Om slægterne Brændgaard & Heilesen



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35501 Jakob Hansen, Gaardand i Hejrede ... Afdøde Ægtefælle Martha Knudsen. Sidste fælles Bopæl: Hejrede. Hansen, Jacob (I13998)
35502 Jakob Hertog Cohen was born in Emden, Germany in 1882. During the war he was in The Netherlands. Jakob Hertog was murdered in the Shoah Cohen, Jacob Hartog (I9398)
35503 Jakob Kalstrup Nørgaard. Enkemand, Aftægtsmand i Snævre, Bjergby Sogn. Nørgaard, Jacob Calstrup (I7533)
35504 Jakob Katarus Severin Kristian Steenberg. Enkemand, forhen Skovrider af Grønnevej, Bogense. Søn af Seminarieforstander og Missionær paa Grønland Karl Junius Optatus Steenberg og Emma Oktavia født Janssen. Født 9. Oktober 1851 i Godthaab, Grønland. Ægteviet 26. Januar 1886 i Maribo Domkirke til Anna Mathilde Schrøder, der døde 3. August 1928 i Skovridergaarden ved Fredsskoven. Deres sidste fælles Bopæl. Hans sidste faste Bopæl: Grønnevej i Bogense. Steenberg, Jakob Katarus Severin Kristian (I14482)
35505 Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy[n 1] (3 February 1809 – 4 November 1847), born and widely known as Felix Mendelssohn,[n 2] was a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early romantic period. Mendelssohn wrote symphonies, concertos, oratorios, piano music and chamber music. His best-known works include his Overture and incidental music for A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Italian Symphony, the Scottish Symphony, the overture The Hebrides, his mature Violin Concerto, and his String Octet. His Songs Without Words are his most famous solo piano compositions. After a long period of relative denigration due to changing musical tastes and antisemitism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, his creative originality has been re-evaluated. He is now among the most popular composers of the romantic era.
A grandson of the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn was born into a prominent Jewish family. He was brought up without religion until the age of seven, when he was baptised as a Reformed Christian. Felix was recognised early as a musical prodigy, but his parents were cautious and did not seek to capitalise on his talent.
Mendelssohn enjoyed early success in Germany, and revived interest in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, notably with his performance of the St Matthew Passion in 1829. He became well received in his travels throughout Europe as a composer, conductor and soloist; his ten visits to Britain – during which many of his major works were premiered – form an important part of his adult career. His essentially conservative musical tastes set him apart from more adventurous musical contemporaries such as Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner, Charles-Valentin Alkan and Hector Berlioz. The Leipzig Conservatoire, which he founded, became a bastion of this anti-radical outlook.
Composer, Conductor, Pianist. A leading light of early Romantic music. Robert Schumann called him "The Mozart of the 19th Century". The grandson of German-Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, he was born Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn in Hamburg and lived in Berlin from age two. His affluent and culture-loving parents converted to Christianity in 1816 and added "Bartholdy" to the family name (though they disliked it and it is seldom used outside of Germany). Felix and his older sister Fanny were both musical prodigies and grew up in an environment that ideally nurtured their gifts. He debuted as a pianist at age nine and began composing at 11; a private orchestra was later put at his disposal so he could try out his new pieces. Important musicians visited the Mendelssohn home every Sunday and marvelled at the child's abilities. From 1817 to 1824 he studied composition and conducting with Carl Friedrich Zelter, who in 1821 introduced him to the German literary giant Goethe. The two became warm friends despite the 60-year age difference between them. At 16 Mendelssohn wrote his first masterpiece, the Octet for Strings (1825), and followed this with the enchanting "Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1826), inspired by Shakespeare's play; these two works made him internationally famous. Continuing his good fortune, Mendelssohn launched his career as a conductor with one of the most significant events in music history. He had inherited from Zelter a love for the music of J.S. Bach, known at that time only to specialists, and was determined to rescue it from obscurity. In 1829 he organized and conducted a Berlin performance of Bach's "St. Matthew Passion". It was the first performance of that work since the composer's death, and its overwhelming success sparked the Bach revival. Mendelssohn spent much of the next four years touring England, Scotland, France, and Italy, then returned to Germany to direct the Lower Rhine Festival in Dusseldorf (1833 to 1835). As director of the Gewandhaus Orchestra in Leipzig from 1835 until his death, he built the ensemble into one of the finest in Europe with his erudition and perfectionist standards. He was the first conductor to organize concerts devoted to specific periods of music history, and was lauded for his interpretations of the