonderful children, one of which was still born.
After the death of his father on February 3, 1984, Redge took over the family business. He has been a great businessman to the farmers of Gunnison Valley and the surrounding area. He always had the motto of providing a great product at a fair price. Redge always had the time to talk and make the customers feels welcome at his business. He provided a great place for his children and grandchildren to work and associate with him. One of his great joys was to spend time with his children and grandchildren. Redge was a very generous person always giving to those he knew needed it more than himself and providing a way for some of the young farmers to get their start in farming.
He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Karalyn, children Kathy and Kelly Frandsen, Pam and Larry Lund and Scott and Mallory Hermansen, a sister Faye and Julian Anderson. He has 14 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. He was preceded in by his parents, Ray and Mary Hermansen; and a brother Gayle Ray Hermansen.
Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. in the Gunnison LDS Stake Center, 80 West Center. Friends and family may call at the stake center on Monday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. or on Tuesday morning from 9:30 to 10:30.
Burial will be in the Gunnison City Cemetery." (Også gengivet i 
Hermansen, Redge Jay (I17740)
3884 "Redmond, Utah - Fay Bouvang Hampton, age 82, of Redmond, passed away peacefully in her sleep at home, on May 26, 2015.
She was born July 23, 1932 in Centerfield, Utah to Elgin and Elma Matilda Fjeldsted Bouvang. She was the youngest of four children. She and her family enjoyed farm life with no electricity or running water as she grew up. She learned the value and blessing of hard work and depending on the Lord.
Her family later moved to Gunnison, Utah where she graduated from Gunnison Valley High School, class of 1951.
She married the love of her life, Merrill C. Hampton in the Manti LDS Temple, November 2, 1951. Merrill and Fay lived their entire married life in Redmond, Utah where they were blessed with four children.
Fay was very active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She served as stake and ward Relief Society President, Primary President, Primary teacher, and in the scouting program. Fay and Merrill served as ordinance workers in the Manti, Utah Temple. They also served a mission at the Sigurd Bishop’s Storehouse.
She loved serving with the DUP and Legion Auxiliary organizations. Fay and Merrill were the recipients of the Utah Commission of Marriage, “Gold Medal Marriage Recognition” award in February 2008.
Everything she did centered around her family and trying to live a Christ-like life. She loved to support her children and grandchildren in their activities and looked for teaching moments to share the gospel as they spent time together. Family meant everything to her.
Fay is survived by her husband, Merrill, children: Keith and Patsy Hampton, Terri Lyn and Burke Williams, all of Redmond, Cynthia and Marlin Mason of Ephraim, and daughter-in-law: Nancy Hampton of Redmond; 21 grandchildren; 39 great-grandchildren; sister-in-law Renee Bouvang.
Fay was preceded in death by her son Kevin; her parents; sister and brother-in-law: Madge and Vernon Peterson; brother: Vernon Bouvang; sister and brother-in-law: Alice and Merrill Peterson.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 12:00 noon in the Redmond 1st LDS Ward chapel, 310 West 100 North, where friends may call for viewing Friday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. or Saturday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 prior to the services.
Interment will be in the Redmond City Cemetery under the care of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield and Salina, Utah.
“Give the world your best, and the best will come back to you.” ----- Fay Hampton" (gengivet i 
Bouvang, Fay (I17681)
3885 "Redmond, Utah - Our beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend, Robert Jay Lund passed away on October 17, 2014 at the age of 86 in Provo, Utah.
He was born the youngest of twin boys to Reed Jorgen and Arvilla Olean Fjeldsted Lund, April 7, 1928 in Salina, Utah.
He grew up in the Sanpete Valley and graduated from Gunnison High School in 1946. He then joined the United States Marine Corps in 1946. After two years of service, he returned to start a successful career at United Sates Gypsum until he retired in 1994.
He married the love of his life, Ella Lee Mickelsen on June 6, 1950 in the Manti LDS Temple. They spent 64 wonderful years together.
If Jay was not loading trucks at USG, he could be found behind the wheel of an 18 wheeler doing one of his favorite pastimes, delivering goods.
He was active in the LDS Church and held many callings. He served 12 years as an ordinance worker at the Manti LDS Temple.
Jay is survived by his loving wife, Ella Lee; two children: Craig and Debbie Lund, Marci and Lyman Anderson, all of Redmond; 7 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; siblings: Joel and Dona Jean Lund of Sandy; Orlyn and Debbie Lund of Greenville, North Carolina; Olean and Mike Watson of Anaheim, California; sister-in-law: Shelley Lund of Redmond.
He was preceded in death by his parents; twin brother, Reed Junior Lund.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 12 Noon in the Redmond 1st LDS Ward Chapel, where friends may call for viewing Wednesday evening from 6 to 8 P.M. or Thursday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 prior to the services.
