Om slægterne Brændgaard & Heilesen

Bezalel Charif Löw

Bezalel Charif Löw

Mand ca. 1545 - 1600  (55 år)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Bezalel Charif Löw blev født cirka 1545 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet (søn af Yehuda Maharal Löw og Perla Schmelkes); døde i 1600 i Kolin, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1600 i Kolin, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Tyskland; Rabbiner


    Gift med Michla Auspitz. Børn:
    Menachem Mendel Markus Bezalel (1575, Prag - 26 May 1602, Prag; Rabbiner; Gift 1: med Sara; Gift 2: med Gittelel),
    Shmuel Bezalel Loew (14 Jan 1576 - 4 Jan 1655; Rabbiner i Hessen; Gift med Rosa Katz, f. 1652, Prag; far til Bella, som blev gift med en søn af Vogele Löw),
    Lipet Löw (c. 1585, Prag - 1613, Prag; Gift med rabbiner Pinhas HaLevi Horowitz, d. 3 Nov 1653, Prag),
    Kaufman Yekutiel Bezalel Löw (1595, Prag -1657, Prag; Rabbiner; Gift 1: med Libl Schlesinger (d. 1649; Gift 2 og 3: med Elisheva og Gitl).

    The Maharal's marriage to his wife Pearl was a very happy one, and they were blessed with seven children, six daughters and a son. All six daughters married into prominent Prague families. His son, Bezalel, became rabbi in Cologne, Germany, where he headed a rabbinical academy. The Maharal was deeply grieved when this son met an untimely death in 1600.
    His descendants include 7 generations of Rabbis. (Burstein)

    Gravsten afbildet (Burstein).

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  Yehuda Maharal LöwYehuda Maharal Löw blev født mellem 10 apr. 1512 og 1526 i Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Tyskland (søn af Betzalel Löw og (Ukendt) Issenheimer); døde den 22 aug. 1609; blev begravet i 1609 i Prag, Josefov begravelsesplads.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Også kaldet: Judah Loew ben Bezale
    • Også kaldet: Mahral fra Prag
    • Også kaldet: Moraynu HaReav Judah LOEW ben B'zalel
    • Også kaldet: Moreinu Ha-Rav Loew
    • Beskæftigelse: Filosof
    • Beskæftigelse: 1553, Mikulov, Sydmähren, Tjekkiet; Rabbiner


    Muligvis Grift 1: med Sarah Chajes.

    Wikipedia citerer Avraham Hacohen Ovadia (Gotsdiner) (2001). Ha'ari Shebechachmai Prague (in Hebrew). Jerusalem, Israel: Mosad Harav Kook. p. 138. OCLC 145439809 for fødested Poznań, Polen.

    Judah Loew ben Bezalel, alt. Löw, Loewe, Löwe, or Levai, (between 1512 and 1526? – 17 September 1609)[1] widely known to scholars of Judaism as the Maharal of Prague, or simply The Maharal, the Hebrew acronym of "Moreinu Ha-Rav Loew" ("Our Teacher, Rabbi Loew"), was an important Talmudic scholar, Jewish mystic, and philosopher who, for most of his life, served as a leading rabbi in the cities of Mikulov in Moravia and Prague in Bohemia. Due to his unprecedented impact on Jewish study, he is considered one of the most important rabbis of all times.
    Within the world of Torah and Talmudic scholarship, Loew is known for his works on Jewish philosophy and Jewish mysticism and his work Gur Aryeh al HaTorah, a supercommentary on Rashi's Torah commentary. He is also the subject of a 19th-century legend that he created the Golem of Prague, an animate mythological being fashioned from clay.
    Rabbi Loew is buried at the Old Jewish Cemetery, Prague in Josefov, where his grave and intact tombstone can still be visited. His descendants' surnames include Braude, Loewy, Loeb, Lowy, Lowi, Low-Beer, Loew, Oppenheimer, Pfaelzer, Lowenstein and Keim. ...
    The Maharal was probably born in Poznań, Poland,[2]—though Perels[3] lists the birth town mistakenly[2] as Worms in the Holy Roman Empire—to Rabbi Bezalel (Loew), whose family originated from the Rhenish town of Worms. His birth year is uncertain, with different sources listing 1512,[3] 1520[4] and 1526.[2][5] His uncle Jakob ben Chajim was Reichsrabbiner ("Rabbi of the Empire") of the Holy Roman Empire, his brother Chaim of Friedberg a famous rabbinical scholar. There is no documented evidence of his having received formal religious education, leading scholars to conclude that he was an extremely gifted autodidact.[6]