German and Viennese schools. In 1839 he led the world premiere of Franz Schubert's "Great" C Major Symphony, effectively demonstrating that Schubert was more than just a brilliant songwriter. Mendelssohn's last decade was one of dizzying activity. At the urging of the Prussian King he accepted the post as music director of the Academy of Arts in Berlin (1841 to 1845), while retaining his conductorship in Leipzig, touring, and composing in spare moments. He grew to love England, where he was the most admired German composer since Handel, and was a favorite of Queen Victoria; his "Scottish" Symphony (1842) was dedicated to her. In 1843 he realized another ambition when he founded the Leipzig Conservatory of Music, the first of its kind in Germany. He taught courses in piano and composition and invited Ignaz Moscheles and Robert and Clara Schumann to join the staff. In the mid-1840s Mendelssohn's health declined from the effects of high blood pressure and overwork. His grief over the sudden death of Fanny in May 1847 precipitated a series of strokes, and he died six months later at 38. His passing was mourned as a calamity throughout Europe. Mendelssohn was a major transitional figure in music of the 1800s. His style was conservative, blending Romantic feeling and scene-painting with classical form, clarity, and emotional restraint; his mastery of counterpoint reflected his debt to Bach and other German Baroque masters. These influences were united with an ingratiating ease of melodic inspiration. He matured early as a composer and from then on was more occupied in refining his technique than taking his music in new directions. A example of this is his incidental score for "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1843). Although 17 years separate this set from his "Overture" for the same play, their style is so similar they could have been written at the same time. This creative attitude put Mendelssohn at odds with his more progressive colleagues. He was tight-lipped over Schumann's music and expressed serious reservations about Berlioz, Liszt, and Meyerbeer, though he was personally friendly towards all. He was self-critical as well; of his estimated 500 compositions, he allowed only 72 opuses to be published before his death. His other important works include the "Reformation" (1830) and "Italian" (1833) symphonies, the overtures "Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage" (1828), "The Hebrides" (aka "Fingal's Cave", 1830), and "Ruy Blas" (1839), the oratorios "St. Paul" (1836) and "Elijah" (1846), the Violin Concerto (1844), two Piano Concertos (1831, 1837), six string quartets (1829 to 1847), and the "Songs Without Words" for solo piano (8 books, 1829 to 1845). A melody from his secular cantata "Festgesang" (1840) was adapted in England into the Christmas carol "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" (1855), and the "Wedding March" from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" has been played at countless nuptials. Adored in his lifetime, Mendelssohn's music was dismissed by succeeding generations as lightweight and lacking passion. Some of the criticism (notoriously from Richard Wagner) was anti-Semitic in nature and reflected a growing trend in Germany that culminated with the rise of Hitler. In 1936, the Nazis banned Mendelssohn's music and destroyed his monument outside the Leipzig Gewandhaus. The composer's manuscripts were smuggled out of the Berlin State Library to safety in Poland, and at the start of World War II they were hurriedly scattered throughout the world. It was not until the 1990s that scholars began a concerted effort to track down this material, making a fuller appreciation of his work possible. By the time of Mendelssohn's bicentenary in 2009, his reputation had come almost full circle. Throughout it all some of his key compositions - the "Italian" and "Scottish" symphonies, the Violin Concerto, "The Hebrides", the evergreen "A Midsummer Night's Dream" music - stayed strong in the international repertory. Today he is among the most popular of the early Romantics. (Bio by: Bobb Edwards, Findagrave) 
Bartholdy, Felix Mendelssohn (I1375)
35506 Jakob Mortensen var en velstaaende Mand, Da der i 1647 skulle gives Skat af Rentepenge, maatte han give af 500 Sletdaler. 24. Feb. bevilgedes der ham den halve Kongetiende af Gjellerup Sogn efter Præsten Hr. Jensens Død, idet den tidligere havde ligget til hans Gaard, hvor den ikke kunde undværes, da der ingen Eng var dertil.
Jacob Mortensen var af fornem Slægt, idet han hørte til den adelige Familie Barfod, men denne havde rigtignok længe været uden Rettigheder paa Grund af ulige Giftermaal . - l0 .April tillod Kongen ham efter den daværende Besidders Død at faa som Selvejendom en Gaard i Sedding i Nr .Nebel Sogn, hvorfra hans Slægt stammede, idet han havde berettet, at hans Fader, Morten Jacobsen havde tilforhandlet sig den, men da han ikke havde udredet Afgift til Riberhus, var den skrevet i Fald og annammet under Slottet . En Selvejer, der ikke betalte Afgift, blev nemlig skrevet i Fald, det vil sige, han blev gjort til Fæstebonde.
Jacob Mortensens Ligsten i Gjellerup Kirke var allerede 1766 ulæselig, Inger og Peder Jensens gravminde er forsvundet fra kirkegården. (Troelsen efter Karen Goll).
