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3701 "On Tuesday, 18 March 2008, a giant among men passed from our midst and returned to his eternal Father. Bryce Bertelson was born 31 Dec. 1920 in Ephraim, Utah to Folmer and Alice Mae Dalton Bertelson. He died 18 Mar. 2008, of Causes Incident to Age. He died as he lived, dignified, honorable, and without complaint.
He married Luzon Fjeldsted 20 Sep. 1941, in Ephraim, Utah. Their marriage was later solemnized in the Salt Lake Temple. She passed away 22 Sepember 1963. Bryce and Luzon had one son, Gilbert M. Bertelson. Bryce married Edna Jensen Ottosen on 19 Aug. 1964, and in so doing he gained two stepsons, Dick and Doug Ottosen, and a step daughter, Gayle Ottosen. Edna passed away 24 Feb. 1989. He married Bernita Anderson Gillette 20 Dec. 1989. She passed away 26 Apr. 2006. He was a gracious and caring man who was totally devoted to his family and each of his wives, whom he faithfully served as husband, friend, and primary care giver as needed. Early in life he learned the value of hard work. His summer days were spent in the fields but his steady job was delivering the Salt Lake Tribune EVERY morning for 14 years, beginning at age 6, and continuing until he graduated from Snow College at age 20. He served three years in the Pacific theater as an officer in the US Army Transportation Corp (water division) ferrying troops to and from the area. One of his cherished memories was being involved in bringing home 1,000 recently released American POW's from the Philippines and Bataan. He graduated from Snow College and attended BYU for one year prior to enlisting in the service. He later received both bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Utah. Professionally, he spent 36 years working in the Murray City School district. Twenty six of those years were at Murray High School where he taught for 10 years followed by 4 years as Assistant Principal and 12 years as Principal. In his capacity as teacher, mentor, principal, and friend, he influenced for good the lives of literally thousands of people. He spent the last 10 years of his professional career as an administrator in the Murray School District office. He is a past president of the Utah High School Activities Association.
He is survived by his son, Gil (Loye) of Provo, UT; stepsons, Dick Ottosen (Diane) of Wenatchee, WA; and Doug Ottosen (Lesley), Salt Lake City; a stepdaughter, Gayle Engh (Doug), Salt Lake City; by 15 grandchildren; numerous great-grandchildren of the Bertelson, Ottosen; and Gillette families; a sister, Janet Hinckley (Bryce), Salt Lake City; and a brother, Arlo (Dae), Round Rock, TX. He was preceded in death by his parents; his three wives; and two bothers, Dwight and Chad.
Funeral Services will be held at the Valley View 12th Ward Chapel, 2125 E. Evergreen Ave (3435 S.) East Millcreek, UT on Tuesday, Mar 25, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. Viewings will be held on Monday, Mar 24, 2008, at the Jenkins-Soffe Mortuary, 4760 S. State, Murray, UT from 6-8 p.m. There will also be a short Viewing period prior to the Funeral at the Church, beginning at 10:00 a.m until 10:45 a.m., Tuesday.
Interment will be at the Elysian Burial Gardens, East Millcreek, UT.
(Deseret News from 3/22/2008 - 3/23/2008; gengivet i 
Bertelson, Bryce Gilbert (I17719)
3702 "Ona Rae Mecham Rust, age 86, of Altamont, died Jan. 10, 2010 at the Uintah Basin Rehabilitation and Senior Villa in Roosevelt.
She was born April 11, 1923 in Boneta, Utah to LeGrand and Ester Fay Hitchcock Mecham.
She married Anthon L. Rust Feb. 8, 1941 in Mountain Home, Utah and they were sealed for time and all eternity Nov. 1, 1941 in the Manti LDS Temple. He died July 14, 2000.
Ona was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where she served in many capacities. Ona enjoyed serving others where ever there was the opportunity. She loved working with children. She worked in the Title One Program at Altamont Elementary. When Anthon's health required her to spend more time at his side, she continued helping children by tutoring them in her home. To fill the lonely hours after her husband's passing she worked in the Foster Grandparent program at the elementary.
Ona's world revolved around her family, enjoying her children's, grandchildren's, and great grandchildren's many activities. If this didn't keep her busy enough, she kept an immaculate home and yard and created many beautiful crocheted items.
She is survived by her two children and their spouses, Melba and Farrell Markham, Altamont; and Blake and Peggy Rust, Altonah; grandchildren, Wendi Lloyd, Brenda Markham, JoAnn Hill, Terry Rust-Martinez, A.C. Rust, 10 great-great grandchildren and a sister, Shirley (Fred) Lindsay, Montpelier, Idaho.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Anthon; three brothers, Floyd L. Mecham, Donald H. Mecham and Glen B. Mecham and one sister, Mildred Mecham.
Funeral services will be held Thurs., Jan. 14 at 11 a.m. at the Altamont LDS Church where a viewing will be held Wednesday evening from 6-8 p.m. and Thursday from 10-10:45 a.m.
Burial in the Altamont Cemetery ...."
(Uintah Basin Standard, January 12 to January 18, 2010; Gengivet i 
Mecham, Ona Rae (I17908)
3703 "Onkel Christian (vi kaldte ham onkel Titte) var forstaspirant 1909, ved Statsskovvæsnet 1910, ved skovreguleringen i 1915-16, forstassistent ved Københavns kommune 1917, 1918-19 træhandler i Lillerød, fra 1930 salgsrepræsentant ved Expanko kompagniet." (Jens Dinsen, 2007, cit i Schrøder). Schrøder, Christian Albert (I14643)
3704 "Onkel Ludvig" var en jævlig gæst hos Simons forældre, Bjørn og Berthe-Marie Heilesen. Nathansen, Ludvig Hartvig (I2173)
3705 "Onsdag den 28. november kan Ellen og Johannes Dalsager, Jørgen Fibigersgade 7, Hirtshals, fejre diamantbryllup.
