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2451 "Ifl. Kgl. Bev. 28/7 1927 ret til Familienavnet Hardorf". Hardorf, Kai (I21425)
2452 "Ifl. kgl. Bevilling af 13 Jan 1905 er Faderens Navn Niels Christian EJstrup og hendes fulde Navn er Ellen Othilie Ejstrup." Ejstrup, Ellen Othilie (I18816)
2453 "Ifl. kgl. Bevilling af 13 Jan 1905 er Familienavnet Eistrup, faderens fulde navn Niels Christian Eistrup og hans fulde Navn er Niels Peder Eistrup" Eistrup, Peder Thirup (I18813)
2454 "Ifl. kgl. Bevilling af 13 Jan 1905 er Familienavnet Ejstrup, faderens fulde navn Niels Christian Eistrup og hans fulde Navn er Niels Christian Ejstrup."
[I KB ved død skrevet Ejstrup] 
Ejstrup, Niels Christian (I18581)
2455 "Ifl. kgl. Bevilling af 13 Jan 1905 er Familienavnet Ejstrup, faderens fulde navn Niels Christian Eistrup og hans fulde Navn er Niels Christian Ejstrup." Ejstrup, Niels Christian (I18811)
2456 "Ifl. kgl. Bevilling af 8 Febr. 1905 er der givet tilladelse til at familienavnet Kjølby. Saa Faderens navn er Poul Kjølby og hendes Navn: Jensine Johanne Kjølby" Kjølby, Jensine Johanne (I20482)
2457 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21602)
2458 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21581)
2459 "Iflg Kgl. Adopt Bevill af 17 Novb 1928 ... Repræsentanr Svend Kofod og Hstr. Else ohanne Adler f. Svanholm Kofod, Ingrid (I8571)
2460 "Iflg Navnebevis af 24.07.1986, Københavns Statsamt ... er det fulde navn Peter Henrik Fritz von Syberg von Syberg, Peter Henrik Fritz (I21314)
2461 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I20845)
2462 "Iflg. anm af 23.06.1988 ønskes bindestreg mellem fornavnene, det fude navn: Hans-Henrik Oskar Wesche" Wesche, Hans-Henrik Oskar K,, R1. (I12826)
2463 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I19213)
2464 "Iflg. anm. af 10 04 - 1999 bortkastet efternavnet samt antaget moders efternavn. Det fulde navn er Lis Lindberg." Lindberg, Lis (I22170)
2465 "Iflg. kgl. Bevilling af 14. Feb 1947 har hosstaaende for Fremtiden Tilladelse til at slette Efternavnet Nielsen, saaledes at fulde Navn for Fremtiden er: Aage Eistrup" Eistrup, Aage (I18575)
2466 "Iflg. kgl. Bevilling af 14. Feb 1947 har hosstaaende Ret til i Fremtiden at slette Navnet Nielsen, saaledes at fulde Navn er: Hans Eistrup" (med streg under i'et i Eistrup) Eistrup, Hans (I18574)
2467 "Iflg. kgl. Bevilling af 16. Februar 1905" [Christensen udstreget og erstattet med Vestergaard] Vestergaard, Christian Holger (I20964)
2468 "Iflg. navnebevis af 8 juni 1914 er navnet nu Hans Christian Lindsy" Lindsy, Hans Christian (I21637)
2469 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I18288)
2470 "Iflg. Skrivelse af 20/12 34 fra Københavns Overpræsident er Familienavnet Marsted-Mortensen ..." Marsted-Mortensen, Svend (I21307)
2471 "Ifver Christiansøn Muus døbt 1730 5 Mart" Muus, Iver Christiansen (I6313)
2472 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21614)
2473 "Ifølge Gravkataloget gift med Kristine. - Børnene den senere Roskildebiskop Niels, Juris, Margrethe. I Næstved velgørerliste nævnes Roskildebispen Niels med brødrene Tyge og Sune. De skulle så evt. være sønner af Stig, men kendes kun herfra." (Holbek & Brun) Galen, Stig (I4085)
2474 "Ifølge Kgl. Bevilling af 18. April 1911 er Navnet Aksel Ricard Krogh-Jensen". Krogh-Jensen, Aksel Ricard (I22217)
2475 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21589)
2476 "Ifølge kgl. Bevilling af 24 Febr 1886 er Barnet adopteret af Handelsreisende Hans Ludvig Sørensen og bærer fremtidig Navnet: Marie Adophine Sørensen". Sørensen, Marie Adolphine (I21310)
2477 "Ifølge kgl. Bevilling af 27/12 [år mangler] bliver navnet: Orla Peter Rydahl
[Senere tilføjelse] "Navnet nu: Peter Rydahl." 