Se også: Jens Abildtrup: "Selvejerslægten Bjødstrup", 1952.
Den 13 juli 1636 blev Jacob Mortensen (Barfod) udnævnt til Værge for Gellerup Kirke, og da svenskerne 1643 hærgede landet, var han endnu kirkeværge, hvilket fremgår af kirkens regnskabsbog for dette år: "Forskrevne års tiendekorn haver kirkeværgen Jacob Mortensen oppebåren og er ham af fjenderne aftvunget og fratagen, så han intet havde nydt eller beholden deraf efter tingsvidnes indhold og derfor ikke føres ham her til indtægt." Under krigen gik mange enlige gårde og landsbyer op i luer; efter fredsafslutningen 1645 meddeltes det således, at Jacob Mortensen (Barfod) havde fået afbrændt "en halv hundrede fag hus" uden nogen årsag." (Slægtsbog for efterkommere efter Henrik Hansen Sørensen født 1827, husmand og træskomand i Bakbjerg, Them sogn. no. 469)

Barfod, Jacob Mortensen (I2374)
35507 Jakob Nielsen kaldet Halvegge. Halvegge, Jakob Nielsen (I6464)
35508 Jakob Nørgaard Christensen. Proprietær, Ejer af Aggersborggaard, Aggersborg By og Sogn. Christensen, Jacob Nørgaard (I8014)
35509 Jakob Nørgaard, Cykelhandler af Skovsgaard, Ø. Svenstrup Sogn. Gift med afdøde Ane Cathrine Nielsen, f. Olesen. Sidste fælles bopæl: Skovsgaard. Nørgaard, Jakob (I7341)
35510 Jakob Peter Pedersen Bach. Fhv. proprietær, rentier af Selbjerggård, Tømmerby Sogn ... Enkemand efter Johanne Marie Godiksen - Selbjerggård deres sidste fælles bopæl. Bach, Jakob Peter Pedersen (I7353)
35511 Jakob Svendsen (Kiib), kaldte sig Nørgaard, f. o. 1751, d. efter 181482). Boede i en Aarrække i Klim Nørgaard, hvor han 25. April 1778 fik Bevilling til Krohold; blev 1788 Degn i Kollerup-Skræm, i hvilket Embede han var til 1814. Gift 1. Feb. 1776 i Brovst med Maren Nielsdtr. Kjær fra Brovst, Søster til Degn Anders Kjær i Brovst (Klitgaard). Nørgård, Jacob Svendsen (I1198)
35512 Jakob Sørensen (Kjærulf). I Jordebogen 1600 staar Jakob Sørensen anført for en Ejendom i Holtet, og 1600-1609 nævnes han som boende i Ø. Halne; han maa antages at have været Søn af Søren Skriver og Else Kjærulf, og hans Hustru var utvivlsomt den Inger Christensdatter, der i Jordebogen 1617-18 staar for Selvejergaarden i Ø. Halne (Fogedgaard). Hun, var barnefødt i Nordkjær i Biersted Sogn, og levede endnu 1627 som Enke, da hun blev udplyndret af de kejserlige Tropper og jaget fra Hus og Hjem.  Kjærulf, Jacob Sørensen (I1059)
35513 Jakobi Jørgensen. Ugift Aldersrentenyderske, Rengøringskone og Bælgetræderske i St. Olai Kirke i Hjørring ... Jørgensen, Jakobi (I813)
35514 Jakobine Magrethe Nørgaard. Enke efter Sognefoged Christian Nørgaard af Steilberg, boede i gården i Snevre i Bjergby Sogn, 62 Aar. Nørskov, Jacobine Margrete (I7445)
35515 James A Geiger
Fødselsdato: 4 Feb 1913
Tidligere bopæl: Morrilton, Conway, Arkansas,
Dødsdato: 17 Apr 2004. 
Geiger, James Alvin (I22042)
35516 James Albert Gotthardt. Retired Oiler. Bopæl 598, 7th Avenue Gotthardt, Jens Alberth (I10483)
35517 James and Anna Metzler Daniels Daniels, Luella (I18680)
35518 James Anton Juhl
Birth Date: 4 Apr 1934
Birthplace: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Death Date: 19 Apr 1992
Father's Name: Walter Juhl
Mother's Name: Myrtle J Boyl. 