Den sjældne festdag, 60-års bryllupsdagen, som kun er de færreste ægtepar opnåelig, fejres heller ikke af et par årsunger, idet Johannes er 88 og Ellen 82. Trods alderen er helbredet ikke så ringe, og aktiviteten for de to mennesker har aldrig manglet. de er født og opvokset henholdsvis Agerbjerggård i Tornby og Asdal Brugsforening. Ved deres giftermål bosatte de sig i Horne, hvor de igennem mange år boede og virkede. Johannes Dalsager var vejmand under Horne-Asdal Kommune, et arbejde han passede meget nøje. Hans tjenstvillighed og behagelige væsen gjorde ham afholdt i sit arbejde.
Ellen Dalsager har holdt sig til hjemmets gøremål, dels holdt hjemmet og den opvoksende børneflok på prisværdigste måde, og desuden flittigt brugt sit gode håndelag for syning og håndarbejde, således at hun var en meget værdsat dameskrædder.
Det aldrende ægtepar har stadig mange gøremål. Johannes Dalsager kan ikke lade skovlen og riven hvile, idet han holder have og blomsterbede ved boligforeningen, hvor ægteparret nu bor, og desuden arbejder han i en privat have.
Ellen Dalsager må stadig tage symaskinen frem, når et medmenneske er kommet i bekneb med vanskelig syning. F.eks. anbringelse af en lynlås. Ellers er hendes hænder idag nok bedre for hækling end strikning, men er er også rigeligt med aftagere af hæklede ting blandt hendes børn og børnebørn.
Ellen og Johannes Dalsager har en stor familiekreds, som har nydt godt af deres aldrig svigtende gæstfrihed. Og disse mange venner har, hvor diamantbrudeparret har boet, Horne, Tornby og Hirtshals, meldt sig i så stort tal som 138 til festen på 60 års bryllupsdagen, som holdes i Tornby Forsamlingshus.
I hjemmet er opvokset tre sønner og to døtre. De fire af børnene er bosat her på egnen, og en søn bor i Års. (Vendelboarkivet, uden kildeang.) 
Familie: Jens Johannes Dalsager / Ellen Sørensen (F177)
3706 "Onsdagen D, 9 Januar blef Sl. Jens Iversen her af byen begraven 38 Aar 1 Maaned og 3 dage gammel" Iversen, Jens (I18866)
3707 "Onsdagen D. 11 Jan Blev Jep Jensen af Gotttup jordet, æt 78". Jensen, Jep (I16214)
3708 "Onsdagen d. 20 Junii blev velagte Jens Frost der havde været Sognefoged langt over 20 Aar i Vidstrup Sogn, begravet, som var 60 Aar gammel." Frost, Jens Jensen (I18851)
3709 "Onsdagen D. 30 Marty blef Madz Friderichsøn, som var 89 Aar, 2 Maaneder gl, begrafvet" Frederiksen, Mads (I19596)
3710 "Onsdagen d. 3die Febr. Begraf Jens Mathison i Bratberggaard æt 64". MATHIESEN, Jens (I16161)
3711 "Onsdagen D. 3die Marts jord Huusmand Jens Axelsens Kone Karen Peder Datter i hendes Alders 36de Aar, begraven D. 7de ejusd." Pedersdatter, Karen (I18983)
3712 "Onsdagen D. 5 Sept blev Sl. Anders Olufsen af Witt[ulæseligt] begravet i Børglum Kirch I [ulæseligt] ætatis 48"

"5. Juni 1743 Skifte efter Anders Olesen i Vittrup. Deres børn: Olle Andersen , 26 år, Terkel Andersen, 12 år, Christen Andersen, 4 år, Else Andersdatter, 20 år, Kirsten Andersdatter, 15 år, Johanne Andersdatter, 10 år." 
Olufsen, Anders (I19207)
3713 "Onsdagen d. 6t Febr blev Jens Chrstensens Enke Else Christens Datr begravet, hun var 63 Aar gammel" Christiansdatter, Else (I5477)
3714 "opføres her af Resen i Henhold til et Pergamentsbrev, som fandtes paa Københavns Raadstue; er vel ikke den Laurids Johansen, som nævnes paa Laaland i Aarene 1440—58." Oxe, Laurids Johansen (I4369)
3715 "Opførte tårnene på Fjelde Kirke (1589) og Slemminge Kirke." (Holbek & Brun) Gyldenstierne, Karen Knudsdatter (I4882)
3716 "Oplod 1321 sammen med Hr. Niels Tuesen af Hørby og dennes to Sønner til Gudhjems Kloster en Gaard Aaketorp, som Fru Ingeborg Mogens Skænkeres Datter havde givet til Klosteret, fik 1343 Gods i Magleby og Stigsnæs (Flakkebjerg H.) i Pant af Jens Skaaning og 1348 af Oluf Jensen af Tystofte Gods i Hesleby, pantsatte 1355 Gods i Tjustrup til Hr. Ture Knudsen (Dyre); vist g. m. en Datter af Hr. Niels Tuesen (Huitfeldt) til Hørby, thi denne kalder ham sin Søn." (Holbek & Brun) Urne, Nicolaus Johannesen (I4351)
3717 "Oplod 1470 som enke hr. Engelbrecht Albrechtsen gods i Løve herred, som hun havde i pant af Jørgen Rud." (Holbek & Brun) Rønnow, Lene Tønnesdatter (I4291)
3718 "Oplod 1477 med sine fire farbrødre Poul Jensen (Jernskjæg) i Frøslev, Fritz, Jep og Morten Paris samt Peder Jensen (Væbner) af Vindinge til husfrue Gertrud af Fensmark og husfrue Karine af Reng en gård i Rislev som vederlag for en gård, som hans farmoder husfrue Bodil havde udlagt sin søster, skrives 1484 til Bringstrup (Ringsted H.) og fik da tilskødet gods i Bjæverskov Herred af Pant Jepsen (Krag), skrev sig 1504 til Vindinge (Ø. Flakkebjerg H.), død i Dysted." (Holbek & Brun) Paris, Jørgen Aagesen (I3228)
3719 "oplod 1492 sin broder Peder Bille al rettighed i Svanholm, som hun arvede efter sin fader og søskende, 1497 stiftedes en sjælemesse for hende, skifte (efter hende?) holdtes omkring 1510 af hendes børn Knud Pedersen og Axel Pedersen til Tim og Eiler Bryske og Eiler Styggesen (på deres hustruers vegne) om Tim Hovedgård og meget bøndergods i Jylland". (Holbek & Brun) Bille, Regitze Torbernsdatter (I4425)
3720 "Oppebar skylden af en gård, som hendes to sidstnævnte sønner skænkede til Dueholm kloster, hvilket gavebrev Mogens og Peder Mogensen havde beseglet, vist nok begravet i Dueholm kloster." (Holbek & Brun) Glob, Kirsten Mogensdatter (I5046)
3721 "Oprindeligt havde kirken et mindre orgel som i Draaby kirke placeret på et hævet pulpitur/ balkon ved tårnet, men i 1970 fik Gerlev sit nuværende rigtige orgel bygget af Karsten Lund, som daværende organist Helge Rugh havde medindflydelse på og senere donerede enkelte nye ”stemmer” til." Rugh, Helge (I14291)
3722 "Opvokset hos Stine og Laurits Nielsen, Mou"
Flere fotos i som konfirmand, brug og moder. 