    His family consisted of his wife, Pearl, six daughters, and a son, Bezalel, who became a Rabbi in Kolín, but died early in 1600. He was independently wealthy, probably as a result of his father's successful business enterprises. He accepted a rabbinical position in 1553 as Landesrabbiner of Moravia at Mikulov (Nikolsburg), directing community affairs but also determining which tractate of the Talmud was to be studied in the communities in that province. He also revised the community statutes on the election and taxation process. Although he retired from Moravia in 1588 at age 68, the communities still considered him an authority long after that.
    One of his activities in Moravia was the rallying against slanderous slurs on legitimacy (Nadler) that were spread in the community against certain families and could ruin the finding of a marriage partner for the children of those families. This phenomenon even affected his own family. He used one of the two yearly grand sermons (between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 1583) to denounce the phenomenon.
    He moved back to Prague in 1588, where he again accepted a rabbinical position, replacing the retired Isaac Hayoth. He immediately reiterated his views on Nadler. On 23 February 1592, he had an audience with Emperor Rudolf II, which he attended together with his brother Sinai and his son-in-law Isaac Cohen; Prince Bertier was present with the emperor. The conversation seems to have been related to Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism, Hebrew: קַבָּלָה) a subject which held much fascination for the emperor.
    In 1592, the Maharal moved to Poznań, where he had been elected as Chief Rabbi of Poland. In Poznań he composed Netivoth Olam and part of Derech Chaim. ...
    The Maharal is the subject of the legend about the creation of a golem, a creature made out of clay to defend the Jews of the Prague Ghetto from antisemitic attacks, particularly the blood libel. He is said to have used mystical powers based on the esoteric knowledge of how God created Adam.[9] The general view of historians and critics is that the legend is a German literary invention of the early 19th century. The earliest known source for the story thus far is the 1834 book Der Jüdische Gil Blas by Friedrich Korn.[10][11] It has been repeated and adapted many times since.
    (Wikipedia,, set 5 May 2018).

    Loeb tilføjer nogle anekdoter (uddrag af tekst):
    As a poor student, Judah became engaged to a wealthy woman Perla SHMELKES daughter of Samuel SHMELKES and intended to continue his studies with her family's support. When they became impoverished, however, the marriage was delayed, and his fiancée had to run a food shop. One day a knight passed by and snatched a loaf of bread from the shop on his spear. He explained that he had not eaten for three days and left his cloak with its lining containing gold coins as payment. The marriage could thus go ahead, and Judah spent the rest of his life On 23 February 1592, Emperor Rudolf II invited him to an audience to the Hradshin. According to legend, the Emperor wanted to be introduced to mysticism by the Maharal who could perform cabbalistic wonders.
    On 16 February 1594, his colleague astronomer Tycho BRAHE arranged for him to speak with the Emperor Rudolph II, possibly on the subject of alchemy. The Maharal then was named Chief Rabbi of Posen. in relative affluence.

    In the words of a modern writer, the Maharal "prevented the Balkanization of Jewish thought" (Rabbi Yitzchak Adlerstein 2000, citing Rabbi Nachman Bulman).

    His works inspired the Polish branch of Hasidism, as well as a more recent wave of Torah scholars originating from Lithuania and Latvia, most markedly Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler (1892–1953) as well as Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1864–1935). A more recent authority who had roots in both traditions was Rabbi Isaac Hutner (1906–1980). Rabbi Hutner succinctly defined the ethos of the Maharal's teachings as being Nistar BeLashon Nigleh, meaning (in Hebrew): "The Hidden in the language of the Revealed". That is, the Maharal couched kabbalistic ideas in non-kabbalistic language. As a mark of his devotion to the ways of the Maharal, Rabbi Hutner bestowed the name of the Maharal's key work the Gur Aryeh upon a branch of the yeshiva he headed when he established its kollel (a yeshiva for post-graduate Talmud scholars) which then became a division of the Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin in New York during the 1950s, known as Kollel Gur Aryeh. Both of these institutions, and the graduates they produce, continue to emphasize the intellectual teachings of the Maharal. Rabbi Hutner in turn also maintained that Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808–1888) (19th century Germany) must also have been influenced by the Maharal's ideas basing his seemingly rationalistic Weltanschauung on the more abstract and abstruse teachings of the hard-to-understand Jewish Kabbalah.