Juhl, James Anton (I12706)
35519 James Brent Caldwell, 78, of Boulder City, Nevada, passed away on March 6th, 2019 at his home in Boulder City.
Funeral services will be held 10:00am Tuesday, March 12th at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 916 5th Street in Boulder City. Burial will be on March 13th at Veterans Cemetery. Family and friends can sign an online memorial guestbook at
Brent was born in Las Vegas, NV, to John and Willa (Harris) Caldwell on August 27th, 1940. He was really and truly Vegas Born. Brent and his family moved to Boulder City when Brent was 3 months old. As a teenager, he developed a strong work ethic as a stock clerk and delivery boy at Central Market grocery.
Following graduation from Boulder City High School in 1958, he went on to attend the University of Nevada, Reno, and then dental school at Marquette University. Brent spoke often, and with impressive detail, about the mentors and colleagues he had during his time at Marquette and the lasting impact they had on both his professional and personal life. Be grateful for the guidance in your life.
Brent worked as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon at the Marshfield Clinic in Wisconsin for more than 25 years. It was in Marshfield where he met and fell in love with Suzanne Burr. They were married on April 25th, 1996 in Manti, Utah. After retiring, the couple returned to Boulder City where Brent embraced the return to warm weather and the chance to spend time with friends, especially at the dog park. Cherish the love in your life.
Brent had a fondness for cars and looked for any excuse to go for a drive, including many cross-country road trips. He also traveled the world while serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, vacationing with his wife Sue, and in service to his church. Along with Sue he served a humanitarian mission to Vietnam, performing desperately-needed dental surgeries, distributing medical equipment, and teaching English. Serve others selflessly in your life.
A passion for music held a place in Brent’s heart. He found great enjoyment in learning challenging pieces of classical and sacred music on the organ, and playing for church and other special events. Seeing piano concerts at the Smith Center was his favorite entertainment. Listen for the beauty in your life.
And, chocolate. Brent loved it. He never turned down dessert, and it was as much fun to watch him eat it as it was to have it yourself. Savor the sweetness in your life.
Brent was good, honest, and kind-hearted. He was probably the most humble man you ever met, if you had the great pleasure to know him. And though he never had children, Brent was a mentor and father figure to many young people and his love and influence in their lives will be forever cherished. Pass on the lessons in your life.
Brent is preceded in death by his parents and his brother, Jack.
Brent is survived by his wife Sue, his sister Shirley Oakes and brother-in-law Gary Oakes, 17 nieces and nephews, 22 great nieces and nephews and 3 great, great nieces and nephews. He will also be missed by his sweet dog, Benson. ..." 
Caldwell, James Brent (I17579)
35520 JAMES ERIC IVERSEN (Jim) Peacefully on Friday, November 2, 2018 in his ninety-ninth year, after a brief stay in hospital. Jim was predeceased by his beloved wife, Mary (Molson). He is survived by his dear sister, Marie (Ken); and his children, Christine, Erik (Gillian), DeeDee (Paul), Stuart (Anouk), and Jay; his grandchildren, Sarah, Rachel, Nicholas, Emma Lee, Leif, Patrick, Zoe, Jonathan, Amy, Adam and Alexis; great-grandchildren, Hazel, Isaac, Willa, Asher, Noah, Alexandra, Wyatt and Alice. Jim was born on July 23, 1920 in Winnipeg to Knud Iversen and Emma Gillies. He lived with his family in New York and Montreal, graduating from Westhill High School before joining the Royal Canadian Air Force. He served as a radar technician with bomber squadrons in the north of England. After the war he graduated from McGill with an MA in English. On September 24, 1947, Jim and Mary married and they had five children. An intrepid and graceful skier, Jim enjoyed many wonderful winters at the Redbirds Ski Club, and with friends and family on the slopes of Hill 70 and elsewhere in the St. Sauveur valley. Jim was also an enthusiastic golfer, skeet shooter ('100 Straight Club'), fisherman, and lover of sports, especially hockey and the Montreal Canadiens. Jim's entire professional career was at Selwyn House School where he taught English, French and Math, and coached the ski team. He also served as Assistant Headmaster and University guidance counsellor. Former students remember him for his humour, eloquent instruction and sense of justice championing the underdog. The family wishes to thank the team of health care professionals who looked after Jim in the Orthopedic Trauma Unit (12th Floor East) of the Montreal General Hospital. The family also thanks Jim's devoted caregivers Lesley, Shanthi, Maureen, Grace, Carol, Dorothy and Rosa. A private family funeral was held on November 7 in Montreal.
P(ublished by The Globe and Mail from Nov. 10 to Nov. 14, 2018). 