Rydahl, Peter (I18883)
2478 "Ifølge kgl. Bevilling er Navnet forandret til Peter Kastrup Kaae" Kaae, Peter Kastrup (I19388)
2479 "Ifølge Lov af 22/4 1904 er forandret til Esbak" [uden dato. Faderen tog navneforandring 1915] Esbak, Margrethe Rye (I21009)
2480 "Ifølge lov nr. 193 af 28/4 1981 Navneforandr. 30/9-1983 til Gerda Johanne Martine Thøgersen" Thøgersen, Gerda Johanne Martine (I17084)
2481 "Ifølge Skrivelse fra Overpræsidiet i København af 16 Oktober 1926 maa Gunnar Erik Rasmus Pedersen fremtidig med Rette føre Familienavnet Galst, saaledes at det fulde Navn bliver Gunnar Erik Rasmus Galst" Galst, Gunnar Erik Rasmus (I21851)
2482 "Ifølge Skrivelse fra Politmesteren i Ringsted af 20. Januar 1928 har Carl Christian Frederiksen ved Øvrighdsbevis erholdt Ret til fremtidig at føre Familienavnet Rævskjær, saaledes at "Frederiksen" bortfalder" [også faderens navn er rettet i KB] Rævskjær, Carl Christian (I18522)
2483 "Ifølge Skrivelse fra Politmesteren i Ringsted af 20. Januar 1928 har Hans Valdemar Frederiksen ved Øvrighdsbevis erholdt Ret til fremtidig at føre Familienavnet Rævskjær, saaledes at "Frederiksen" bortfalder" [også faderens navn er rettet i KB] Rævskjær, Hans Valdemar (I18524)
2484 "Ifølge Skrivelse fra Politmesteren i Ringsted af 20. Januar 1928 har Svend Aage Frederiksen ved Øvrighdsbevis erholdt Ret til fremtidig at føre Familienavnet Rævskjær, saaledes at "Frederiksen" bortfalder" [også faderens navn er rettet i KB] Rævskjær, Svend Aage (I18523)
2485 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I21493)
2486 "ikke nævnt direkte i DAA 1897:128, men omtales indirekte under broderen Erik." (Holbek & Brun) Due, (Ukendt) Jakobsdatter (I6578)
2487 "Ikke nævnt i stamtavlen over slægten Krummedige DAA 1900." (Holbek & Brun) Krummedige, Anne Eriksdatter (I4690)
2488 "il Øgelstrup (1421) og Astrup, Nørre H., Grinderslev S. (ca. 1440), nævnes 1426 og 1428 sammen med faderen, udsendte 1438 vidnesbyrd for Hr. Morten Spargs Sendelse til Rom, 1452 til stede på Ørslevkloster Birkething, nævnes 1454 i et Pantebrev, 1459 medudsteder af et vidnesbyrd om Godsskænket til Skørping Kirke, var 1464 til vitterlighed for Erik Juel, mageskiftede 1467 gods med sin Svoger, Erik Vestenie; fik to Gaarde i Thiset Sogn (Nørre H.) og en i Astrup." (Holbek & Brun) Juel, Iver Jensen til Øgelstrup og Astrup (I3308)
2489 "Im Frühjahr 1940 wurden Elise und Adolph Gossels nach Berlin
van der Walde‏‎, Elise Ester (I9338)
2490 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Nulevende (I16251)
2491 "Imm. 1563 i Rostock, blev 1565 forlenet med Trondhjem len, 1568-84 kgl. sekretær, 1569 kannik i Ribe og 1571 i Roskilde, fik 1577 ventebrev på et prælatur i Ribe Domkirke, 1578 ærkedegn i Roskilde, hvor han tog bolig og alle hans børn er fødte, tilsagt 1588 til kong Frederik II's begravelse og 1596 til kroningen." (Holbek & Brun) Vind, Jacob Iversen til Store Grundet (I4729)
2492 "Immatrikuleret 1486 i Rostock, var 1488 og 1494 hofsinde hos hertug Frederik på Gottorp og fulgte denne 1494 til Berlin, var 1496 amtmand på Gottorp, da han ved arvedelingen efter faderen blev udkøbt af broderen i besiddelsen af godserne mod en betydelig pengesum, og købte herfor og for sin frues midler Saxtorp, der endnu ejedes i 1494 af Carsten Wonsfleth, men afhændede det 1499 til Markvard von Ahlefeldt mod dennes langt større gods Deutsch Nienhof med en udbetaling af 17,000 mark lybsk." (Holbek & Brun) Blome, Henrik (I3466)
2493 "In 1974, Bob Mortensen left the world of banking to teach at Charles Wright Academy, where for twenty years he has invested the assets of his love and energy in the learning and maturation especially of Middle School students. During the past two decades through teaching English and coaching basketball, the stock and trade of his portfolio or activities, Bob has broadened and deepened the fund of talents and the sense of self-worth of the students entrusted to his care.