Burial with military honors accorded by the Redmond American Legion Post #118 and the Utah Honor Guard will be in the Redmond Cemetery under the care of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield and Salina, Utah." (gengivet i, 
Lund, Robert Jay (I17657)
3886 "Redmond, Utah – Merrill C. Hampton, age 88, of Redmond, passed away peacefully in Gunnison, Utah, on July 15, 2015.
Merrill was born July 26, 1926 in Joseph, Utah to Charles and Una Christina Dorius Hampton. He was the middle child, a twin, and the only boy of nine children. He grew up in Marysvale, Utah. He enjoyed a family that worked, played, and worshipped together. The family didn’t have access to coal, so Merrill and his dad had to gather enough wood to last the whole winter. He learned the value of hard work and business at a very young age. He raised sheep in 4-H and turkeys to make money when he was young.
Merrill graduated from Marysvale High School, class of 1944. He was drafted into the United States Navy in November of 1944. World War II ended in 1945 and he finished his military service in August of 1946. When he came home from the Navy, his family had moved from Marysvale to Redmond and his dad was farming. Merrill helped his dad on the farm and grew to love it. He has been farming ever since. While he farmed, he worked at various other places at the same time. He worked at the sugar beet factory, the turkey plant in Salina, the carrot plant in Sigurd, Albert Poulson’s Salt Mine, he milked cows, Redmond City, and he did roof bolting for ABC and loaded train cars for SUFCO coal mine.
He married the love of his life, Fay Bouvang, in the Manti LDS Temple, November 2, 1951. Merrill and Fay lived their entire married life in Redmond, Utah where they were blessed with four children. They enjoyed working together, family holiday get-togethers, and family dinners on Sunday. In, 1982, Merrill and his sons, Keith and Kevin, went into the dairy business and created Hampton Farming and Livestock. Merrill and Fay were both known for their dedication and hard work.
Merrill was active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He served in various church callings, but the one he loved the most was serving in the nursery. He loved the children and the children loved him. He also was a faithful home teacher. Merrill and Fay served as temple workers in the Manti, Utah Temple. They also served a mission at the Sigurd Bishop’s Storehouse.
Merrill was a member of the American Legion Post 118. He served as the Adjutant for his post for many years. He received an award from the American Legion in 2009 for 60 years of continuous membership and now has been a member for 66 years. Merrill and Fay were the recipients of the Utah Commission of Marriage, “Gold Medal Marriage Recognition” award in February 2008.
Merrill loved his wife and family. They meant the world to him. His life was turned upside down when his beloved Fay passed away just 7 weeks ago and their reunion in Heaven had to be a joyous one. He loved to have his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren around him and he cherished their visits. He loved being outside and working in the yard or polishing his car. Even being tethered to oxygen, you could find him chopping weeds and watering or cleaning up his yard. He truly was a good example to all who knew him.
Merrill is survived by his children: Keith and Patsy Hampton, Terri Lyn and Burke Williams, all of Redmond, Cynthia and Marlin Mason of Ephraim, and daughter-in-law: Nancy Hampton of Redmond; 4 sisters, Luella Kralka of California, Anna Fae and Willis Hales of Redmond, Della Rae and Neldon Peterson of Salt Lake, and Leila Crane of Salina; 21 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren.
Merrill was preceded in death by his wife Fay Bouvang Hampton, his son Kevin Hampton; his parents Charles and Una Hampton; sisters (twin) Merle Roberts, Nelda Behunin, Vaunda Colby, and Ruby Hampton
Merrill’s family extend thanks from the bottom of our hearts to the EMT’s, Utah Valley trauma team, doctors, and nurses and Naomi (an angel), Doctor Jensen, the nurses and staff at Gunnison Valley Hospital, and Gunnison Hospice, for the love and tender care they extended to Dad and our family during the past weeks.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 12:00 noon in the Redmond 1st LDS Ward Chapel, 310 West 100 North. There will be a viewing Friday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Springer Turner Funeral Home, 150 East Main in Salina or Saturday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., prior to the services at the Redmond Ward Chapel in Redmond.