Iversen, James Eric (I10071)
35521 James Francis Gothart
Fødselsdato: 8 Oct 1924
Fødested : Bklyn N Y C, New York
Tidligere bopæl: Nesconset, Suffolk, New York
Dødsdato : 5 Nov 2000
Fars navn: George Gothart
Mors navn: Ellen L Welsh 
Gothart, James Francis (I21830)
35522 James Nielsen, Jr
3026 Stone Ave, Omaha, Douglas, Nebr
Birth Date: 8 November 1918
Birthplace: Omaha, Nebraska
Relative: Mr. James Nielsen, Father, 3026 Stone Ave, Omaha, Douglas, Nebr
Employer: Nebraska Power Co, 17th+Harney st, Omaha, Douglas Nrbr
Complexion: Light Brown
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 165 pund
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: LightBrown 
Nielsen, James Jr. (I13027)
35523 James Odell Hakeman was born February 27, 1937 in Brookings, South Dakota to George "Clay" and Esther (Thompson) Hakeman. He attended school in White, South Dakota and graduated from high school in 1955. Jim served in the United States Air Force from November of 1956 to November of 1960. He was united in marriage to June Lee on April 10, 1965 in Hayti, South Dakota. Jim was employed at the White Creamery prior to coming to Lake Norden. While living in Lake Norden he was employed by the Lake Norden Creamery and Drying Plant from 1963 until 1971 when it became Land O Lakes. He continued to work for Land O Lakes until retiring in 1998. Jim died on Thursday, September 6, 2012 at Watertown, South Dakota at the age of 75 years.
He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake Norden. Jim enjoyed puzzles, golfing and sports in general. Most of all he enjoyed watching his grandchildren play ball and also enjoyed his cat.

Grateful for having shared his life are his wife June of Lake Norden; two sons, Douglas of Brookings, Stacy and his wife Chrissy of Lake Norden; one daughter Dawn Nelson and her husband James of Hutchinson, KS; five grandchildren, Sara, Karen and Austin Hakeman and Lauren and Hayden Nelson; two brothers, Gordon Hakeman and his wife Terry of Yorba Linda, CA, Dennis Hakeman and his wife Pat of Placentia, CA; one sister Jayne DeBoer of Sioux Falls; one sister-in-law Bonnie Hakeman of Madison, SD; several nieces and nephews; and a host of other relatives and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother Clinton and two nephews Kent Hakeman and Ryan Cooley.

His funeral service will be 1:30 P.M., Monday, September 10, 2012 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake Norden. Visitation will be from 4PM to 6PM Sunday at Geise Funeral Chapel in Lake Norden. Burial will in at Pleasant View Cemetery at Hayti.

Hakeman, James Odell (I12875)
35524 James Ogilvie, Kromand i Sønder Tranders, 60 Aar. Ogelvie, Jacob (I8033)
35525 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I10188)
35526 Jan 1665 ifl KB ved død. KB Tornby. først fra 1683. Pedersen, Stephan (I19472)
35527 Jan 1944 overført til KZ Bergen-Belsen. Overlevede befrielsen af lejren, men døde kort efter. Van der Walde, Naftali Hermann (I9317)
35528 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I14514)
35529 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I14956)
35530 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I1539)
35531 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I6411)
35532 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I15559)
35533 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I1531)
35534 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I14755)
35535 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I20198)
35536 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I1563)
35537 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I11726)
35538 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I1508)
35539 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I19722)
35540 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I15201)
35541 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I15331)
35542 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I191)
35543 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I15565)
35544 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I16382)
35545 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21544)
35546 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I35)
35547 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I18422)
35548 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I12868)
35549 Jan Christian Papendick Pedersen, 5. juli 2018 på Facebook:
"En ikke helt så kendt Hofmeister. William var alletiders ven. Var ungkarl og boede hos sin mor Johanne Hofmeister i Dronningsgade. Han havde sit atelier i baghuset hvor min far, onkel Peter og jeg ofte var på besøg. Vi besøgte også flere gange hans mere berømte bror Johannes i Møllen, Lorges på Mårup." 
Hofmeister, William (I6942)
35550 Jan Finn Smith (19. august 1942–21. marts 1984) var en dansk læge (kandidat 1973 fra Odense) og kemiingeniør. Han var af Simon Spies udset til at overtage for Spies-koncernen.
Han blev livlæge og ven med Simon Spies, men det lykkedes ikke for ham at få Spies til at drikke mindre champagne (Dom Pérignon) eller eksperimentere mindre med lattergas. Han tillagde sig samme vaner og var således også ofte påvirket.
Senere fik Jan Smith konstateret mavekræft og begik selvmord ved at skyde sig selv på Hotel Mercur i åbningstiden.
Jan Smith fik også en datter sammen med Karin Heilesen. Hun dannede par med Simon Spies i nogle år. Jan Smith fik også en søn. 
Smith, Jan Finn (I564)

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