.Raised in Iron Mountain, a small town in the upper Michigan peninsula, endowed with a strong religious faith. Bob Mortensen earned his college degree at Norte Dame. It's an honor he has proudly carried , along with bearing the annual dividend of friendly teasing on fall weekends. After a year in law school, a term in the army, and marriage to a girl from the Pacific Northwest, he settled in Tacoma.
.He began searching for a career investment, committing himself first to Sears, then to insurance sales, and finally to banking, each in a three year cycle. Finding none of these markets for his abilities rewarding, Bob turned at last to education and Charles Wright. It was here that his diversified talents, his love of English, and his devotion to young people could be fully appreciated.
In the longer span of his years here, Bob has taught English in the Middle and Upper Schools, led the Development Office, administered the Team Summer School program, served as interim Head of the Middle School, weathered countless football games on the chain squad, dominated school ping-pong tournaments, written a guide for English grammar, and coached hundreds of young people through twenty seasons of competition.
While the spread of these activities has made Bob valued by the faculty and parents, his loyalty to his students, his willingness to be vulnerable and patient, and his abiding compassion has endeared him to the young people he has taught these twenty years. Through values taught by favorite works such as "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "Inherit The Wind", the self-confidence gained by writing and delivering speeches about events in their own lives, and Bob's patient encouragement, students have learned about character and human dignity.
To better understand the emotions of the literary characters they studied, Bob had them march through Middle School; classes singing revival songs and, in keeping with Animal Farm, urged them to rebel against something, even himself. In basketball, as in his English classes, he coached fundamentals and saw in sports a way for youth to discover unrealized strengths and weaknesses, to deal with them, and go on with life. He drilled for teamwork, played everybody, and yet plate to win, using competition to impart the lesson that defeats are only temporary.
Bob has coached his last team at Charles Wright and soon will close the book on his last lesson, but those fortunate to have sat in his classes and played on his squad will long feel his impact He urged them to value faith and fairness, to set high goals, to have compassion for others by walking a mile in their shoes, and to be sensitive to their fellow human beings and themselves.
As if to honor him, in recent years the centerpieces of eight grade graduations are the moving student speeches written in his classes, ones that frequently reflect the value he has stressed. Of the several recognition that Charles Wright can extend, only two lie entirely within the power of the students to grant, and Bob has received both.
In 991, in appreciation for his years of "Friendship and Sincerity," the seniors dedicated the yearbook to Bob and asked him to deliver the commencement address at their graduation. In words he employed on that occasion, Bob focused on a value close to his heart.
"In the business of education and life," He observed, "we all have to deal with things we'd rather will need to care about what with your lives...The "what" you do isn't nearly as important as how you "care" about it."
.Because Bob Mortensen cared so much about kids, he became a memorable teacher, and because he cared so much, his gentle, supportive voice will be greatly missed by students and colleagues."
Posted by Nancy Mortensen on June 5, 2019 (kommentar i 
Mortensen, Robert Leo (I16525)
2494 "In Clements, November 21, 1979. Agnethe (Aggie) Kohnke, beloved mother of Susan C. Lund of Lodi. Loving daughter of Chris Norgaard of Albert Lake, Minnesota. Loving sister of Svend Norgaard of Monahand, Texas, Egon Norgaard of Albert Lake, Minn., Paul Norgaard of Elk Grove, CA, Mary Miller of Holt, Minn. Loving grandmother of Nadine C. Lund of Clements. A native of Lindum, Denmark, aged 61 years. A member of the American Legion Post #22 of Lodi.
Interment Cherokee Memorial Park."
(Stockton Record Nov 23, 1979; gengivet i 
Norgaard, Agnete (I7573)
2495 "In einer Austauschaktion konnte Kela van der Walde das KZ mit dem Transport 222 im Juli 1944 Richtung Palästina verlassen." (Stolpersteime)
"List, dated 6 Jul 1944, of 281 Jews who 'went from Celle to Palestine.' These are ostensibly Jews who were freed and allowed to leave for Palestine in exchange for the British freeing Germans living in Palestine. Entries include birth date and place (n.b. This list needs to be researched further. According to THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE HOLOCAUST, p. 457, and FROM BERGEN BELSEN TO FREEDOM, p. 25, a total of 283 Jews were released in June of 1944 and allowed to go to Palestine: 222 from Bergen-Belsen and 61 from the Vittel camp in France. Need to resolve the discrepancy in numbers.) [See also source AA0388.]" (Holocaust Museum) 
Van der Walde, Kela Ruth (I9319)
2496 "In loving memory of Eunice Fieldsted McDonald, age 84, who passed away Sunday morning, Feb. 24, 2002, at Sunrise Hospital, Las Vegas, NV, after a long illness.