Interment will be in the Redmond City Cemetery under the care of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield and Salina, Utah." (gengivet i 
Hampton, Merrill C (I17685)
3887 "Reed Jeffery Lund, age 43, passed away February 15, 2007 in Denver, Colorado from a long illness. He is the son of Shelley Joy Christensen Lund and the late Reed Junior Lund. He was born October 9, 1963 in Alhambra, California and adopted by this loving family who adored him. Jeff graduated from North Sevier High School. He moved to Salt Lake City and managed an advertising agency. He became an airline steward for Eastern International Airlines. He decided to go into business for himself and owned and operated "The Peaks" Spa and Salon in Telluride, Colorado and three Fantastic Sams Hair Salons throughout Colorado. He also managed a modeling agency in Denver. He lived a full life and traveled and enjoyed every minute of it. He loved living in Denver. He is going to be missed by family and many friends. Jeff is survived by his mother, Shelley Lund of Redmond; a sister, Janet and Scott Hatch of Gunnison; nephew and nieces: Jeremy and Julie Roberts, Kerah and Clint Gregerson; Ssgt. Adam and Miranda Hatch; Ssgt. Jordan Hatch; and Tiffany Hatch; great-nieces: Morgan Hatch and Riley Gregerson and great-nephew, Lars Olsen (Roberts). He was preceded in death by his father, Reed Junior Lund; and sister, Connie Joy Lund; his grandparents: Ernal and Una Christenson, Reed and Arvella Lund. A family memorial service will be held Friday, February 23, 2007 followed by a grave side service in the Redmond City Cemetery at 2:00 p.m. on Friday. Anyone who would like to attend the grave side service, is invited. Services under the care of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield, Salina and Gunnison, Utah. On line guest book at:" Lund, Reed Jeffery (I17663)
3888 "Reed Junior Lund, 68, died December 8, 1996 in Gunnison, Utah.
He was born April 7, 1928 in Salina, Utah to Reed Jorgan and Arvilla Olean Fjeldsted Lund. He married Shelley Joy Christensen September 12, 1949 in the Manti LDS Temple.Survived by his wife, Shelley, daughters: Connie Joy (Bill) Moore, Janet Lee (Scott) Hatch; son, Reed Jeffrey Lund; five grandchildren; mother, Arvilla Lund; brothers: (Twin) Robert Jay Lund, Joel Lund, Orlyn Lund; sister: Olean Watson.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, December 11, 1996 at 11 a.m. in the Redwood LDS Church. Friends may call Tuesday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Warren R. Jensen Funeral Home in Salina, and again on Wednesday at the Church from 9:30 to 10:30 prior to services. Interment in the Redmond City Cemetery with military honors." 
Lund, Reed Junior (I17656)
3889 "Reg. 1928 Nr. 63. Anmeldt den 7. Januar 1928 Kl 1037 af Frithiof Christian Brion Heise, Groshandel, København, og registreret den 21. s. M. Ordene: Bentlet-Gødning er kun registreret for Kunstgødning til Havebrug. " Heise, Frithiof Christian Brion (I22129)
3890 "Regesta norvegica: 1370-1390: 1381 mai 13 Alleby på Hisingen Vitnebrev om salg av jord utst av Ragnvald Erengislesson, Karl Gamalsson, ... 10 1/2 mb gildt i Alleby på Hisingen i Björlanda sogn med samtykke av faren, Sveinung Ingvarsson og moren Gunnhild." (Johnsen) Gamalsson, Karl (I6753)
3891 "Register-nummer 16.063: „AIS Terra ferro, Handelsselskab" af Aarhus kommune. Restyreisens formand E. A. P. Kornerup samt S. C. Hellesen, E. S. C. H. F. Kornerup, P. Glud er udtrådt af, og grosserer Bendt Gravgaard (formand), fru Ada-Marie Gravgaard, begge af Hobro, grosserer Clement Gravgaard, Horsens, fru Inger Margrethe Gravgaard, Faaborggade 10, Aarhus, er indtrådt i bestyrelsen. Nævnte E. A. P. Kornerup er tillige fratrådt som direktør."
Grosserer i ure 
Gravgaard, Clement (I21403)
3892 "Register-nummer 27.279: „InqeniørAIS Svend Marsted-Mortensen", hvis formål er at udøve rådgivende ingeniørvirksomhed og anden dermed i forbindelse stående virksomhed. Selskabet har hovedkontor i København; dets vedtægter er af 14. maj 1957.
Den tegnede aktiekapital udgør 10.000 kr., fordelt i aktier på 500 og 1000 kr.; af aktiekapitalen er indbetalt 5000 kr., det resterende beløb indbetales inden 14. maj 1958. Hvert aktiebeløb på 500 kr. giver 1 stemme. Aktierne lyder på navn. Ved enhver overdragelse af aktier har selskabet forkøbsret efter de i vedtægternes § 4 givne regler. Bekendtgørelse til aktionærerne sker ved anbefalet brev. Selskabets stiftere er: Landsretssagfører Mogens Kroman, Set. Peder Stræde 38, kontorchef Bodil Kock, Sallingvej 64, begge af København, civilingeniør Svend Marsted-Mortensen, Helleruplunds Allé 14, Hellerup, der tillige udgør bestyrelsen med førstnævnte som formand. Selskabet tegnes — derunder ved afhændelse og pantsætning af fast ejendom — af bestyrelsens formand i forening med et medlem af bestyrelsen." 