Jensen, Inger Lisbeth Risager (I17089)
3723 "Orate pro Deo devota ac nobili d(omi)na Alhedt filia d(omi)ni Georgii Urnes qu(on)da(m) relicta Tetzonis Rosengård (q)va(e) cu(m) filia An(n)a Rosengaard hic sepult(a) an(n)o D(o- mi)ni mdxliiii d(omi)nica oculi« (»beder for den gudhengivne og ædle Frue, Alhed, Datter af Hr. Jørgen Urne, fordum Tetze Rosengaards Enke, som sammen med sin Datter Anna Rosengaard er begravet her den tredie Søndag i Fasten, i Herrens Aar 1544«). Ølandsk Kalksten, 224 x 150 cm." (Danmarks kirker) Urne, Alhed Jørgensdatter (I5227)
3724 "Organisk hjertesygdom" Salomon, Heyman Joel (I8988)
3725 "Oringe Hospital... Victor Ferdinand Wæver. Forhenværende Gaardejer, Oringe, Vordingborg ... Afdøde Ægtefælle Rasmine Sabine Andersen Wæver f. Roug. Sidste fælles Bopæl; Hastrup, Herfølge Sogn". Wæver, Victor Ferdinand (I10211)
3726 "Orion F. Myrup, 65 of Banning, died April 20, 1970 at home of natural causes.
Born April 1, 1905, Gunnison, Utah, to Niels Christian and Jennie Linda Fjelsted Myrup. Married Mary Laverne Parry, Feb. 9, 1929, Nephi, Utah. She died April 14, 1970. Member, Church of jesus Christ of Latter day Saints; retired editor and technical writer, Hughes Aircraft Co.; graduated Brigham Young University in 1936; member of BYU Alumni Honor Roll; member, school orchestra and band; taught high school, Idaho and Utah in English and music; member National Audobon Society and served in Wildlife Conservation. Member, Utah Historical Society; employee, technical writer, IBM, Hawaii and California. At time of retirement in 1968, served as senior editor in the Technical Dept. at Hughes Aircraft Co.
Survivors: son, daughter, Dr. Leonard, Davis, Calif; Antonia Frank, Santa Monica Calif; three grandchildren, sister Mrs. Raymond (Elna) Dibble, Mrs. Stanley R. (Lois) Anderson, Mrs. Lisle (Jennie Lerid) Brown, all Salt Lake City, Utah; Mrs. Ear. (Bonnie) Sadlier, Draper, Utah.
Funeral Thursdag Stone Funeral Home, Upland Calif, where friends call before the services. Burial, California" (nekrolog gengivet i Findagrave) 
Myrup, Orion Fjeldsted (I17449)
3727 "Orva B. (Sorbo) Sorensen passed away on Wednesday, February 8, 2022, at Good Samaritan Society in Albert Lea, Minnesota.
She was born September 20, 1929, in Emmons, Minnesota to Knut and Mathilda (Weblemoe) Sorbo.
She graduated with honors from Emmons High School. On May 20, 1948, she married Phillip Sorensen. She worked at Munsingwear and then with her husband Phillip on the farm, for Sorensen Sanitation services, and as a school bus driver. Orva was best known for her beautiful and tasty decorated cakes. Family and friends always had a decorated birthday or anniversary cake, and her talents were shown in the many wedding cakes she made.
In retirement Phil and Orva enjoyed golf, bowling, square dancing, and travel. They traveled to several places in the United States and had special trips to Denmark and the Holy Land. She was very proud of her family and always enjoyed visits with them.
Orva is survived by her children Dianne (Gary) Thompson, Janet (Gene) Wood, Patti (Paul) Hoffman, Wayne (Mary) Sorensen, Cheryl (Dean) Braget, and Liza Sorensen. She is also survived by her grandchildren Aaron (Heather) Thompson, Jennifer (Dave) Munyer, Xan (Sarah Wachal) Demmer, Corey Demmer, Zachary (Heather) Demmer, Jaala (Jeremiah) Miller, Kari Hoffman, Heidi (Brandon) Danowski Brady Hoffman, Riley (Chelsea) Hoffman, Dave (Vikki) Gray, Nicole Sorensen, Adam (Liz) Sorensen, Jordie (Trevor) Lewer, Taylor (Brandon Haugen) Braget, Noah (Skye) Braget, and by 30 great grandchildren. She is also survived by her sister Myra Richardson, her brother Sidney (Betty) Sorbo, in-law, Norma Adams, and nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her husband Phillip, her granddaughter Abbie Thompson McGregor, her parents Knut and Mathilda Sorbo, her husband's parents Soren and Fannie Sorensen, her sister Maevis Adams, her brother Norlan Sorbo, in-laws James Adams, Marjorie Sorbo, Richard and Ruth Sorensen, and Marian Hansen" (Gengivet i, med portrætfoto) 
Sorbo, Orva Bernice (I7529)
3728 "Oscar Macey, 79, Midland, and former resident of Elmer township, passed away on April 1 in Midland hospital following a long illness.