Born Dec. 23, 1917, to LaRella Pickup Fieldsted and Jesse Fieldsted, Roosevelt. She attended Duchesne County Schools. Married Aven Williad [sic!] McDonald Dec 12, 1933. Aven and Eunice moved to Heber City in 1940. Marriage was solemnized March 27, 1985 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Mother loved having family get-togethers. She also enjoyed fishing, hunting, camping, and various arts and crafts. She made several hundred quilts for family and friends.
Survived by her daughter, Joyce (Ronald) Jacobs, Las Vegas, NV; son Aven Jesse (Linda) McDonald, Heber City; 10 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband, Aven W.Mcdonald, and daughter, Maried McDonald Sweatfield.
Funeral services will be held Friday, March 1, at 11 a.m. in the Heber LDS 4th/6th Ward Church ... Internment will be in the Heber City Cemetery." 
Fieldsted, Eunice (I18025)
2497 "In May 1848, Heine, who had not been well, suddenly fell paralyzed and had to be confined to bed. He would not leave what he called his "mattress-grave" (Matratzengruft) until his death eight years later. He also experienced difficulties with his eyes.[59] It had been suggested that he suffered from multiple sclerosis or syphilis, although in 1997 it was confirmed through an analysis of the poet's hair that he had suffered from chronic lead poisoning." (Wikipedia) Heine, Christian Johann Heinrich (I1691)
2498 "In Santa Rosa Feb 3 1971, George H. Dam, loving brother of Mrs. Emma Grey of Seattle Wash., Mrs. Harold Garrett of Wheatland Wyoming, Mrs. Dale Sorensen of Ainsworth, Nebraska, and Raymond Dam of Baltimore, Maryland. A native of Gordon, Nebraska, age 66 years.
A veteran of World War 2. A member of Redwood Lodge No. 1178 International Association of machinists and aerospace workers. Arkana Lodge No. 195 A.F. and A.M., Gordon, Nebraska. Santa Rosa Consistory of Scottish Rite Bodies and Aahmes Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S, and The Sonoma County Shrine Club." (Gengivet i 
Dam, George Henry (I22033)
2499 "In the mid-14th century, Jon Havtoreson, (1312-1397) and Sigurd Havtoreson (1315-1392), sons of Princess Agnes Haakonsdatter and Havtore Jonsson (referred to as Havtoresønnene), seem to have intrigued against their cousin Magnus VII of Norway (simultaneously King of Sweden), to take Norway from him. Haakon Jonson, son of Jon Havtoreson, is recorded as having been offered the throne in 1387–88, when Olav IV had died. Olav's mother, Queen Margaret I of Denmark, saved the situation for herself by taking a child, Bogislav of Pomerania (later renamed Eric, becoming Eric III, Eric XIII and Eric VII of countries of the Kalmar Union) to a session of the Norwegian council and presenting him as legitimate heir. ..." (Wikipedia) Havtoresson, Sigurd il Sudrheim (I16976)
2500 "incorrect placement of actual historical figure, Rabbi Yehuda Leib (Liwa) HaZakein (, Link ej fundet Dec 2021).
The Maharal's lineage was traced through his purported "great-great-grandfather," Rabbi Yehuda Leib (Liwa) HaZakein.* Problem number one: The Maharal did not claim this descent and did not name this Yehuda Leib as an ancestor. Problem number two: Unlike what is written in Meir Pereles' 1727 "genealogy" of the Maharal, Yehuda Lieb HaZakein did not die in 1440. His tombstone shows his date of death 100 years later, in 1540. Why is this a problem? Because the Maharal was born about 1522, and Ashkenazim did not name children after living relatives, especially after a living patriarch of a very advanced age. So Yehuda Leib HaZakein is not the Maharal's ancestor, and lineage through him to the male line of King David through Shlomo HaMelekh is not possible.**
* This is the Yehuda Leib who was originally attributed with making a golem. The legend later was transposed, and Yehuda Leib HaZakein replaced with the Maharal.
** Details of this mistake by Pereles and its long-term repercussions can be found in Neil Rosenstein's article reviewing Shlomo Englard's critical research in Avotaynu XII, #1 1996." (Loren)
Burstein anfører en far, Yitzhak ben Betzalel Loew, som udelades i nogle slægtshistorier. 
Ben-Yitzhak, Yehuda (I2004)

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