    Rabbi Judah Loew was not a champion of the open study of Kabbalah as such, and none of his works are in any way openly devoted to it. Instead, what they attempt to do is to make the ideas of the Kabbalah (which he held to be the most deeply true of all the Torah) accessible to the average educated reader, by presenting them in a rigorously philosophical form, couched in terms that are accessible to the public. According to R. Loew, only the greatest of Torah scholars are able to perceive the full intent of the Kabbalistic works in their complex entirety. Therefore, although kabbalistic doctrine permeates his writings, it is always presented in a rational and philosophic form. His main kabbalistic influences appear to have been the Zohar, Sefer Yetzirah, and traditions of the Chassidei Ashkenaz, as Lurianic Kabbalah had not by that time reached Europe.

    Faced with the Aristotelian interpretation of Talmudic Aggadot by Azariah dei Rossi, he was indignant at what he termed the trivialization of the Sages' deep wisdom. In his work Be'er ha-Golah he vigorously disputes all of dei Rossi's theses, sternly upholding the subtly allegorical nature of Aggadah and demonstrating its independence from (and superiority to) the superficial observations of natural science. At the same time he was entirely in favor of scientific research, so long as the researcher did not use his observations as permission to contradict the final authority of divine revelation. His constant thesis is that the Talmudic, Midrashic, and Aggadic teachings refer always to matters far beyond the competence of natural science. (Wikipedia)

    Leading rabbi in the cities of Mikulov in Moravia (1553-1588) and Prague in Bohemia (1588-1592). In 1592, the Maharal moved to Poznań, where he had been elected as Chief Rabbi of Poland.

    Hij is begraven in het jaar 1609 in Old Jewish Cemetery At Josefov, Prague, Czech Republic (Coret)

    Yehuda blev gift med Perla Schmelkes i 1544. Perla (datter af Shmuel Schmelkes og Dobra Bat-Moshe Breznicky) blev født i 1528 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; døde den 5 maj 1610 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1610 i Prag, Josefov begravelsesplads. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 3.  Perla Schmelkes blev født i 1528 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet (datter af Shmuel Schmelkes og Dobra Bat-Moshe Breznicky); døde den 5 maj 1610 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1610 i Prag, Josefov begravelsesplads.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Også kaldet: Pearl Schmelkes
    • Også kaldet: Perel Schmelkes
    • Beskæftigelse: Bager


    Burstein: evt. 1516

    The Maharal's wife was known for her scholarship. She was so erudite that she proofread her husband's books for mistakes. Some say that she put on tefillin, like Bruriah, the wife of Rabbi Meir, and Michal the daughter of Saul. (Hachiman)
    Tefillin: "a set of small black leather boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah. They are worn by observant adult Jews during weekday morning prayers; historically and traditionally, this is a male obligation, and thus, only males within Orthodox Judaism perform this mitzvah, or commandment. Despite the latter, some women also choose to wear Tefillin for prayer, and are encouraged to do so by some.[1] The practice of women donning Tefillin is not simply a modern, feminist phenomenon, as there is evidence that Jewish women in Medieval France and Germany wore them." (Wikipedia)
    The Maharal's marriage to his wife Pearl has been surrounded by the Loew family chronicler, Meir Perles, with romance. The bride's father, a well known Prague merchant, suffered business reverses shortly after the couple was engaged. Thus he could not meet the terms of the financial arrangements in favor of the young couple, as had been stipulated. Thereupon he offered to cancel the engagement. The Maharal, however, was not interested in financial settlement and he persisted in his love for Pearl. There was a long delay in the wedding, while the bride established herself in a bakery shop in order to help support the family. The marriage finally occurred in 1544. Bride and groom, according to the same chronicler, were then 32 and 28 years old respectively.
    Their marriage was a very happy one, and they were blessed with seven children, six daughters and a son. All six daughters married into prominent Prague families. His son, Bezalel, became rabbi in Cologne, Germany, where he headed a rabbinical academy. The Maharal was deeply grieved when this son met an untimely death in 1600. The Maharal's public career took him to many parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but his heart was always in Prague, the home of his wife's family and of his own children. (Burstein)