Mr. Macey was born on October 10, 1891, in Elmer township and was married to Marie C. Juhl on June 1, 1918 at Juhl. The couple farmed in Elmer township until 1952 when they moved to Midland where they have resided since.
Funeral services were held on Saturday, April 3, 1971 from the March Funeral Chapel in Marlette. Rev. Harry M. Peterson officiated and burial was in Hyslop Cemetery." 
Macey, Oscar (I12632)
3729 "Othilia Toft. Ugift, fhv. Centralbestyrerinde af Vestermarken, Bjerbby Sogn ... Occlusio arteriae coronariae, Arteriosclerosis arteriae ... Diabetes mellitus" Toft, Ottilie (I18200)
3730 "Otte Limbek Rameskop, nævnes 1335 sammen med Brødrene og kaldes da Otte Limbek, skrives 1350 til Boller (Bjerge H.) og skjødede da Gods i Vintenlund (Nim H.) til Vor Kloster, kaldes 1357 Otte Limbek Rameskop og maatte da tilbagegive St. Nicolai Kapel i Cappel Gods, som Johannes Laurensen og hans Søster havde givet dertil, og lovede da for ham hans Brødre Emmeke og Timme Limbek, var 1365 Ridder og nævnes da sammen med disse sine Brødre blandt de holstenske Grevers Forlovere ved Forliget i Kolding." (Holbek & Brun) Limbek, Hr. Otte (I4450)
3731 "Otten son tho Kohovede", kjøbte efter 1462 Store og Lille Himmelmark (Riseby H.) af Claus Smalsted" (Holbek & Brun). Sested, Benedict (I3474)
3732 "Otto Bak, Assenbækvej 57 V. Hjermitslev, er død, 75 år.
Otto Bak var i mange år ansat på V. Hjermitslev Cementstøberi. Han beskæftigede sig her hovedsageligt med nedlægning af kloak- og drænledninger. Dette arbejde blev udført med stor flid og dygtighed. Hans store fritidsinteresse var frimærker og havbrug.
Otto Bak fortsatte sit aktive virke, efter at han var blevet pensionist. Dette bragte ham bl.a. på pensionisthøjskole, Han var i en periode formand for pensionistforeningen. Otto Bak overleves af fem børn: tre sønner og to døtre"
... "i nekrologen i torsdags skrev vi, at Otto Bak efterlader sig fem børn. Det er forkert. Der er syv børn, tre sønner og fire døtre." (Vendelboarkivet, uden kildeang., dato ud fra berigtigelsen af nekrologen).

"Arbejdsmand Otto Bak, V. Hjermitslev, er død, 75 år.
Otto bak var født i Vester Hjermitslev og boede her hele sit liv. I sine yngre år var han med i mosen, hvor der blev gravet tørv, og han nåede rundt i store dele af Vendsyssel, hvor skovlen og cyklen var arbejdsredskab og transportmiddel. Otto Bak var en solid og værdsat medarbejder og arbejdskammaret. Han blev senere medarbejder hos forskellige murermestre. Sin fritid brugte Otto bak på sin store interesse frimærker. Det er en meget stor og fin samling, han efterlader. Også haven ved det hyggelige hus i V. Hjermitslev, stod ham nær, og så sent som nogle dage før han døde, gjorde han haven forårsren. Arbejdet i pensionistforeningen fik i de seneste år stor betydning for Otto bak. her var han en aktiv og ivrig deltager i alle arrangementer. Otto Bak blev enkemand for tre år siden, Han efterlader syv børn (Vendelboarkivet, Aalborg Stiftstidende 2 Maj 1982)" 
Bak, Otto Andersen (I17120)
3733 "Otto Christian SCHELING
(Geb 20-05-1914).
Adres in 1984 kieserslys:
10 Hamilton Rd,
Beroep: Ingenieur." 
Schelin, Otto Christian (I21777)
3734 "Otto Chrstian Scheling *20.5.1914, +27.1.1995 Durban x 21.6.1945" Schelin, Otto Christian (I21777)
3735 "Otto Reinholdt Mørkholm (28. juli 1930 i København – 16. juli 1983 på Frederiksberg) var en dansk historiker og numismatiker. Hans speciale var antikken og denne periodes mønter.
Han var dr.phil. og fra 1959 museumsinspektør ved Den Kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling og fra 1960 samlingens overinspektør.
Mørkholm har i højere grad en nogen anden dansk historiker forfattet internationale artikler, essays og fagbøger om specialiserende emner. Mørkholms doktordisputats "Antiochus IV of Syria" fra 1966 er stadig den bedste bog om Seleukideriget, og man kan ikke læse en bog om hellenistisk numismatik uden at finde Mørkholms navn i bibliografien.
I de sidste år af sit liv rejste han rundt i verden for at studere de møntsamlinger. Han dannede sig et overblik over de mange typer af mønter og publicerede i sine sidste år mange artikler om antikkens numismatik.
Kronologien i Kappadokiens historie i den hellenistiske tidsalder er grundlagt på hans forskning i de kappadokiske kongers regeringsperiode. Mørkholms argumenter for dateringen af kongernes regeringstider citeres stadig i forskernes fodnoterne.
Otto Mørkholm var en af de bedste på sit felt, og hans forskning i hellenismen har været af international betydning." 
Mørkholm, Otto Reinholdt (I21625)
3736 "Our Angel Mother, Launa Littlefield Street, passed away suddenly, but peacefully, while visiting family and friends in Mountain Home, Utah, on December 9, 2020. Although we were not ready to let her go, we know she is finally with her sweetheart after his death 19 years ago, and we know she is beyond happy to be with him.
Launa was born June 9, 1941, to Milt R. and Helen Loveless Littlefield, in Orem. She was raised and attended school in Orem, graduating from Orem High School. She attended Utah State University in Logan where she met the love of her life, Dee Street, on a blind date. They were married in the Manti Utah LDS Temple in March of 1961.
During their marriage, they welcomed three beautiful daughters, Chantel, Kimikae, and Jennifer, to their family. Then, finally, they were blessed with one handsome son, Jared Dee. They were so happy to have him and their family was complete.
