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 #   Notater   Knyttet til 
35851 Jordpåkastelse i Hjørring. Ligbrænding. Christensen, Svend Peter R. (I17304)
35852 Jordpåkastelse i Hjørring. Ligbrænding. Thingsig, Marie Sophie (I7116)
35853 Jordpåkastelse i Hjørring. Ligbrænding. Kristensen, Sørine (I7105)
35854 Jordpåkastelse i Horsens, Kremeret. Pedersen, Maren Johanne (I10224)
35855 Jordpåkastelse i Horsens. Ligbrænding 6 Mar 1957, nedsat på vester kgd. 15 Mar 1957. Green-Andersen, Richard (I10221)
35856 Jordpåkastelse i kapellet 19 Oct. Urnen nedsat 3 Nov 1962, Vestre Kirkegård. Munck, Margrethe Charlotte (I7908)
35857 Jordpåkastelse i kapellet. Kremeret 14 Feb. Urnen anbragt i krematoriet. Nørgaard, Margrethe (I7325)
35858 Jordpåkastelse i Risskov Kirke.
R US 00 0042, sammen med ægtefællen og sønnen Allan. 
Lund, Esther Mary (I9635)
35859 Jordpåkastelse i Såby Kirke. Brændt på Roskilde Krematorium. 1962 16. juni Nedsat på Kr. Såby Kirkegård. Børgesen, Kaj Adolph (I14496)
35860 Jordpåkastelse i Sjovshoved Kirke 23/10 1968 til Mariebjerg Krematorium 23 Oct 1968. Petersen, Emma Betty Rosa (I9822)
35861 Jordpåkastelse i Slagelse Krematorium 1958, 15.december
Ligbrænding 1958, 17. december
Urnenedsættele på Sct. Peders Kirkegård 
Bennetzen, Christian (I12303)
35862 Jordpåkastelse i Sorø Kirke. Ligbrænding i Slagelse. Krog, Gudmund Rasmussen (I13071)
35863 Jordpåkastelse i Viborg kirkegårdskapel. Evers, Poul (I8537)
35864 jordpåkastelse Jægersborg kirke d. 5 maj. Mariebjerg krematorium Ottar, Lise Briem (I15385)
35865 Jordpåkastelse Mariebjerg Krem, 2 Jan 1942 v. Sognepræsten. Linck, Ebba Lykke Sommer (I7384)
35866 Jordpåkastelse på Roskide Amts og Bys Sygehu Hansen, Poul Emil Henry (I14676)
35867 Jordpåkastelse Ærøskøbing sygehuskapel, urnen nedsat Marstal Kirkegård.
MAR 20 00 080, tilsyneladende alene 
Larsen, Finn (I10679)
35868 Jordpåkastelse, Krematoriet, Svendborg. Christensen, Petra Andrea (I11166)
35869 Jordpåkastelse, Vestre Kapel. Haar, Henrik Hans Nicolai (I12165)
35870 Jordpåkastelse. Ligbrænding 17 Mar 1952, Urnenedsættelse 19 Mar 1952. Nielsen, Søren Peter Ejstrup (I428)
35871 Jorgensen, Mats, 27, Clerk in Store
Jorgensen, Mary, 24 wife, keep house
Jorgensen, Robert, Son 2, at home 
Jørgensen, Mads (I11266)
35872 Josefine Frederikke Nissen, Enke, Brohusgade 1 B, 69 Aar. Nissen, Josephine Frederikka (I12822)
35873 Joseph Carl Locander
Birth Date 5 December 1907 [2 Dec ifl dåbsattesten]
Birthplace: Ottowa, Illinois
Residence Place: La Grange, Cook, Illinois
Address, 5547 Peck Ave
Burial Date: 25 Feb
Burial Place: Des Plaines
Marital Status:Married
Father's Name: Emil E Locander
Mother's Name: Esther M Whitney
Spouse's Name: Thora Locander
Informant's Name: Thora Locander
Death: 21 February 1952
Event Place: Woodlawn, Jefferson, Illinois, United States
Funeral Home: Roach Funeral Home
Cemetery: Woodlawn 
Locander, Joseph Carl (I12698)
35874 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I17750)
35875 Joseph Gotthardt, 5 years. Gotthart, Joseph Albert (I10510)
35876 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21984)