Marsted-Mortensen, Svend (I21307)
3893 "regnes ifølge Anders Thiset som hørende til slægten Huitfeldt." Holbek & Brun) Nielsen, Karl til Hørbygaard (I6748)
3894 "Reimers Aage Christian f. 6/1 1895 i Nivå, søn af købmand Fredrik Wilhelm R. og Johanne Petersen. • 1912 adgangseks. 1920 kandidat M DtH. • 1920-23 ing. h. J. Bang, Kbh. 1923-25 rådg. ing. og entreprenør i Tåstrup. 1925-66 aut. Ford forhandler i Tåstrup. • 1/10 1920 g. m. Anna Dorph f. 18/12 1896, datter af fabrikant Hugo D. og Jeanette Jeppesen. • Adr. Køgevej 12, 2630 Tåstrup."
Reimers, Aage Christian (I10524)
3895 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I17353)
3896 "Rejste en tid med præceptor Jacob Svanning i Europa, opholdt sig i Basel 1583 (19. maj), i Geneve 1584, i Orleans 1584 (26. sept.), 1585 (28. sept.) pas til Italien, 1586 (27. sept.) i Basel, 1586 (6. nov.) i Padua, 1586 (13. nov.) i Siena, 1587 (2. juni) i Konstantinopel, 1587 i Jerusalem og Padua, 1588 i Lübeck, 1588-1595 sekr. i kancelliet og benyttedes da gentagne gange på diplomatiske sendelser, bl.a. 1593 (18. aug.) m. kreditiv til kongen af Skotland, afleverede 26. april dette sammen m. Niels Krag, 1592 lensmand på Nonne kloster, 1596-1601 forlenet m. Tureby, 1601-1613 m. Trondheim, Hærjedalen og Jæmtland, 1604 tillige m. Romsdalen, men mistede sine len på grund af sine uheldige forhold under Kalmarkrigen. Han afværgede ganske vist et angreb på Trondheim fra den flamske oberst Jan van Munkhoven, der imidlertid uhindret slap gennem Jæmtland, for denne og andre forsømmelser dømtes han på herredagen 1613, måtte betale en stor bøde, hvorved hans kår forringedes meget, takseret jf. oversigt II (DAA 1985-87), var salmedigter og en lærd mand, der ejede en stor bogsamling, død okt. 1629, arvingerne fragik arv og gæld." (Holbek & Brun)
Bille, Steen til Billesholm (I4525)
3897 "Rektor H. Schrøders barn Peder ..." Schrøder, Peder (I2296)
3898 "Relative of Blairites To Be Buried Here
The sister-in-law of three Blair women, Mrs. Chris E. Nielsen of Huron, South Dakota, died Friday, April 8, in Huron.
Mrs. Nielsen was the sister-in-law of Mrs. J.M. Sticklett, Mrs. Sophie Petersen, and Mrs. Jorgenie Graverholt, all of Blair. Mrs. Nielsen’s husband was a Blair resident at the time and several nieces and nephews also reside in the Blair area.
Services are pending at the present time at the Campbell Funeral Home in Blair.
(Pilot Tribune 11 Apr 1977)

Services Held April 12 For Kin Of Blairite
Services were held for Lillian C. Nielsen of Huron, South Dakota, Tuesday, April 12, at Campbell’s Mortuary. Reverend John Petersen officiated at the services. Interment was in Blair Cemetery.
Lillian Nielsen, who was 81 at the time of her death, was born at Nunda, South Dakota, September 11, 1895. She married Chris E. Nielsen February 17, 1920 at Fremont, Nebraska. They lived many years in Sioux City and Canten, South Dakota, before moving to Huron thirty five years ago.
Mrs. Nielsen who was preceded in death by her husband and a son, William, was a member of Canton Eastern Star, Senior Citizens and the Lutheran Church.
Survivors include several nieces, nephews and in-laws in Blair.
Pallbearers for the services were Chris Gutschow, Fred Gutschow, Earl Hoier, Howard Hoier, Leonard Hoier and Elvin Hoier."
(Enterprise 14 Apr 1977)
Yderligere en nekrolog, Daily Plainsman, Huron, Beadle, South Dakota, Sunday, April 10, 1977, p5 c7, er gengivet i
Ramsey, Lillian C. (I18750)
3899 "retired from Utah Colorado Gas Company and opened the Children's Den Clothing store in Roosevelt and later Granny's Gift Gallery." Fieldsted, Flora (I18065)
3900 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I11546)

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