Launa worked many jobs (Mohlman's Grocery Store, Duane Hall Trucking, Coastal Oil and Gas, St. George Ford) and she enjoyed every job, especially when it came to working with people. Launa loved people and wanted to make everyone feel loved and accepted. She was a social butterfly and loved the many associations she had and found many friends wherever she would go. She was strong, independent and didn't like to ask for help. She had a very strong work ethic and instilled that work ethic into her children. Mom loved to laugh! She loved a good joke and often looked to her brothers to provide the humorous stories and jokes, and they didn't disappoint.
Mom loved reading, crocheting, quilting, scrapbooking, and listening to music of all kinds. Mom crocheted countless baby blankets and bibs as well as making many quilts for family and friends. Each of her children received scrapbooks from her as did some of her grandchildren. They are priceless treasures! Music was important to mom and she frequently shared her love of music as she played the piano. She accompanied many musical numbers for funerals and other events and was the ward organist for many years. She also loved singing with her alto voice and longed to sing with the Tabernacle Choir. We know she is singing with the angels now.
In October of 2019, mom moved to an Assisted Living Facility–Spring Gardens of Mapleton. Although there were challenges with the pandemic, mom enjoyed being there. She loved the staff and found many dear friends in the residents. We would like to thank Spring Gardens for the love and compassion shown to mom while she was there.
She is survived by her children, Chantel (Kellis) Durrence of Mountain Home, Idaho, Kimikae (Corey) Jones of Payson, Jennifer (Stacy) Harbison of Mountain Home, Utah and Jared (Andrea) of Enterprise. Her posterity was the light of her life which included ten grandchildren: Caleb, Nicole, Cassie, Cheyenne, Caysen, Kayden, Sierra, Tyler, Jessica and Riggs; along with eight great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her siblings: Rick Littlefield, Brent Littlefield, Becky Sumner, Nyal Littlefield, and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ivan Dee Street; her parents, Milt & Helen Littlefield; Dee's parents, Ivan & Lola Street; brother, Gary Littlefield; brothers-in-law, Jim Street and George Street; nephews, TJ Littlefield and Greg Littlefield; and niece, Talia Littlefield. What a joyous reunion it must have been!!
A public viewing will be held Friday, December 18, 2020 from 6-8 p.m., at the Berg Mortuary of Orem, 500 North State Street, and Saturday from 9:30-10:45 a.m. A private family service, by invitation only due to COVID restrictions, will be held. A small graveside service will be held at 12:30 p.m. at the Orem City Cemetery, Interment will be in the Orem City Cemetery. Condolences may be expressed at
Due to the COVID restrictions and the limited number allowed to attend the private service, funeral services will be recorded and available to view online at the Berg Mortuary website following the service. COVID guidelines and social distancing are requested at the viewing, service and graveside. We apologize for the restrictions and that we could not accommodate everyone that wanted to celebrate her life with us. In lieu of flowers, please donate to a family in need at Christmas. That's what mom would have wanted!!!
We love and miss you, it's not goodbye, just see ya later Mom!!!" 
Littlefield, Launa (I18044)
3737 "Our beloved Mother and Sister passed away March 20, 2010, in Salt Lake City. She is survived by her brother, Steve Olsen, her sister, Rose Flynn; her children Ann Cunningham, Lisa Killian, Mitchell Mounteer, Jeffrey Mounteer, Melanie Mounteer, Wendy Brodbeck; grandchildren, Brent Killian, Gabriel and Joshua Brodbeck. She loved art, music, books and her cats. She retired from the Salt Lake County Library. A graveside service will be held at Larkin Sunset Gardens, 1950 E. 10600 So., Sandy, at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23, 2010."
(Published 23 March 2010 in The Salt Lake Tribune (UT)) 
Olsen, Evelyn Olga (I17470)
3738 "Our kind and beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother, Marvin J Fjeldsted, age 92, of Redmond, finally got his wish to "go home" on January 11, 2012. He died peacefully at his home in Redmond, after several years of bad health.
He was born June 14, 1919 in Centerfield, Utah, a son of Sidney James and Sena Helena Sorenson Fjeldsted. He was raised on a farm south of Centerfield and attended the local schools. He graduated from Gunnison Valley High School, Class of 1937.
Marvin served a mission for the LDS Church in the Eastern States Mission. Upon completion of his mission, he entered the US Army and served his country during World War II.
He married the love of his life, Beatrice Allayne Durfee, February 3, 1945 in Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Their marriage solemnized in the Manti LDS Temple April 10, 1945. They would of celebrated their 67th Wedding Anniversary next month.
Marvin and Bea raised their children in Centerfield and then in 1969 they moved to Hermiston, Oregon where Marvin worked as a Maintenance Supervisor on a large farm, until his retirement in 1999. They then returned to Utah and settled in Redmond.
Marvin has always been a very active member of the LDS Church, serving for 15 years in the Scouting Program and as the Stake Patriarch in Hermiston for 19 years. Marvin and Bea also served a Temple Mission.
He is survived by his loving wife of Redmond; children: Sheryl and Steven A. Mickelsen of Redmond; Larry and Vicki Fjeldsted of Allen, Texas; Clare and Boyd Miller of Monroe; Lyle and Sylvia Fjeldsted of Orient, Washington; 16 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; sisters: Montez Hunter of Sandy; Carolyn and Val Harris of Provo; a sister-in-law: Veone Fjeldsted of Centerfield.
He was preceded in death by his parents; sister and brothers: Roberta Larsen, Deloy Fjeldsted, Vernile Fjeldsted; and two brothers-in-law: Glen Larsen and Duaine Hunter.
Funeral services will be held Monday, January 16, 2012 at 12 Noon in the Redmond 1st LDS Ward Chapel, where friends may call for viewing Sunday evening from 6 to 8 P.M. or Monday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 prior to the services.