35877 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21984)
35878 Joseph Levin, 40, Hosbonde, Smaaehandel. Med ægtefælle Fiische (25), samt Fikkes far Julius Abraham (68, Enkemand, Logerende, Skolemester), og svoger og søster Philip Isach (34, Logerende, Smaaehandel), Sara (33, Hans kone). Julius, Sara (I2143)
35879 Josephine Else Andersen
Name Note: JOSEPHINE ELSE ANDERSEN (Jul 1953), Application
JOSEPHINE ANDERSEN THAYER (Mar 1963), Application:
Death: JOSEPHINE A COURCY (02 Mar 1991)
Previous Residence : Brooklyn, Windham, Connecticut, United States
Death Date: 2 Mar 1991
Birth Date: 17 Apr 1937
Father's Name: Theodore N Andersen
Mother's Name: Mary F Babcock
Birthplace; Brooklyn Win*, Connecticut, United States

Josephine H Courcy, 53
Married, Spouse's Name: RICHA
02 Mar 1991: Putnam, Windham, Connecticut
Address 217 MASON RD, Brooklyn, Windham, Connecticut
Occupation; HSEWF, Industry: AT HM
Education Level: Primary/Secondary
Birth Town: Brooklyn.
Andersen, Josephine Else (I20473)
35880 Journalist og senere redaktør på dagbladet Information. Ekman, Ulf Erik (I9017)
35881 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I14936)
35882 Joyce L. Danielmeyer, age 81, of Fremont died Oct. 2, 2017 in Gretna.
She came to Arlington from Alabama in 1958, then to Fremont in 2011.
Survivors are: daughter, Lisa (Lee) O’Neal of Gretna; grandchildren, Amber (Greyson) Dworshak, Jake, Jordan and Kolton O’Neal; great-grandchild. Paxton Dworshak and one soon to be here; three brothers; and two sisters.
She was preceded by husband, Leroy Danielmeyer, and three brothers.
All services will be held in Alabama.
Online guestbook at
(Printed in the Fremont Tribune on 10/4/2017). 
Smith, Joyce Louise (I18672)
35883 Joyce Minnie Larson
Name and form dates: Application: JOYCE MINNIE LARSON (Nov 1942), Application: JOYCE LARSEN (Sep 1943), Application: JOYCE MARIA LARSEN (Jan 1944), Application: JOYCE MARIE RODRIGUES (May 1951), Application: MICHELLE JOYCE GIBSON (25 May 1983), Application: MICHELLE JOYCE GIBSON (14 Jul 1988), Death: MICHELLE J GIBSON (21 Aug 1993)
Alias: Joyce Larsen
Second Alias: Joyce Maria Larsen
Third Alias: Joyce Marie Rodrigues
Fourth Alias: Michelle Joyce Gibson
Previous Residence : Springdale, Washington, Arkansas, United States
Death Date: 21 Aug 1993
Birth Date: 30 Jul 1928
Birthplace: San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States
Father's Name: Walter H Larson
Mother's Name: Irene M Carbary
Mother's Sex: Female
Additional Person's Name: Michelle Rodrigues 
Larson, Joyce Minnie (I7891)
35884 Judah Loew ben Bezalel, alt. Löw, Loewe, Löwe, or Levai, (between 1512 and 1526? – 17 September 1609)[1] widely known to scholars of Judaism as the Maharal of Prague, or simply The Maharal, the Hebrew acronym of "Moreinu Ha-Rav Loew" ("Our Teacher, Rabbi Loew"), was an important Talmudic scholar, Jewish mystic, and philosopher who, for most of his life, served as a leading rabbi in the cities of Mikulov in Moravia and Prague in Bohemia. Due to his unprecedented impact on Jewish study, he is considered one of the most important rabbis of all times.