    Not the daughter of Schmelkes, according to recent scholarship. A. Putik and D. Polakovic (2009) 'Judah Loew ben Bezalel, Called Maharal * A study on his genealogy and biography', in P. Demetz (ed) Path of Life. Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel ca. 1525*1609, Academia, Prague, pp29-83.
    Disagreement about the year of birth - 1516 vs. 1528 (according to Judith Nathan's data).
    According to another version, Pearl was the daughter of Rabbi Yitzchak Klober of Worms ? (Burstein)

    Zij is begraven in het jaar 1610 in Old Jewish Cemetery At Josefov, Prague,

    Gravsten afbildet (Burstein)

    1. 1. Bezalel Charif Löw blev født cirka 1545 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; døde i 1600 i Kolin, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1600 i Kolin, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.
    2. Gitele Löw blev født cirka 1550; døde den 19 sep. 1635 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1635 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.
    3. Tilla Löw blev født cirka 1551; døde i 1613 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1613 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.
    4. Rachel Löw blev født i 1555 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; døde i 1633 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1633 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.
    5. Leah Bezalel Löw blev født i 1555 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; døde i 1578 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.
    6. Vögele Löw blev født i 1556; døde den 28 jan. 1629 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1629 i Prag, Josefov begravelsesplads.
    7. Realina Löw blev født cirka 1558 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; døde i 1639; blev begravet i 1639 i Prag, Josefov begravelsesplads.

Generation: 3

  1. 4.  Betzalel LöwBetzalel Löw blev født i 1480 i Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Tyskland (søn af Haim Ben-Bezalel Löw og Vögelin Feigele); døde i 1539 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1539 i Prag, Josefov begravelsesplads.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Også kaldet: Bezaleel ben Hayyim Löw
    • Beskæftigelse: Rabbiner


    Bezalel ben Ha_m LOEB (LOEW) was born about 1480. Unlike his young brother, stayed behind to help his father and did not pursue studies in Poland. Bezalel married the daughter of Rabbi Chaim ISSEMHEIMER or married daughter of Rabbi Yitzchak KLOBER of Worms. (See discussion on p. 35 of The ESKELES Genealogy by Zeev ESHKOLOT.) (Loren)

    Rabbi. from Vermiza, Rabbi, RABI, Rov and Av Beis Din of Prague, Czecheslovakia

    Betzalel blev gift med (Ukendt) Issenheimer. (Ukendt) blev født cirka 1480 i Issenheim, Haut-Rhin, Frankrig. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 5.  (Ukendt) Issenheimer blev født cirka 1480 i Issenheim, Haut-Rhin, Frankrig.


    Coret, Loeb, Burstein. m. fl. Anfører som denne kvindes forældre Chaim Isenheimer (1445-1522) og Vögelin (Feigele), dvs. de samme personer, der er forældre til Betzatel Löw, som er hendes ægtefælle. Det er jo ej muligt


    Yderligere børn i ægteskabet, 2 døtre: (Ukendt) Bat-Betzalel Löw (gift med Zechariah Mendel Klausner, c. 1520-c. 1572); (ukendt) Bat-Betzalel Löw (gift med Avigdor Kara).

    1. Chaim Löw blev født i 1508 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; døde den 1 jun. 1588 i Darmstadt, Hessen, Tyskland.
    2. Sinai Ben-Betzalel Löw blev født i 1509 i Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Polen; døde i 1607 i Mikulov, Sydmähren, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1607 i Kolin, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.
    3. Shimshon Löw blev født skønnet 1510; døde i 1607 i Vorpommern-Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Tyskland.
    4. 2. Yehuda Maharal Löw blev født mellem 10 apr. 1512 og 1526 i Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Tyskland; døde den 22 aug. 1609; blev begravet i 1609 i Prag, Josefov begravelsesplads.