Burial with military honors accorded by the Oliver Russell American Legion Post #105 and the Utah Honor Guard will be in the Centerfield Cemetery under the care of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield and Salina, Utah." (Også gengivet i 
Fjeldsted, Marvin J (I17766)
3739 "Our kind and beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and brother, Kenley Lou Keisel, age 69, of Centerfield, died July 12, 2013, in Gunnison, Utah, surrounded by his loving wife and children. He fought a brave and valiant battle with health problems over the past few years. Kenley was born July 14, 1943 in Manti, Utah, a son and one of 16 children, born to Kenneth Lamar and Devona Anderson Keisel. He graduated from Manti High School, Class of 1962. He married Dorothy Fjeldsted, August 14, 1966 in Ely, Nevada. Their marriage was solemnized in the Provo LDS Temple, June 18, 1982. Kenley worked as a carpenter in construction for many years. He loved the outdoors, fishing, hunting, camping and riding his 4-wheeler with his wife. He enjoyed working in his garden and taking care of his yard. He loved playing, coaching and watching his kids and grandkids in any sports, but most of all he loved spending time with his family. He will be greatly missed. He is survived by his devoted wife, Dorothy of Centerfield; his children: Cindy Hill, Shelle and Mark Christiansen, Nan Larson, Nickie and Robbie Anderson, Kassie and Jason Allen, all of Centerfield; Danna and Erick Maloney, Clint and Kristin Keisel, all of Gunnison; Amanda and Dirk King of Fayette; 21 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; sisters and brothers: Verna Bown of Centerfield; LaVon and Jim Hogan of Taylorsville; Dixie and LaMar James, Buddy and Dana Keisel, all of Manti; Rosie and Wally Ballow of Levan, Dee and Jeanine Keisel of Salina; Timmy and Leslie Keisel of Moroni.He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers and sisters: Kenneth Keisel, Lewis Keisel, Verl Keisel, Donna Scott, Doris Brewer, Kenna Simpson, Beth Christensen and Devona Keisel. Funeral services will be held Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 12 Noon in the Centerfield 2nd LDS Ward Chapel, where friends may call for viewing Wednesday evening from 6 to 8 P.M. or Thursday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 prior to the services. Burial will be in the Centerfield City Cemetery under the care of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield and Salina, Utah." (Også gengivet i Keisel, Kenley Lou (I17757)
3740 "Our kind and loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and sister, Shelley Joy Christensen Lund, age 85, of Redmond, passed away peacefully in the early morning hours of Monday, November 16, 2015 at her home in Redmond. She was born August 1, 1930 in Redmond, a daughter of Ernal Ledale and Una Ann Peterson Christensen. She graduated from North Sevier High School. She married Reed Junior Lund, September 12, 1949 in the Manti LDS Temple. He died December 8, 1996.
Shelley was an active member of the LDS Church, serving as Relief Society President, Primary President and teacher. Her favorite calling was Nursery Leader. She is still known as "Grandma Shelley" by the young and old.
Shelley enjoyed gardening, playing the piano, sewing and making homemade candy. She is well known for crocheting baby dresses and making dollies.
She is survived by her daughter: Janet and Scott Hatch of Redmond; grandchildren: Jeremy and Julie Roberts of Enoch; Kerah and Clint Gregerson of Gunnison; Adam Hatch of Salina; Msgt. Jordan and Msgt. Kimberly Hatch of Edwards Air Force Base, California; and Tiffany Hatch of Salina; sister: Colleen and Niel Nielson of St. George, Utah.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Junior Lund; a daughter: Connie Joy Lund; a son: Reed Jeffery Lund; and an infant brother and sister.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 12 Noon in the Redmond 1st LDS Ward Chapel, where friends may call for viewing Friday evening from 6 to 8 P.M. or Saturday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 prior to the services.
Burial will be in the Redmond Cemetery under the care of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield and Salina, Utah."
(også gengivet i 
Christensen, Shelley Joy (I17661)
3741 "Our loving father and grandpa, Rodger Howard Fjeldsted, passed away peacefully surrounded by family January 31, 2017. Rodger was born in Gunnison, Utah to Boyd Fjeldsted and LaRue Roberts.
The family later moved to the Salt Lake Valley where he attended Granger High School. Rodger served in the US Army. He married the love of his life, Michael Dawn Watson November 18, 1968. He had a 40 year career with the Union Pacific Rail Road. Dad enjoyed hunting, fishing and vacations with family and friends. Dad won several awards for bowling and 8 ball pool. He had a great talent for leather work and jewelry crafting.
Survived by daughters, Jamie (Bryan) McAnally, Joan Peddy, Tiffany (Paul) Fritzsche; seven grandchildren; and one great grandchild; brothers, Alder (Darlene) Fjeldsted, Clark (Kris) Fjeldsted, Clair (Sandy) Fjeldsted. Preceded in death by wife, Michael Dawn Watson; father, Boyd Fjeldsted; mother, LaRue Roberts; brother, Gary Fjeldsted.
Funeral Services will be held Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. in the Valley View Funeral Home Chapel, 4335 West 4100 South, West Valley City, Utah. Friends may visit with the family Monday evening from 6:00-8:00 p.m. and one hour prior to the service on Tuesday at Valley View Funeral Home."