Within the world of Torah and Talmudic scholarship, Loew is known for his works on Jewish philosophy and Jewish mysticism and his work Gur Aryeh al HaTorah, a supercommentary on Rashi's Torah commentary. He is also the subject of a 19th-century legend that he created the Golem of Prague, an animate mythological being fashioned from clay.
Rabbi Loew is buried at the Old Jewish Cemetery, Prague in Josefov, where his grave and intact tombstone can still be visited. His descendants' surnames include Braude, Loewy, Loeb, Lowy, Lowi, Low-Beer, Loew, Oppenheimer, Pfaelzer, Lowenstein and Keim. ...
The Maharal was probably born in Poznań, Poland,[2]—though Perels[3] lists the birth town mistakenly[2] as Worms in the Holy Roman Empire—to Rabbi Bezalel (Loew), whose family originated from the Rhenish town of Worms. His birth year is uncertain, with different sources listing 1512,[3] 1520[4] and 1526.[2][5] His uncle Jakob ben Chajim was Reichsrabbiner ("Rabbi of the Empire") of the Holy Roman Empire, his brother Chaim of Friedberg a famous rabbinical scholar. There is no documented evidence of his having received formal religious education, leading scholars to conclude that he was an extremely gifted autodidact.[6]

His family consisted of his wife, Pearl, six daughters, and a son, Bezalel, who became a Rabbi in Kolín, but died early in 1600. He was independently wealthy, probably as a result of his father's successful business enterprises. He accepted a rabbinical position in 1553 as Landesrabbiner of Moravia at Mikulov (Nikolsburg), directing community affairs but also determining which tractate of the Talmud was to be studied in the communities in that province. He also revised the community statutes on the election and taxation process. Although he retired from Moravia in 1588 at age 68, the communities still considered him an authority long after that.
One of his activities in Moravia was the rallying against slanderous slurs on legitimacy (Nadler) that were spread in the community against certain families and could ruin the finding of a marriage partner for the children of those families. This phenomenon even affected his own family. He used one of the two yearly grand sermons (between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 1583) to denounce the phenomenon.
He moved back to Prague in 1588, where he again accepted a rabbinical position, replacing the retired Isaac Hayoth. He immediately reiterated his views on Nadler. On 23 February 1592, he had an audience with Emperor Rudolf II, which he attended together with his brother Sinai and his son-in-law Isaac Cohen; Prince Bertier was present with the emperor. The conversation seems to have been related to Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism, Hebrew: קַבָּלָה) a subject which held much fascination for the emperor.
In 1592, the Maharal moved to Poznań, where he had been elected as Chief Rabbi of Poland. In Poznań he composed Netivoth Olam and part of Derech Chaim. ...
The Maharal is the subject of the legend about the creation of a golem, a creature made out of clay to defend the Jews of the Prague Ghetto from antisemitic attacks, particularly the blood libel. He is said to have used mystical powers based on the esoteric knowledge of how God created Adam.[9] The general view of historians and critics is that the legend is a German literary invention of the early 19th century. The earliest known source for the story thus far is the 1834 book Der Jüdische Gil Blas by Friedrich Korn.[10][11] It has been repeated and adapted many times since.
(Wikipedia,, set 5 May 2018).

Loeb tilføjer nogle anekdoter (uddrag af tekst):
As a poor student, Judah became engaged to a wealthy woman Perla SHMELKES daughter of Samuel SHMELKES and intended to continue his studies with her family's support. When they became impoverished, however, the marriage was delayed, and his fiancée had to run a food shop. One day a knight passed by and snatched a loaf of bread from the shop on his spear. He explained that he had not eaten for three days and left his cloak with its lining containing gold coins as payment. The marriage could thus go ahead, and Judah spent the rest of his life On 23 February 1592, Emperor Rudolf II invited him to an audience to the Hradshin. According to legend, the Emperor wanted to be introduced to mysticism by the Maharal who could perform cabbalistic wonders.