  3. 6.  Shmuel Schmelkes blev født i 1500 i Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Polen (søn af Jakob Schmelkes Altschuler); døde den 24 okt. 1557 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1557 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Også kaldet: Samuel Shmelka Reich
    • Beskæftigelse: Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; Købmand


    Traditionelt anført som far til Perla Schmelkes. Men ifl. Burstein: "Not the daughter of Schmelkes, according to recent scholarship. A. Putik and D. Polakovic (2009) 'Judah Loew ben Bezalel, Called Maharal * A study on his genealogy and biography', in P. Demetz (ed) Path of Life. Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel ca. 1525*1609, Academia, Prague, pp. 29-83).

    The Maharal married Pearl at the age of 32 years old (when she was 28 years old). She was the industrious daughter of Samuel Shmelka Reich, one of the richest men in Prague. On the day of their engagement, a sudden fire broke out in Prague in which all the property of Rabbi Shmuel Reich went up in fire. Jews were accused of arson, and many Christians attacked Jewish homes.
    The Reich family’s now impoverished state led to attempts by various parties to sabotage the Maharal and Pearl’s marriage. The bride's father himself thought that the match should be cancelled, because he had signed on it when he was wealthy and now his situation had changed drastically. The Maharal’s family firmly refused to embarrass a worthy Jewish daughter, and said that they would trust in G-d to save the situation. Slowly, life returned to normal, Rabbi Shmuel got rich again, and the happy couple finally married. (Hachiman)
    Loren skriver, at han tillige var rabbiner i Prag.

    Burstein: også rabbiner

    Shmuel blev gift med Dobra Bat-Moshe Breznicky. Dobra (datter af Moshe Ben-Yitzhak Breznicky) blev født i 1502. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  4. 7.  Dobra Bat-Moshe Breznicky blev født i 1502 (datter af Moshe Ben-Yitzhak Breznicky).


    Måske ikke forslægt til Perla Schmelkes. Se Schmuel Schmelkes og Perla Schmelkes.

    1. Isaac Hayyot blev født cirka 1520 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; døde i 1597 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.
    2. 3. Perla Schmelkes blev født i 1528 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; døde den 5 maj 1610 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1610 i Prag, Josefov begravelsesplads.

Generation: 4

  1. 8.  Haim Ben-Bezalel Löw blev født i 1450 i Issenheim, Haut-Rhin, Frankrig (søn af Bezalel Ben-Yehuda); døde i 1522 i Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Tyskland.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Også kaldet: Chaim ben Bezalel Loew-Beer
    • Beskæftigelse: Rabbiner


    Rabbi of Worms, Germany, Rov and Av Beis Din of Worms.

    Loeb: d. i Prag.

    Haim blev gift med Vögelin Feigele. Vögelin blev født cirka 1454. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 9.  Vögelin Feigele blev født cirka 1454.
    1. 4. Betzalel Löw blev født i 1480 i Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Tyskland; døde i 1539 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1539 i Prag, Josefov begravelsesplads.
    2. Zvi Helman Löw blev født cirka 1492 i Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Tyskland; døde cirka 1553 i Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Tyskland.
    3. Nathan Löw blev født cirka 1501 i Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Tyskland; døde i 1563 i Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Tyskland.

  3. 12.  Jakob Schmelkes Altschuler blev født i 1475 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet (søn af Kopel Altschuler og Dobra Pisecki); døde den 24 okt. 1557 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Også kaldet: Jakob SHMELKES-REICH


    Måske ikke forslægt til Perla Schmelkes. Se Schmuel Schmelkes og Perla Schmelkes.

    1. 6. Shmuel Schmelkes blev født i 1500 i Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Polen; døde den 24 okt. 1557 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet; blev begravet i 1557 i Prag, Böhmen, Tjekkiet.

  4. 14.  Moshe Ben-Yitzhak Breznicky blev født cirka 1475 (søn af Yitzhak Breznicky).

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: Rabbiner


    Måske ikke forslægt til Perla Schmelkes. Se Schmuel Schmelkes og Perla Schmelkes.

    1. 7. Dobra Bat-Moshe Breznicky blev født i 1502.