(Salt Lake Tribune from Feb. 5 to Feb. 6, 2017; også gengivet i 
Fjeldsted, Rodger Howard (I17844)
3742 "Our loving husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother and friend Lee Roy Caldwell, age 73 passed away peacefully at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center on January 16, 2014. He was born August 15, 1940 in Ferron, Utah to Glendon and Tess Funk Caldwell. Married Paula Fox on September 26, 1964 in Ferron, they were married for 49 years. Lee joined the US Navy right out of high school. When he returned from the service he started working as an iron worker. He owned an auto body shop and painted cars. Lee later worked in construction and he was the general mine foreman at Consol Coal Mine for many years. His last and favorite occupation was for the US Forest Service road department. He lived on the mountain four days a week building and maintaining the roads. Lee became a member of the Emery County Sheriff's Jeep Posse. He was a valuable member of the posse because he knew every road on the mountain and desert. Lee was a certified scuba diver and repeller and was one of Ferron City's first EMT's. As a senior in high school he took state in tennis. Lee was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. His favorite things included family especially his children and grandchildren. He loved the outdoors camping, hunting, fishing, riding ATV's and his Rhino. To relax he would sit and watch westerns. Lee will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him. Survived by his loving wife, Paula Caldwell, Ferron; son, Brook (Shelley) Smith, Ferron; daughter, Lisa (Robert) Dimick, Helper; daughter, Melanie (Jeff) Noyes, Ferron; daughter, Kelly (Lance) Anast, Orem; son, Brian (Melanie) Caldwell, Ferron; sisters, Bette Thornton, Tucson, AZ., Gwen Steward, Middleville, Michigan, Sandra (Larry) Poland, Hastings, Michigan; 12 grandchildren; five great grandchildren and two more on the way. Preceded in death by his parents; sister, Susan Cammack; brothers in law, Mike Thornton and Lynn Steward. Funeral Service, Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 1:00 p.m. Millsite LDS ward (35 West 200 North, Ferron). Family will receive friends Monday evening at the Millsite LDS ward from 6:00-8:00 p.m. and Tuesday one hour prior to service. Interment, Ferron City Cemetery. ... (Uddrag gengivet i Caldwell, Lee Roy (I17965)
3743 "Our loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Renee (DeMill) Bouvang passed away peacefully in her sleep on January 27th, 2022.
Renee was born on December 9, 1930, in Salina, Utah, to Edwin Verl and Elvera (Lund) DeMill. She grew up in Gunnison, Utah, and graduated from Gunnison High School. She continued her studies at Snow College, The University of Utah, and Steven's Heneger School of Business. She married her childhood sweetheart, Vernon A. Bouvang in the Manti Temple on April 21, 1950.
Renee was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She served faithfully in various ward and Stake callings, including ward organist for many years. Her greatest calling was as a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She was also a member of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, which she had much pride in.
Music was an important part of her life. She played for the first time in a church meeting when only 8 years old. She was a phenomenal pianist and organist, playing the piano in various capacities for celebrations, parties, retirements, and funerals. Her most sacred experience was in playing the organ at the Bountiful Temple. She continued in her calling by being an ordinance worker with Vernon prior to his death.
Renee and Vernon traveled extensively to places such as Canada, Fiji, Australia, Alaska, and various National Parks. Although, her absolute favorite was Bear Lake, and spending the winters in St. George. With their boys, they spent their time traveling with their trailer, bringing along motorcycles and fishing gear. She loved being a mom to her boys and was so very proud of them as they grew into amazing men and fathers.
Some of her favorite things included crocheting, sewing, and the Utah Jazz. She was always helping repair, hem, alter or stitch a button on for family members. She even tried her hand at cross-stitching. She was always thinking of others instead of herself, and always lending a helping hand to those in need. She loved to eat cherry tomatoes straight from the vine and hide chocolate in various spots around the house. She took pride in her garden, but nothing brought her more satisfaction than caring for her roses in the front yard. Well except when the deer would prune them for her!!
She was employed by the Federal Government for 31 years. She worked her way up the career ladder until she retired in 1991 as a Personnel Management Specialist for the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) at the Salt Lake City ARTCC.
Renee is preceded in death by her husband Vernon, her mother Elvera, her infant brother, and her sweet dog Bridget. She is survived by her sons Blake and Brent (Shelly), five grandchildren Katelyn (Travis) Anderson, Ashton (Jenna) Bouvang, Victoria, Dillon, and Sydney Bouvang. She also has four great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, February 5th, at 11:00 a.m. at the Orchard Drive LDS Church, 115 E. Wicker Lane, Bountiful with a viewing held from 9:00-10:30 a.m. prior to the services.
Services will be streamed live on the Russon Mortuary & Crematory Facebook page and on Renee's obituary page at
Internment to be held at Lakeview Cemetery in Bountiful.
The family expresses their gratitude for the compassionate care given to Renee by medical professionals from Aspen Ridge Rehabilitation, Creekside Senior Living, Intermountain Medical Center, and Inspiration Hospice."
( Deseret News from Jan. 31 to Feb. 4, 2022). 
Demill, Renee (I17682)
3744 "Our loving mother, sister, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great grandmother passed away Monday, August 20, 2012 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Born March 24, 1917 in Centerfield, Utah, daughter of Sidney James and Sena Helena Sorenson Fjeldsted. She was raised in Centerfield and attended Gunnison High School graduating May 24, 1935. Montez married Duaine James Hunter October 24, 1941 in the Manti Temple and made their home together in Provo, Utah where they raised two sons, Ronald Duaine and Brent James, and resided for 58 years. Montez was a very faithful member of the LDS Church and served in many callings throughout her life with a special love for visiting teaching. After Duaine passed away in August, 1999, she decided she would move to Sandy, Utah with Ronald and Kay. She felt that way she could be with family and the little ones that filled her heart with joy when they were around. There was a deep love that was mutual between Grammie and the little ones. She said she was always happiest when any and all of the family were around.
Preceded in death by her parents; husband, Duaine; grandson, Randall Duaine Hunter; 1 sister; 3 brothers; and 1 brother-in-law. Survived by sons, Ronald (Kay) Hunter, Brent (Jan) Hunter; sister , Carolyn (Val) Harris; sister-in-laws, Bea Fjeldsted and Veone Fjeldsted; immediate family: Trudi and Mike Budd, Sheri and Robert Gonzales, D.J. and Kristie Hunter; grandchildren: Paul (Maghann) Budd, B.J. (Hilary) Budd, Matt Budd, Amber Ortega, Alex Lucero, Alissa (Justin) Melton; and "Grammie's little Gang": Zoyie, Xander, Kaleb, Antonio, Angelia, Joseph, Seth, Aspen and Asher.
At the request of the deceased there will be no viewing and a short graveside service only on Thursday, August 23, 2012, 10:00 a.m. at the Sandy City Cemetery, 700 East 9000 South. Arrangements under the direction of McDougal Funeral Home."
(Salt Lake Tribune 22 Aug, 2012; gengivet i 
Fjeldsted, Montez Amelia (I17765)
3745 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I17794)
3746 "Our sweet wife and mother passed away and returned to her Heavenly Father, August 13, 2017, in Ogden, Utah. She was born August 16, 1940, to Alvin Leonial Fredricken and Hazel Fjeldsted. She grew up on a sheep and cattle ranch in Centerfield, Utah.