On 16 February 1594, his colleague astronomer Tycho BRAHE arranged for him to speak with the Emperor Rudolph II, possibly on the subject of alchemy. The Maharal then was named Chief Rabbi of Posen. in relative affluence.
Löw, Yehuda Maharal (I1878)
35885 Jul 1923 Sagførerfuldm. i Kbh., 1. Maj 1925 i Aalborg, 21. Sep. 1926 Sagfører, 15. Juli 1930 Landsretssagf. sst. — 8. Apr. 1952 (fra 1. s. M.) off. og benef. Sager; i en Del Aar Form. for Bestyr, for Samvirkende Idrætsforeninger i Aalborg og for Aalborg Tennisklub samt Medl. af Hovedbestyr. for Dansk Idræts Forbund. Møller, John (I7330)
35886 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I1541)
35887 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I19887)
35888 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I14925)
35889 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21611)
35890 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I15525)
35891 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I18413)
35892 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I14955)
35893 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I18067)
35894 Jul i Slagelse, årsskrift
I 1933 og 1935 udkom to udgaver af Jul i Slagelse. Fra 1994 er det udkommet hvert år.
Første nummer fra 1994 blev udgivet af JS Publishing ved John Sichel (1932-2017), og redaktionen bestod herudover af Niels Micheelsen og Carsten Flink. Hæftet var på 48 sider, og det fotografiske materiale stod Georg Hemmingsen for. Forordet var skrevet af daværende borgmester Jens Jørgensen.
Om idéen med Jul i Slagelse skrev John Sichel tidligt, at den var ”at bringe et varieret hæfte med glimt fra Slagelses nyere historie, om særlige begivenheder i året, der er gået samt om fremtidige perspektiver og udvikling for Slagelse Kommune. ”
Fra og med tiende årgang bestod fundamentet af Jul i Slagelse af en bestyrelse på fem personer med John Sichel som formand, Jens Friis som næstformand, Birthe Søhuus som kasserer samt to menige bestyrelsesmedlemmer: Ole G. Nielsen og Erik Schultz. John Sichel var sidste gang med i 2004, og i dag, 2017, består bestyrelsen af de fire øvrige medlemmer, og Ole G. Nielsen har i mange år været hæftets redaktør.
I en del år til og med 2005 kunne læserne deltage i en konkurrence om en julehistorie. Og fra samme år kårede heftet Årets kravlenisse. Denne kåring ”finder sted på baggrund af forslag fra såvel forenings- som forretningslivet samt fra enkeltpersoner. ” Personen, der kåres, skal ”gennem sit virke have ydet en speciel indsats og på en god måde have sat sit præg på byen indenfor sit område. ”
Børge Riis Larsen, 2017 
Sichel, John Ernst (I2076)
35895 Juli den 3die Jens Christensens Kone i Krogen Ane Poulsdatter 35 Aar gammel Poulsdatter, Ane (I16145)
35896 Juliane Albina Schröder, geb. Nisse, Witwee in Hammeleff, geb. den 21. Juli 1825 in Dänemark ... [fejl i KB-årstal]. Nissen, Juliane Albine (I15731)
35897 Juliane Marie Darre. 71 Aar. Ugift Huusholderske hos Indsidder Daniel Teffer i Allindelille. Födt i Kjöbenhavn. Anm: Attest af Harhoff. død af unavngived Sygdom.  Darre, Juliane Marie (I2521)
35898 Juliane Martine Jensen var ved vielsen ej tidligere gift.
Ingen børn i ægteskabet (FT 1930, FT 1940).. 
Familie: Peder Laurits Nielsen / Juliane Martine Jensen (F7644)
35899 Juliane Schrøder f. Schrøder. Kjøbmand Captain Laurids Schrøders Hustru i Maribo, 66 Aar. Schrøder, Juliane (I13901)
35900 Julie Jørgine Frederikke Hansen, Gaardejer Hans Madsen Kampers Hustru i Kistofte, Slemminge Sogn Hansen, Julie Jørgine Frederikke (I14002)

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