Gwendlyn attended Gunnison Valley High School and continued her education at Snow College where she earned her Associates Degree, followed by her Bachelors of Science from Utah State University. She married the love of her life, Bill D. Peterson on September 9, 1960, in the Manti Utah LDS Temple. They raised three children together.
Gwendlyn is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where she served faithfully in many ward callings.
In her professional career she worked 47 years as an elementary school teacher at Lakeview, Hooper, Roy, and West Weber Elementary Schools. She was revered and loved by many of the students she taught.
She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister and dear friend. She loved holidays and decorating her home festively. She was full of spunk and would easily make friends with anyone she met. Mom's sacred and favorite treasure was her family.
Mom is survived by her husband, Bill; brothers, Max and Terry Fredricksen; sister, Marlene Parsons; children: Jackie (Stan) Thurgood of Hooper, Utah; Kristie (George) Leafty of Emigrant, Montana; Brandon (Jamie) Peterson of Hooper, Utah; 15 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held on Thursday, August 17, 2017, 11 a.m. at the LDS Church, 5000 S. 5900 West, Hooper, Utah. Viewing will be held on Wednesday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. at the church and one hour prior to services at the church.
Interment will be at the Hooper Cemetery following services.
The family would like to extend a special thanks to Symbii Home Health and Hospice, Country Pines Assisted Living and a heart-felt thanks to the Muskrat Springs Relief Society sisters for their loving kindness and compassionate service to our mother.
(Også gengivet i 
Fredricksen, Gwendlyn (I17709)
3747 "Our wonderful loving husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, uncle and friend, Kevin Elgin Hampton, age 50, of Redmond, passed away peacefully in his home in Redmond, surrounded by his family, who adored him, after a valiant battle with cancer.
Kevin was born June 27, 1964 in Gunnison, Utah, a son of Merrill C. and Fay Bouvang Hampton. He graduated from North Sevier High School, Class of 1982. He attended Utah State University in the Dairy Herdsman Program for 1 year.
Kevin married his best friend and the love of his life, Nancy Rich, May 9, 1986 in the Logan LDS Temple. They were blessed with five wonderful children and six grandchildren, who were the light of his life. Nothing meant more to him than his children and grandchildren and supporting them in their activities.
Kevin was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He served a mission in the Philippines and had a great love for the people there. He had many callings in the church, including Scoutmaster, Young Men's President, High Council Member and was currently serving as the Bishop of the Redmond 2nd LDS Ward. His heart was filled with love for those he served.
Kevin spent his life working with family in their farming business, Hampton Farming and Livestock. Kevin was lucky enough to spend his time farming and ranching with the family he loved. He always felt so blessed to be able to have his children and other family members spending time together as they milked cows, put up crops and gathered cows off the mountain. Some of his favorite things to do with family were hunting, fishing and riding horses together.
Kevin was a peacemaker and always thought of others before himself. He had many friendships he cherished. He considered the gospel, family and friends the most important things in his life. He was a great example to all who knew him.
He made many lasting friendships through his fight with cancer. He always saw the blessings he received through the people he met. He was optimistic, encouraging to others, and deeply cared about the friends he made.
The family wishes to thank the many doctors and nurses who took care of him, the community that rallied to support him, and the encouragement and love shown to him by everyone.
Kevin is survived by his loving wife, Nancy, of Redmond; children: Tyler and Amie Hampton of Redmond; Megan and Jesse Shetler of Park City; Marlee Hampton, Trent Hampton and Lance Hampton, all of Redmond; 6 grandchildren: Levi, Kolton, Jace, Leighton, Taylor and Sabrina; his parents, Merrill and Fay Hampton of Redmond; brother and sisters: Keith and Patsy Hampton, Terrilyn and Burke Williams, all of Redmond; Cynthia and Marlin Mason of Ephraim; and his mother-in-law: Gail Rich of St. Charles, Idaho.
He was preceded in death by his father-in-law: Glenn Rich.
Funeral services will be held Monday, November 10, 2014 at 12 Noon in the Redmond 2nd LDS Ward Chapel, where friends may call for viewing Sunday evening from 6 to 8 P.M. or Monday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 prior to the services.
Burial will be in the Redmond City Cemetery under the care of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield and Salina, Utah" (gengivet i 
Hampton, Kevin Elgin (I17686)
3748 "Ove Erik Salomonsen er indtraadt i Firmaet MARTIN SALOMONSEN som ansvarlig og til Underskrift berettiget Deltager." (1938)

Ved ansøgning om fremmedpas i Sverige 12 Oct 1943: Grosserer.
Signalement: 167 cm, gråsprængt, med gråbrune øjne, oval ansigtsform og Konvex næse.

"Martin Eduard Salomonsen, der var ansvarlig deltager i firmaet Martin Salomonsen, er afgået ved døden. Firmaet fortsættes uforandret af den hidtidige deltager Ove Erik Salomonsen." (1976) 
Salomonsen, Ove Erik (I8999)
3749 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I20656)
3750 "OVERGAARD NIELSEN, POUL - DJfb - født 14.12. 1911 1 Hellerup, søn af tobaksarbejder N. C. Nielsen. Gift 16.9.1939 med Gerda Eyser. Lolland-Falsters Venstreblade 1.1.1933, Radikale Venstres Generalkorrespondance 1.7.1936, Tidens Stemme, red.sekr. 1.1.1937, Pressens Radioavis 1.8.1939, siden 1938 reportage, interviews og andet radioarbejde for Statsradiofonien, Inforlance 1948-49 og påny Danmarks Radio fra 1950. Litterære arbejder: "Krigsforils" (1943), ". . . men aldrig kan et folk forgaa" (1945).
Adr.: Alhambravej 1, København V. Tlf. Hilda (0144) 2140." (Danske Journalister)
"Poul Overgaard Nielsen (født 14. december 1911 i  
Nielsen, Poul Anker Overgaard (I20215)

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